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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    Once extensions have added data to the database, there is no way to remove it unless the extension author added a mechanism to do that. The FG engine doesn't know what was added by the core rulesets vs. extensions. It's all just data to the engine.

    For maps, how are you generating the maps/occluders/lighting? Is it being provided by another program that might be adding a lot of data?
    You also might look at the crowd-sourcing thread for DLC occluder/lighting for tips. You might want to cut down on the detail level of the LoS to be more chunky.

    Hi Moon Wizard - Thanks for the link.

    Re extensions, thanks for the info, I've only loaded a couple. Maps, that's another matter.

    Maps - I'm using the proprietary FGU map building packages = Joshua Watough.

    I am guilty of using FGU as I used Roll20 - open it/build a new map/label it ready for future game/rinse-and-repeat. I'm 6 detailed maps ahead for my current campaign. This must be responsible for the spooling as I'm guessing FGU is holding all of these maps ready for me to use as opposed to holding them in a module for future use - I understand that now (thanks Dakadin for the link) but as I said earlier, I'm a luddite who loves map building.

    I've checked out several online vids and will export much of my content so ensuring I don't experience this problem in the future.

    Thanks for the help, as ever, much appreciated.

    Regards - Rainbird

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Sulimo View Post
    You might have a look at the guide here for best practices on Adventure Module creation. Even if you are not doing adventures per se, this is still good advice.
    Sulimo - thanks for this. Very handy for jargon busting.

    Thanks - Rainbird

  3. #13
    Hello Dakadin,

    I've been experimenting with modules. In diving into the detail of creating and ordering the module and how to structure story templates etc, I've missed a very basic question.

    Once the module is created within the campaign development level (mine is called MERP2021) and then loaded by the GM into the live game campaign (called Wednesday night MERP), I assume (never a good thing...) that only the GM loads the module and shares images etc with the players via the 'Share Sheet' radial menu?

    If the module is loaded by the players (create the module as a 'Player Module', they can see all the encounter/story/npc data contained in the module. Not ideal, but not a problem as I have sensible players.

    Sorry for the stupid question on something which must appear obvious to other users but after some time spent trawling the forums, reading the best practice guide and watching several youtube vids, I'm still not sure I'm using the module correctly/most efficiently.

    Thanks - Rainbird

  4. #14
    When you export the module, you can specify whether it is a GM module or a Player module, using the "Player Module?" checkbox. If the player module checkbox is clicked, then the module will be available for players by default. If not, then the module will only be available for the GM to load. (The GM can override the Load Allowed state for any module in the Module Selection screen off of the Library.)


  5. #15
    Moon Wizard - thanks for the reply, I now understand how to export, how to make the data visible to my PCs etc, my question is bit more fundamental/basic. You're crediting me with too much intelligence!

    Once I've created my homebrew module (replete with maps, NPCs, story, etc) within my 'seeder' campaign. I've opened my 'live' campaign and imported the module (together with all the relevant Player characters).

    My question is - do I make the whole module accessible to my PCs? As this makes all the data accessible by the PCs, not just the maps. Does sharing the whole module provide a substantial improvement for my players in image loading time?

    If I want to make just the maps accessible to the PCs, it appears that I have to make the module only accessible by me (the GM) and 'Share Sheet' the maps to the PC on a 'as necessary' basis?
    I suspect the answer is = yes, you can allow your PC to view the whole module (if you trust them not to look at the story/npc/encounter data), it's up to me, but for most GMs, they share sheets as and when necessary for the game.

    I want to make sure that I'm not missing a trick in FGU (as it appears to have soooo much functionality) that allows me to share a part of a module (from your reply, this doesn't appear to be possible).

    See, I told you it was a very basic question!

    Thanks - Rainbird

  6. #16
    You will need to make separate modules for GM and player information (and thus different "seeder" campaigns); if you want players to be able to fully access certain records (i.e. classes, spells, feats, etc.) but not others (i.e. story, images/maps, NPCs, encounters).

    Granting access for a module to players is all or nothing for the data (if you allow them to open as a player module). Otherwise, for GM modules, only explicitly "shared" records are visible to players. (such as images/maps from a GM adventure module).


  7. #17
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    You want to export the player material to one module and your GM data to another. Export only what the players should see in a players module (races, classes, backgrounds, basic equipment etc) and as Moon Wizard points out tick the player checkbox. This will export the module with a green tick (when viewed in your data module activations screen) and means that your players will automatically see that module when they join your game (in their activations screen) and can load it. Thus the players see only what you want them to see.

    The DM module should contain all the DM information (maps, NPCs, encounters, magic items, story entries etc). Export that module but don't click the players checkbox. Only you will then be able to load that module. And yes, you should only share images (including maps) as and when you need to and once you are done with them unshare them.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  8. #18
    And just to clarify my previous post, you could do in either a single campaign and do two exports; or two separate campaigns with one export each.


  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    You want to export the player material to one module and your GM data to another. Export only what the players should see in a players module (races, classes, backgrounds, basic equipment etc) and as Moon Wizard points out tick the player checkbox. This will export the module with a green tick (when viewed in your data module activations screen) and means that your players will automatically see that module when they join your game (in their activations screen) and can load it. Thus the players see only what you want them to see.

    I'm sharing the core rules books with my PCs. I'm guessing that takes care of all of the above?

    The DM module should contain all the DM information (maps, NPCs, encounters, magic items, story entries etc). Export that module but don't click the players checkbox. Only you will then be able to load that module. And yes, you should only share images (including maps) as and when you need to and once you are done with them unshare them.
    Got it - that's the process I'll be using from now on.

    As an aside, the issue of having a 'creating/seeder' campaign area and a 'playing' area and creating modules in the 1st to use in the 2nd, appears to be rather fundamental. Is this flagged anywhere for new users (like me)? Just asking, as I've obviously missed it....

    Me running my campaign from a bloated (with numerous maps/images/etc) single area was the root of my lag problem and the origin of this thread.

    Thanks Zacchaeus

    Regards Rainbird
    Last edited by Rainbird; July 23rd, 2021 at 10:29.

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    And just to clarify my previous post, you could do in either a single campaign and do two exports; or two separate campaigns with one export each.

    Do you have an example (video/FGCollege page?) I could look at, as this has bent my head a bit....

    I've tried to do two exports from my seeder into my playing area and they didn't 'talk' to each other. Maps in one; story/encounters etc in the other. Are you saying this is possible?

    I appreciate your patience.


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