1. #1

    sugestion for adventure for a group of level 9

    hi all

    im looking for a dungeon crawler adventure for a group around level 9 , most adventures i find is part of a whole campaign , and im more looking for adventures i can put in to my existing campaign.

    any sugestions will be nice to get.

  2. #2
    What ruleset?
    DND 5e?

    AAW games has some shorter dungeon crawls, those are even in the FG store. I think they have somehting for most levels.

  3. #3
    ahh sorry we run with pathfinder so 3.5 dnd would work too

  4. #4
    I really like this website: https://adventurelookup.com/adventures.

    Age of Worms, Shackled City and The Slumbering Tsar Saga are big dungeon crawl heavy campaings. You could maybe pick out just a part of those adventures and got stuff worth 2-3 levels. Or take some levels from Rappan Athuk

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ninth's an awkward level because most research by Wizards says most campaigns end around 10th.

    AAW has a Mini-Dungeon Tome for both 3.5/Pathfinder and 5E which I think Zarestia was talking about above. It's got 130 adventures from 1st to 20th level of the 2 page adventure type - usually 5-6 encounters and few more rooms. There are eight 9th+ aventures and six 10th+ adventures.

    I have read some of them, though not the 9th's or 10th's - I backed a kickstarter for the 5E PDF version. I'd recommend this as you could make a whole campaign out of these with the following caveats. The adventures assume a wide variety of party sizes - some fairly small, and the maps are pretty small and usually have 5' corridors (have to be to fit a on half a printed page).

    These issues are easy to deal with in FGU since if your party is bigger or smaller you can usually just increase/decrease the number of monsters in the encounter. As for the maps, if you set the grid to halve of the original grid size that will double the map size and make all those 5' corridors 10' ones suitable for 4+ party sizes.

  6. #6
    thanks for the responce , is there some that is ready for fantasy ground unity , or is it easy to add maps and stuff from a pdf to FGU?

  7. #7
    These are already done for FGC/FGU.


    It is rather easy to add things from a PDF once learned, however that can be very time consuming.

    See here how to do everything (you probably don't need everyhting like tables, quests etc.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HXhjvOJJww (You can easily play the video at 1.5x - 2x speed, it is rather slow.)

    EDIT: look here for AAW things, you can even sort it. Most should also be avaiable in the FG store. https://mdt.aawgames.com/
    Last edited by Zarestia; May 14th, 2021 at 21:37.

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