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  1. #121
    HI Moon Wizard, fully understand what you saying about lights such as Candles, torches etc...and I agree and like teh ways such lights are implemenetd.
    But when it comes to a light Spell, then there is no drop off, the light fills the entire area with the same amount of illumination at the origin and the edges of its effect, - these also no additive effect as the magical light provides a fixed illumionation, mundane or other magical liughts cannot enhance that... I also like to play its a hard stop for magical light spells at the max distance of effect - beyond that no light. But this is my way of playing magical light and I do not expect FGU to implement what I like - but woudl be great of there were custom settings I could configure. They must be there as the lighting panel allows for what I want to be aded to a character, but nee dthe fall off to be set to 0, currently minimum is 1 I believe, and these settings accessible via custom effects. if at all possible

  2. #122
    @sadwargamer What you're describing is already possible.

    If you want your Continual Light spell to fill 60 feet with no falloff or dim light, you can specify the "Bright" to be 60 and the "Dim" to be 60 in the lighting interface. Or, if you're doing it via effect, you could do something like "LIGHT: 60/60 FFFFFFFF" which essentially says "create it as Bright 60, Dim 60, pure white light". That FFFFFFFF is the hex color code and you could change it to whatever you desire.

    You can also edit the predefined "Light spell" effect by going into Options and clicking the "Token Lights" option. It'll bring up a list of the pre-defined effects for token lights, and you can edit them or add new ones there to whatever you desire (such as if you wish to set bright and dim to be the same for light spells). Note that this only affects the preset "effect" lights... it doesn't change the presets that you see in the image/lighting interface.

    Last but not least, something that I think brings confusion to a lot of people (me included) is that I think a lot of people see something like "Bright 60, Dim 60" and think "Okay, that's 60 feet of bright light, and another 60 feet of dim light". That's not how it works. It means from the point of origin, bright light goes out 60 feet. Dim light goes out 60 feet too, which means you effectively don't see it (because it's already bright light in that 60 feet).

    Also note that when specifying lighting via effects, if you only specify the bright range, it defaults the dim range to double whatever bright was set to. So if instead of "LIGHT: 60/60 FFFFFFFF" for continual light you did "LIGHT: 60 FFFFFFFF", you'd find out that you can actually see 120 feet instead of 60, because that is effectively the same as "LIGHT: 60/120 FFFFFFFF", which means "Bright 60, Dim 120".

    Like you, I want my light spells to have no falloff, and I guess what I'm trying to say is that you want to do this by setting bright/dim to the same number rather than trying to play with the actual "falloff" values.

    Moon Wizard's point seems to be that if you do your lights like that, though, you'll get a more noticeable bloom effect when multiple lights overlap. There is no way for us to control the behavior of overlapping lights.
    Last edited by Sterno; May 19th, 2021 at 18:07.

  3. #123
    Quote Originally Posted by sadwargamer View Post
    HI Moon Wizard, fully understand what you saying about lights such as Candles, torches etc...and I agree and like teh ways such lights are implemenetd.
    But when it comes to a light Spell, then there is no drop off, the light fills the entire area with the same amount of illumination at the origin and the edges of its effect, - these also no additive effect as the magical light provides a fixed illumionation, mundane or other magical liughts cannot enhance that... I also like to play its a hard stop for magical light spells at the max distance of effect - beyond that no light. But this is my way of playing magical light and I do not expect FGU to implement what I like - but woudl be great of there were custom settings I could configure. They must be there as the lighting panel allows for what I want to be aded to a character, but nee dthe fall off to be set to 0, currently minimum is 1 I believe, and these settings accessible via custom effects. if at all possible
    It's more of a visual thing than a mechanic. If you set continual light "LIGHT: 50/60 lantern" it will still only "mechanically" show 60 feet out (tokens/walls/etc), the visual will show a "bloom" effect for the 50-60 range giving it a more appealing visual.

    If you really want the hard stop LIGHT: 60/60 lantern does it.
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  4. #124
    Hi Celestian, Storno, Moon Wizard,

    Firstly thanks for taking the time to explain and help out here much appreciated, and this lighting is pretty awesome already...and worked very well in my game tonight...hoping to make my next adevnture really take adavanatge of the effects as now with limited vision you can have some great encounters...

    I have already added "LIGHT: 60/60 FFFFFFFF" to the effects tab in the combat tracker for a character, and 100% agree no light beyond 60ft. But I do get a "bloom, falloff, shading" whatever you call it within the last 10 to 15ft of the effect and it is this I want to get rid of.
    If I set the Light effect in the lighting panel to Bright 60, Dim 60 and the falloff to each to 1 (this is the minimum as it will not accept 0). I get what I am after - almost - that fallof of 1ft is just visible but I can easily live with that.

    A picture to explain: left shows "Light: 60/60 FFFFFFFF" and the right is the lighting panel effect of Bright 60, Dim 60 and the falloff ofeach to 1 - difference is very clear...there is a shading in last 10-15ft of Light effect but not from lighting panel (apart from last 1ft)

    Hope fully this makes it clearer what I am trying to achieve.

  5. #125
    You can't change the falloff amounts in the raw effects. You can go into Options->Token Lights; and set up token light presets to use in effects. (such as "LIGHT: torch")


  6. #126
    @Moon Wizard, Options > Token Lights is what I was looking for - this allows me to set it so I get no falloff withinn the LIGHT effect (well apart from that 1ft but its barely visible), this is what I was after - thank you.

    BTW, I am unable to delete any Effects when I add them in OPTIONS > TOKEN LIGHTS - its simply displays the selected effect when I click the stop sign to delete...

  7. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by sadwargamer View Post
    @Moon Wizard, Options > Token Lights is what I was looking for - this allows me to set it so I get no falloff withinn the LIGHT effect (well apart from that 1ft but its barely visible), this is what I was after - thank you.

    BTW, I am unable to delete any Effects when I add them in OPTIONS > TOKEN LIGHTS - its simply displays the selected effect when I click the stop sign to delete...
    I noticed that as well but you CAN right click and delete them from radial.
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
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  8. #128
    @Celestian, thanks radial delete works fine

  9. #129
    I'll fix up the delete buttons in the next CoreRPG push.


  10. #130
    Quote Originally Posted by celestian View Post
    There is a new "Presets" window under effects (for FGU only) that has various light types for candle, lantern/etc. Right now those are the "defaults" that CoreRPG sets. I wasn't aware of the feature until today so... if you want the 2E values, use the "Custom" effects for lighting (from the PHB).

    I will be looking into the CoreRPG presets option and see about changing those to match 2E. If I can, I'll remove the "Custom" effects from the PHB so there is no confusion.

    This is more of an FYI. I'll see if I can sort out a update for this before Friday but as I have a day job it might have to wait until the weekend and be in the following submission deadline.
    I've submitted the update that should show up for live on Tuesday for the above mentioned and other related fixes.
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
    Documentation for AD&D 2E ruleset FGU Reference Module, or Web.
    Custom Maps (I2, S4, T1-4, Barrowmaze,Lost City of Barakus)
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