5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    Another type of thread

    Hello everyone,

    this post won't be too long, but is somehting personal, just had to write this down. Feel free to move it elsewhere if this is not the right forum.

    I look back to May 2019, just about half a year before we got a worldwide pandemic which is still ongoing and many people are suffering from (physical and psychological) - Smiteworks got a kickstarter running for Fantasy Grounds Unity, a project which was already in the works for some years as far as I know. This was just a year after I got into pen and paper and into Fantasy Grounds, trying out R20 and FG I felt home at FG. After mobilizing some people, the first campaign (CoS) was running. After two sessions, two out of five players left, my world shattered. I got into touch with some random people on some RPG forum and we played LMoP, was great - one of them joined my main campaign, which is at the moment at the boss fight. 5E was getting boring, 3.5E was what I wanted to DM, but no official 3.5E splatbooks, just gotta create 20 splatbooks ... 9 months later ... done. Now this campaign (Savage Tide, created fully in FGU, too) is already on it's second session.

    In all this time I found this community to be very helpful and welcoming to new people, I felt at home. For sure, there were problems with Fantasy Grounds, sometimes because of me, sometimes an extension, sometimes a bug - but we never had to cancel a session, nothing was, over all the time, gamebreaking, my players (playing weekly) probably didn't even notice any hiccups, lags, bugs or w/e.

    Just a huge thank you to all people at Smiteworks and all engaged people in this community. Please know, that you are daily the reason some other people on the globe are happy, experience unique adventures and enjoy life, even in these bad times. Don't let bad times get to you.

    Let's all together defeat the dragon/spaceship/alien/mutant/cosmic being/etc. In the end, that is what this is all is about

    With this I'm going to sleep (nearly 3 am), awaking next morning and already thinking how I prep my next session.
    Last edited by Zarestia; April 8th, 2021 at 01:44. Reason: typos

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Las Vegas NV
    Good Day Zaresta
    Well said. This is an incredible community and game system.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    the seaside, UK
    Wonderful sentiment and I totally agree! Hear-hear!

  4. #4
    The game we had running for a few months was based Savage Tide (using 5e). We had begun the campaign in person ages ago and I think the first real session was "the big map" in the starting city and we actually got through to episode 4 before the game fizzled - I hope you have fun with it.

  5. #5
    Well said, Zarestia. I have sadly found that most online communities like this ultimately devolve into elitism and arguments for arguments' sake. Here, I have found a great community that just wants to see everyone have a good time telling stories together and helping each other along. It's a rare gem.

    Classic & Unity Ultimate License Holder

  6. #6

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