5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #1

    4 Players looking for Dnd 5e DM for Online Campaign.


    Me and some of my friends/associates are looking for a DM who would like to run a campaign with us.
    We all know each other from playing Dnd online with beyond and roll20 all from different campaigns/games.

    We wanted to join all together after having a bad experience with a recent campaign that ended up falling apart. Since we were all getting along quite good and had some good synergy we wanted all play together a campaign. We are only sadly missing a DM

    We would like to play with Dnd beyond and Roll20 and use discord for communication.
    We all have different timezones but we would love to play on Saturdays, with starting time around 20:00 - 22:00 pm CEST or -8 till -6 for USA. Nothing is set in stone time wise, and we are all pretty lenient.

    So far i would say we are all pretty chill and relaxed players who just want to have a good time and are semi serious with playing. No lone wolf or spot light hoggers or murder hobo's which is how we like it.

    So if you want to run an awesome campaign with us it can be homebrew or classic or a mix, please send me a DM (Discord: Kitetsu#6630)

    Thanks for reading!
    Last edited by KitetsuSokushi; May 5th, 2021 at 22:23.

  2. #2
    Given that this is a forum for Fantasy Grounds VTT users, I'm not sure you'll have much joy recruiting a Roll20 DM!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by dendarii View Post
    Given that this is a forum for Fantasy Grounds VTT users, I'm not sure you'll have much joy recruiting a Roll20 DM!
    Oh I am sorry.
    I am not very well known to this forum and didn't know they are competitors...
    If this is not allowed or frowned upon I can delete the thread if needed.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by KitetsuSokushi View Post
    Oh I am sorry.
    I am not very well known to this forum and didn't know they are competitors...
    If this is not allowed or frowned upon I can delete the thread if needed.
    Well, Fantasy Grounds is a superior format. If you look for a DM with an ultimate license, you can all play free and see the incredible features.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by PyroKarl View Post
    Well, Fantasy Grounds is a superior format. If you look for a DM with an ultimate license, you can all play free and see the incredible features.
    I can just quote PyroKarl, give FG a try. If you find a DM with the ultimate license you do not even have to spend a cent. Otherwise there are DMs with a standard licence but in that case you need to have a standard license (39$) too or pay 3.99$ for a month, still a nice price for trying it.
    UTC +2
    Italian DM
    Italian/English Player

  6. #6
    It's totally allowed. EDITED CORRECTION: Discussing other platforms is allowed, but recruiting is not.

    However, you might be more successful in places like reddit /r/lfg or in a roll20 Discord server.
    Last edited by dendarii; May 9th, 2021 at 10:32.

  7. #7
    damned's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
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    Quote Originally Posted by dendarii View Post
    It's totally allowed.

    However, you might be more successful in places like reddit /r/lfg or in a roll20 Discord server.
    You can discuss other platforms here - providing no flame wars

    But no recruiting for other platforms, recruiting for games on other platforms or just advertising for other platforms.

  8. #8
    I have an ultimate lic. What type of campaign are you wanting?

  9. #9
    Thanks for the clarification, damned.

  10. #10
    Well thank you everybody for responding.
    And again my apologies for posting this in the wrong thread.

    But the good news is we did find ourselves a DM and we will be using Fantasy Grounds.

    So thanks again.
    This can now be closed

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