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  1. #171
    Hey SirMotte!

    Been using this theme for a Pathfinder 2e game for a while and have been having good luck with most things "just working". The recent revisions have been really nice and excited for all of the new extension support (so I don't have to keep modifying them myself ). I was hoping that we can make some modifications to support some of the PF2e specific pieces?

    With the release of the new version of Hearth, Pathfinder 2e was removed from the list of supported rulesets:
    I found a few additional frames that needed to be modified with the old Walpurgisnacht theme that I've documented here.
    The last piece of this that I can find for Pathfinder Second Edition is supporting the action symbols with the font that is chosen for this theme.
    Default Theme.png
    Hearth Theme.png

    Additional information on the Action Symbols:
    FG Wiki for Action Symbols
    Thread of other themes with the Ruleset Developer providing insight on the need to add the symbols to the font
    A variation of the Simple Brown theme with support for PF2e specifics

    If you don't want to provide a new theme due to complications with the font choice, that's completely understandable; I thought it didn't hurt to ask though!
    - Falcon

  2. #172
    Quote Originally Posted by AlaskanFalcon View Post
    Hey SirMotte!

    Been using this theme for a Pathfinder 2e game for a while and have been having good luck with most things "just working". The recent revisions have been really nice and excited for all of the new extension support (so I don't have to keep modifying them myself ). I was hoping that we can make some modifications to support some of the PF2e specific pieces?

    With the release of the new version of Hearth, Pathfinder 2e was removed from the list of supported rulesets:
    I found a few additional frames that needed to be modified with the old Walpurgisnacht theme that I've documented here.
    The last piece of this that I can find for Pathfinder Second Edition is supporting the action symbols with the font that is chosen for this theme.
    Default Theme.png
    Hearth Theme.png

    Additional information on the Action Symbols:
    FG Wiki for Action Symbols
    Thread of other themes with the Ruleset Developer providing insight on the need to add the symbols to the font
    A variation of the Simple Brown theme with support for PF2e specifics

    If you don't want to provide a new theme due to complications with the font choice, that's completely understandable; I thought it didn't hurt to ask though!
    - Falcon
    I'm quite honored and happy to see that my theme has reached other subsets of this community. I will take a look at this as soon as I can. The graphics won't be an issue and I hope the font symbols required can simply be added into the roboto font as, all without the need for an extra edition.

    I can't promise to deliver though if it's more complicated than anticipated.
    Last edited by SirMotte; June 21st, 2021 at 20:31.

    I support ORC(L) and #opendnd!

    Check out my Extensions and Materials for FGU!
    Dark Theme: Sir Motte's Magnificent Darkness - Hearth Edition.
    Custom GM Icon: Sir Motte's GM Icon Replacer.
    Midjourney Art: AI generated images for my campaign.

  3. #173
    Just added a small change to the Extension file.

    1. Added PFRPG2 ruleset in again.
    2. Fixed button toggle "on" in ct to actually show "ON" instead of "OFF". Thanks to Baardman for spotting this.
    To get the update, just Redownload. No version change.

    Edit: Whoops..in case your Image Toolbar looks like this ImageToolbar.jpg, please download again.
    Those changes are on hold for now, as the upper area is bugged (confirmed by Moon Wizard). Until this is fixed, I won't touch this area.
    Thx Silent Ruin!
    Last edited by SirMotte; May 15th, 2021 at 02:05.

    I support ORC(L) and #opendnd!

    Check out my Extensions and Materials for FGU!
    Dark Theme: Sir Motte's Magnificent Darkness - Hearth Edition.
    Custom GM Icon: Sir Motte's GM Icon Replacer.
    Midjourney Art: AI generated images for my campaign.

  4. #174
    CD0369's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Bremerton, Washington
    Good morning, afternoon or evening. Which ever applies. I figured I would throw this one out there. It has two elements. I would like to say that the theme is very appealing and look forward to using it. Just these two minor problems.

    One involves a font extension being overwritten, the other is not seeing the map tools buttons when the map is unlocked.
    The font extension I am using is the Montserrat Font - bit (mattekure edit).ext located here:
    I also unlocked a map to edit some stuff on it and found that the map tool buttons are there, just the color of them blends really well with the banner they are in. Please see the third screen shot. I am not sure if the map tools button issue was previously mentioned. If so, I apologize for the duplication.


    FGC or FGU?
    - FGU: Did you make sure my Theme loads after other extensions?
    The theme appears to lode fine, just overwrites the font change.

    Are you on the latest version of FG and the Theme?
    Yes, I keep up to date on FGU and downloaded the theme on Friday 5-13-21.

    Are you sure you don't have duplicates in the extension folder or other themes active at the same time?
    Yup, scrubbed those on Thursday.

    Are you using the 5E ruleset?

    Have an Error-Log?
    Nope. No log popped out and I cannot remember how/if I can open that while in session.

    Got me a screenshot?
    Attachment 46806 different theme
    Attachment 46807 with theme
    Attachment 46808 map tools buttons

    Are you using other extensions?
    - Yes: Does the error still occur when you disable all other extensions?
    - Yes: What is/are the conflicting extension/s?
    The only conflict is the font and that is just a size issue. Everything else used is on your compatibility list.

    When does the error occur and is it tied to a specific interface component?
    No error occurs. Just have small print. The font extension helps me and several of my players see. Scaling the UI is not really an option because most of us are on laptops and lose space if we scale to much.

    Is the error reliably reproducible?
    Pretty sure. Information on the font is located further up the post.

    Hopefully these are two minor issues. Love the theme and look forward to using it more.
    FGC & FGU Ultimate license holder
    Pacific Time zone (UTC -8)
    Availability: Changes constantly
    Let's roll them dice!

