1. #1

    Dice String match question

    Hey, I am desperately trying to do a very simple dice string that is not possible with CoreRPG.

    Basically the dice are always 2d6, but depending on what attribute the character chooses, the throws will look like this:

    0 = 2d6
    1 = 3d6k2
    -1 = 3d6kl2


    But, in this ruleset you can get a modifier that doesnt modify the outcome, but adds a die to one throw, so instead of a 2d6, it would become (with a -1) 3d6kl2.

    I absolutely have no clue how to string it together. Even the more easier ones like making a 3d6k2 to a 4d6k2 isnt working. Tried math, but I have no clue why it wouldnt work, it does even display the correct math (see attachment) but only throws one die.
    Its my first time using MoreCore. Please help.

    Edit: I just figured out that I could make it look like this ((p1)d6+2d6)k2 and it will work, how to add a modifier that increases the throw for only one round?
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    Last edited by Dozenbeer; August 11th, 2021 at 21:13.

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    Hi Dozenbeer

    Without writing some code you cant make this work in a fully automated way.

    I dont understand what you have described about the attributes.

    I would be inclined to have 3 rolls separate from my Stats/Attributes.

    Standard /die 2d6
    hide p1, p2, p3
    Bonus /die [(p1)+2]d6k2
    hide p2, p3
    Penalty /die [(p1)+2]d6kl2
    hide p2, p3

    Then the player can adjust the value in p1 prior to the roll if needed.

  3. #3
    Thank you so far, is there any way to have a modifier that adds a d6 instead of a stat? Like the standard would be a 3d6k2 roll, but my player clicks on a MoreCore modifier (that I set up) that adds an additional d6, making it 4d6k2 ?

  4. #4
    damned's Avatar
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    Not without writing code.

    You could adjust the rolls above to already assume 3 dice with

    Bonus /die [(p1)+3]d6k2
    Penalty /die [(p1)+3]d6kl2

  5. #5
    Okay, thank you for your quick answer. I just fear that changing the box constantly will make it harder to track the initial value that was set, but I think I have a workaround for that if it doesnt work otherwise.
    Unfortunately I cant code. BUT, your work and Fantasy Grounds in general made me finally want to fully commit to it and learn it, so I can code all of my favourite RPGs. This one here is for "Stories from the Grave" which is a Tales from the Crypt Horror Anthology RPG (also very much so suited for Twilight Zone).

    Thank you again, maybe someday, you will see my full ruleset here on the forums

  6. #6
    damned's Avatar
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    I would keep the stats separate.
    Put the three rolls in one panel and I would put all Attributes in another.
    The attributes wont change but the rolls might change from turn to turn.

    I havent read that particular RPG.

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