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  1. #301
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    The effects are only for token lights; and token lights do not currently support "inverse" lights. What's your use case?

    This is for pathfinder, but I would guess 5e also has a lot of the same. Unless I am mistaken you are talking about a light source that overrides other light sources including global illumination, right?
    In that case there are several dozens spells in pathfinder alone that limits sight.
    -Fog of xxxx(a lot of fog spells limit sight to 5 feet. I do not know if this is possible at the moment. Until this is possible, no sight is much better than to see through everything.
    -darkness (as several others have pointed out)
    Pit of xxxx (I guess we can do it for pits. Better than nothing, and the pit line of sight is neat, but not practical to implement in combat)
    -Blind, can maybe even be used for blindness on players, if there are no other better alternatives?
    -Wall of xxxxxx (if used to wall in players, darkness light can be used if no better alternatives exist)
    -illusions: also a lot of illusions messes with players sight, same as pits, wall spells, fog spells, etc.
    -ash storm (and some other spells, limits vision to 0 feet even if you have true sight I think)

  2. #302
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Most of that can be done (if I understand you correctly) with current effects. You could add an effect of VISION: 5 to restrict vision distance to anything except that which is adjacent to the token.
    Last edited by Zacchaeus; March 14th, 2021 at 17:34.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  3. #303
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    Most of that can be done (if I understand correctly) with current effects. You could add an effect of VISION: 5 to restrict vision distance to anything except that which is adjacent to the token.
    Ah, you can override senses with vision x, nice. But that only works if you are inside the area. If you are outside of it you should not be able to see into it (darkness, etc) but you can see the other side.
    Other spells like fogs etc does not allow to see other side.

    Edit: and I am only reading the notes, I am not testing this myself so I might misunderstand somethings.

    So a friendly token you can place anywhere and then put a "darklight: x distance would solve the darkness part. Or something similar.

  4. #304
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    You can put a Blinded effect on a character which will disable all normal vision. Or you can put a VISION: x effect which will reduce the distance a character can see to whatever x is. So a combination of those should solve most of the issues of not being able to see through fog or whatever else is on the map.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  5. #305
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    You can put a Blinded effect on a character which will disable all normal vision. Or you can put a VISION: x effect which will reduce the distance a character can see to whatever x is. So a combination of those should solve most of the issues of not being able to see through fog or whatever else is on the map.
    That covers a lot of cases, but only for characters inside the fog/darkness.
    For characters outside of the (darkness) area they should not be able to see inside the area, but should be able to see everywhere else.

  6. #306
    For token lighting there is a "darkness" option, then it is completely blocking sight. Similar for token vision there is an option whether or not you can look through darkness "lights".

    So, one could set up a fog as darkness "light" (maybe with 5ft less than its full radius for a peak through), then give tokens (especially ones in the fog, but works for all tokens; mainly for reducing workload) a vision of 5ft. which ignores darkness "lights" That should probably work (just theory-thinking right now, that is, I didn't test it)

    But that has to be done via the sidebar options of vision and light, the effects do not allow yet to set any option about the darkness stuff
    Last edited by Kelrugem; March 14th, 2021 at 18:00.

  7. #307
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Yes, as Kel says you can add a darkness light to the map which no-one can see through unless (in 5e anyway) they have truesight.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  8. #308
    Just thinking of the top of my head now, didnt think it through thouroghly, so I dont know what kind of obsticles would be present from making it a reality, and maybe, just maybe, the devs have something similar in mind, just didnt plan on doing it on the initial release of lighting. Maybe it is going to be an update sometime later on, just like types of vision, that are limited in order to get good performance, but this is what Im thinking. Every thing that we cannot do in effects has a workaround in map tools. We have presets like torch, candle and lantern, but for anything else, it is basically the idea of "make it in the map tools and activate it when needed". But the RPGs we play always have an improvisational aspect to them, there is a limit to what we can be prepared for and I dont want to place every probable impossibility on the map, just for it to weight down my system. So, we are fine with preparing some things we might use, might not, but what if, we had savable presets? For example, I set a light or combination of lights for a token or something and then name it. The settings get saved somewhere on my drive and they get pulled when I want to add a light and select that presets name that I just made. Then I place it where I need it, when I need it. Yes, I still have to be prepaired by making them, but it gets way faster by not having to make that type of light for every map in my campaign. Yes, I can probably make one for a map and then copy and paste it, but why not have it prepaired once and to be used on that campaign for any map in it? Im not sure if pulling that preset would be as easy through the effects, but at least not having to type it into the settings for every map and just taking a preset I made would be of huge help. So, if its not in planning, why not consider it for some time in the future?

  9. #309
    Quote Originally Posted by GhoulHunter View Post
    Just thinking of the top of my head now, didnt think it through thouroghly, so I dont know what kind of obsticles would be present from making it a reality, and maybe, just maybe, the devs have something similar in mind, just didnt plan on doing it on the initial release of lighting. Maybe it is going to be an update sometime later on, just like types of vision, that are limited in order to get good performance, but this is what Im thinking. Every thing that we cannot do in effects has a workaround in map tools. We have presets like torch, candle and lantern, but for anything else, it is basically the idea of "make it in the map tools and activate it when needed". But the RPGs we play always have an improvisational aspect to them, there is a limit to what we can be prepared for and I dont want to place every probable impossibility on the map, just for it to weight down my system. So, we are fine with preparing some things we might use, might not, but what if, we had savable presets? For example, I set a light or combination of lights for a token or something and then name it. The settings get saved somewhere on my drive and they get pulled when I want to add a light and select that presets name that I just made. Then I place it where I need it, when I need it. Yes, I still have to be prepaired by making them, but it gets way faster by not having to make that type of light for every map in my campaign. Yes, I can probably make one for a map and then copy and paste it, but why not have it prepaired once and to be used on that campaign for any map in it? Im not sure if pulling that preset would be as easy through the effects, but at least not having to type it into the settings for every map and just taking a preset I made would be of huge help. So, if its not in planning, why not consider it for some time in the future?
    That paragraph is super hard to read. Actually I gave up about half way - but I think you are trying to suggest something about how lighting is implemented in the current TEST mode? You can save effects in a module on your hard drive and put them into different game sessions.
    Last edited by Jiminimonka; March 14th, 2021 at 19:28.

  10. #310
    Quote Originally Posted by Jiminimonka View Post
    That paragraph is super hard to read. Actually I gave up about half way - but I think you are trying to suggest something about how lighting is implemented in the current TEST mode? You can save effects in a module on your hard drive and put them into different game sessions.
    I understand, Im sorry. What I meant was the ability to save the settings of some sort of custom light under a name of your choosing and have it near the presets, so you can jump in "add light" in light settings, select the preset you made and add it. Essentially, skipping the step of typing in all the custom values that you often use every time you need that type of light in your campaign.

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