    Favorite philosophy: Friendly fire isn't. Never share a fighting hole with a glory chaser.

    Famous last words: "Hey, what does this button do?"

  5. #175
    Hello CD0369,

    Thank you very much for the detailed report and kind words.
    Unfortunately the screenshots you provided don't seem to work.

    I will try to help as best as I can.

    1. The map tools have very poor contrast in any theme.
    A FGU bug prevents me from changing that area right now to fit my theme.

    2. Other Font extensions.
    My theme uses a loadorder setting of 1500. If you want to use other fonts you have to adjust the appropriate extension to load after my theme with a loadorder value of at least 1501. Please keep in mind, that this will probably break colors as well, which in turn will render my theme almost unusable (black font on dark background) if colors are defined in the extension.

    I will look into making add on extensions for different fonts available.
    Right now you'd have to
    A) adjust my themes font to your liking (which would break on every update).
    B) Merge my font definitions into the other extension.
    C) Wait for me to provide font add-ons.
    Last edited by SirMotte; May 21st, 2021 at 16:18.

    I support ORC(L) and #opendnd!

    Check out my Extensions and Materials for FGU!
    Dark Theme: Sir Motte's Magnificent Darkness - Hearth Edition.
    Custom GM Icon: Sir Motte's GM Icon Replacer.
    Midjourney Art: AI generated images for my campaign.

  6. #176
    Happy Birthday Hearth Theme.

    Today 1 year ago I posted a slightly darker grey theme.
    It quickly grew into a small suite of editions with their own color-scheme; and a behemoth I wasn't able to manage with my limited knowledge and tools back then.

    My life took some unexpected and some calculated turns and I didn't have the time and energy left to maintain and further develop the theme for most of its lifetime.
    My work and private life has calmed down considerably since April this year and the theme has made tremendous steps into the direction and vision I want it to grow into.

    This wouldn't have been possible without the help of this community, but most importantly two of its most talented inhabitants:




    Without their help I would have been stuck in the madness of xml and lua coding, that I barely understand.
    They provided me with tips, tricks, tools and counsel a hundred times, just so I could take a few more steps. Rinse and Repeat.
    They molded the backbone of this theme to a manageable collection of organized files and taught me the means to maintain and build upon this foundation.
    They provided vital code to make important changes to certain elements of the theme.

    A heartfelt thank you!

    I'd like to extend my thanks to all the people who helped me with their Feedback here, on discord and in private messages.
    I'd like to thank all the generous souls who made a donation as well.
    I'd like to thank all the people who gave thanks and kind words to me, which kept my motivation high.

    I will continue work on Hearth Edition, until I feel like it is in a finished state, or at least until it's clear I have done everything I can to shape it the way I like it to be.
    Then the theme will branch out again. First will come the long promised color blind edition, that should make life for quite a few people a little easier.
    Then follows a bright edition that was promised Styrmir months ago. This will eventually lead to all editions prior available to return to life (or unlife).

    I had planned for an update to celebrate this day, but I wasn't able to make the progress I had anticipated. So you, honored reader, will have to wait a little longer for the next Version.
    Want to take a little peek? Check out the Dev Branch .

    Praise be to this wonderful community!

    Sir Motte
    Last edited by SirMotte; June 21st, 2021 at 20:34.

    I support ORC(L) and #opendnd!

    Check out my Extensions and Materials for FGU!
    Dark Theme: Sir Motte's Magnificent Darkness - Hearth Edition.
    Custom GM Icon: Sir Motte's GM Icon Replacer.
    Midjourney Art: AI generated images for my campaign.

  7. #177
    Hey I saw these warnings in my console when I loaded your theme areyou aware of them?
    [5/21/2021 7:30:02 AM] [WARNING] windowclass: Window class (ct_combat_timer_host) defined with merge attribute, but asset name does not match existing asset. [Theme_SirMotte_Hearth] [graphics/extension_graphics.xml]
    [5/21/2021 7:30:02 AM] [WARNING] windowclass: Window class (ct_combat_timer_client) defined with merge attribute, but asset name does not match existing asset. [Theme_SirMotte_Hearth] [graphics/extension_graphics.xml]

  8. #178
    Quote Originally Posted by Leprekorn View Post
    Hey I saw these warnings in my console when I loaded your theme areyou aware of them?
    [5/21/2021 7:30:02 AM] [WARNING] windowclass: Window class (ct_combat_timer_host) defined with merge attribute, but asset name does not match existing asset. [Theme_SirMotte_Hearth] [graphics/extension_graphics.xml]
    [5/21/2021 7:30:02 AM] [WARNING] windowclass: Window class (ct_combat_timer_client) defined with merge attribute, but asset name does not match existing asset. [Theme_SirMotte_Hearth] [graphics/extension_graphics.xml]
    There are some harmless, unavoidable warnings for supporting a couple of extensions if the user of the theme doesn't have said extension loaded. These are a couple of examples of such.
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  9. #179

  10. #180
    Big Thank you to the kind soul that bought me Automatic Spell Resistance and Automatic Return Damage on DMG!
    If you wish to enter the Hall of Fame by (User)Name, please contact me on the forums or discord, until then I will have it an anonymous entry!
    Thanks! <3

    Hall of Fame Entry:
    The heavens sing of a name, angelic and pure, an euphony to ears and heart. Its wielder brought gifts from the storytellers wares!
    Last edited by SirMotte; May 22nd, 2021 at 02:49.

    I support ORC(L) and #opendnd!

    Check out my Extensions and Materials for FGU!
    Dark Theme: Sir Motte's Magnificent Darkness - Hearth Edition.
    Custom GM Icon: Sir Motte's GM Icon Replacer.
    Midjourney Art: AI generated images for my campaign.

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