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  1. #621
    leozelig's Avatar
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    The VTT packs are nice, and you have a point. The PDF only version of an adventure sells for $7 - that must be what I'm thinking of. Shadow of the Beakmen only gave me the interior map, not the village, but that one map saved me a lot of work! I'm thankful that Goodman Games is giving some attention to virtual tabletops, and hopefully they will expand their VTT offerings in the future.

    Foundry looks nice, and they are very active on the Goodman Games Discord server, which seems to generate a lot of interest. But it runs more like Roll20, and I'm not sure it will ever be as feature-rich as Fantasy Grounds. Still, for some reason folks love those browser-based VTTs.

  2. #622
    leozelig's Avatar
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    I submitted the next update for the DCC ruleset:

    [Fixed] Deleting a weapon from your inventory adds a second entry to the weapon list instead of deleting the original.
    [Updated] Senses field auto-populates on char sheet for occupations or classes with Infravision feature.
    [Updated] NPCs with infravision special property gain corresponding vision effect when dropped to combat tracker.
    [Added] Results table to Divine Aid class feature.
    [Added] Fleeting luck (FLUK) field to char sheet, with option to show or hide this field; default is off.
    [Added] Auto-roll disapproval, with option to enable or disable this feature; default is on.
    [Added] Log tab to char sheet and adventure record for DCC Legacy rules.

    If all goes well on the test channel, these will go live on Tue, Apr 6...

  3. #623
    Hey Leo, I noticed a typo on the Color Spray spell results table. It looks like the "12-13" result has the result from Choking Cloud instead of Color Spray. Choking Cloud is correct.

  4. #624
    leozelig's Avatar
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    Thanks, Tab. My computer is down for a couple days, but I will fix that this weekend.

    I have a couple big DCC-related projects I want to work on, but I don’t have any major feature updates planned at the moment. I will keep working on spell misfire and corruption tables and potentially automating those.

    I have set up a YouTube channel and plan to start a weekly series of tutorials. I made an intro video, but it needs work. I hope to get into a routine with these because the ruleset desperately needs a user guide, and I think short videos are the best medium for that.

    I will continue fixing bugs as always, and I appreciate the constant feedback and bug reports from the awesome community here.

  5. #625
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    I submitted a fix for the color spray casting table (see post #623), which should hit the Test channel tomorrow.

    I started combing through the Mutant Crawl Classics rulebook because I want to make the DCC ruleset more compatible with MCC.

    I haven't played nearly as much MCC as DCC, but as far as I can tell, many differences are just name changes (spells = wetware programs, Common language = Nu-Speak, gold pieces = creds). Some aspects of MCC work with the existing ruleset, like occupations and skills. Class drops currently do not account for the Rover attack bonus or the Mutant initiative bonus, but some minor ruleset changes should fix that. Wetware programs and mutations should mostly work with the existing spell record, but I might want to create a separate data library for mutations so they aren't all lumped together in one list.

    Parts of MCC do not allow for automation to the same degree as DCC - for example, players making an artifact check would need to account for the Complexity Modifier using the modifier box. I don't see a way around that. Artifacts are a pretty broad category, but most of them could be added to the char sheet (manually) as powers, with units of power counted as uses - think magic wands and charges in 5E.

    If anyone else has any insights, feel free to share.

  6. #626
    Quote Originally Posted by leozelig View Post
    I submitted a fix for the color spray casting table (see post #623), which should hit the Test channel tomorrow.

    I started combing through the Mutant Crawl Classics rulebook because I want to make the DCC ruleset more compatible with MCC.

    I haven't played nearly as much MCC as DCC, but as far as I can tell, many differences are just name changes (spells = wetware programs, Common language = Nu-Speak, gold pieces = creds). Some aspects of MCC work with the existing ruleset, like occupations and skills. Class drops currently do not account for the Rover attack bonus or the Mutant initiative bonus, but some minor ruleset changes should fix that. Wetware programs and mutations should mostly work with the existing spell record, but I might want to create a separate data library for mutations so they aren't all lumped together in one list.

    Parts of MCC do not allow for automation to the same degree as DCC - for example, players making an artifact check would need to account for the Complexity Modifier using the modifier box. I don't see a way around that. Artifacts are a pretty broad category, but most of them could be added to the char sheet (manually) as powers, with units of power counted as uses - think magic wands and charges in 5E.

    If anyone else has any insights, feel free to share.
    This is pretty cool! I have very fond memories of playing the original Gamma World but haven't checked out MCC yet. Seems like a perfect fit. I really wish someone would take up the abandoned Basic Fantasy ruleset for FGU, too!

    Thank you for all of your hard work!!


  7. #627
    1) Question/Suggestion on auto-Disapproval; can you make a editable field for the table this rolls on so we can use custom deity disapproval tables?
    2) When I roll the "Attack all" button on the main tab of the Partysheet, I get the following error [string "scripts/manager_action_attack.lua"]:134: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil).

  8. #628
    leozelig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tabarkus View Post
    1) Question/Suggestion on auto-Disapproval; can you make a editable field for the table this rolls on so we can use custom deity disapproval tables?
    2) When I roll the "Attack all" button on the main tab of the Partysheet, I get the following error [string "scripts/manager_action_attack.lua"]:134: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil).
    Yes, custom disapproval tables are the next logical step. I know the DCC Annual Vol. 1 uses those. I was going to add a field similar to crits and fumbles where you can specify the table name.

    Thanks for the bug report. I will take a look at it later today.

  9. #629
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    Fixed party sheet attack bug.

  10. #630
    leozelig's Avatar
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    Working on some MCC features...

    I am trying to decide whether Artifact Check would work better as a skill or a power. It has a class and level bonus progression that argues for making it a skill, and it has a results table associated with the check result that argues for making it a power. The downside of making it a skill is that you would need to look up the table result, and the downside of making it a power is that you would need to manually enter your artifact bonus. Right now, I'm leaning towards making it a power since you will be using the results table much more than you will be entering a new level bonus. I can create a single bonus field on the Actions tab to make the manual entry easier.

    I think I will eventually create a unique mutation record based off the power record. It will have a Type field but no Corruption, Misfire, or Manifestation fields. When added to the char sheet it can create a power group named "Mutations." These will also live in their own data library (ie, unique sidebar button).

    NPC records will need an AI Recognition field. We won't need Alignment, but I will leave this field in there since it auto-hides when blank.

    I think it will be useful to create specific item records for artifacts -- artifact_weapon, artifact_armor, artifact_equipment, and artifact_vehicle. That way, when they are dropped to your inventory, I can either create a weapon entry or a power depending on what fields the item has. This is how items work for DCC, but it would add additional categories to handle drops more specifically.

    That's all for now. As always, feel free to share any thoughts about making the DCC ruleset work better for MCC.

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