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  1. #11
    Thanks for sharing! I am holding off until it's ready, as it's such a heavy campaign that it would take me ages to build manually.

  2. #12
    Not to hijack the thread but I am interested in reading this adventure. I have seen a black book called Pirates of Drinax on DriveThru RPG and a bunch of other books with both red covers, a few blues ones with Drinax in the name, and at least a couple of more normal looking ones that also have Drinax in the name. Now I do know from the old days (been a Traveller fan for a long time) that Drinax is a world in the Trojan Reach sector but beyond that do not know how all these books are related to each other. Can anyone provide some insight please?


  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Stargrove View Post
    Not to hijack the thread but I am interested in reading this adventure. I have seen a black book called Pirates of Drinax on DriveThru RPG and a bunch of other books with both red covers, a few blues ones with Drinax in the name, and at least a couple of more normal looking ones that also have Drinax in the name. Now I do know from the old days (been a Traveller fan for a long time) that Drinax is a world in the Trojan Reach sector but beyond that do not know how all these books are related to each other. Can anyone provide some insight please?

    Hi Stargrove,

    This is a great question. The easiest way to know what's 'New' and was part of the Kickstarter is to look at the wording, you'll see all books begin with 'Pirates of Drinax'. You'll notice a majority have single colour fronts with gold lettering and no art. The main books are all part of a splicase set, and the Books Marked I, II, III, IV, V and VI (Gods of Marduk etc) are all additional adventures expanding the main books.

    Note those 'Patron' adventures are now re-printed in the recently released (hardback book just released) Drinax Companion.

    Asides from those Patron adventures a few more PDF only books were released, these did have Artwork on the covers as they're more 'generic' and offer information such as on Theev or around the cluster of systems etc. Again, all these have the wording 'Pirates of Drinax' at the start ot the title.

    Here's a link to a list of all the applicable books (as best I could filter).


    Hope this helps,
    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MadBeardMan to see what I'm up to!

  4. #14

    Here's an update on it. Next week sees a major CoreRPG update that affects MGT2 ruleset Once that's done with I'll be sending this, so by this time next week Pirates of Drinax Campaign will be off for internal testing and then Smiteworks testing.

    v1.2.2 next week sees the addition of Spacecraft Battles (Encounters) being added. They also export to the SCT, so Pirates will also be updated to add these as soon as I've updated the internal tool to do so.


    Drinax Companion will follow very soon, please note it has re-printed the Patron Adventures (Gods of Marduk I, through to VI). I won't be releasing these for FG until post Drinax Companion and make sure it's clear if you own the Drinax Companion (which I do recommend) you don't buy them.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MadBeardMan to see what I'm up to!

  5. #15
    Ok, so to most effectively run this campaign what do you recommend that I get?

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Stargrove View Post
    Ok, so to most effectively run this campaign what do you recommend that I get?
    If I was coming into this without any knowledge and wanted to run that campaign i'd make sure I had:

    Core Rulebook (2020 update version)
    High Guard
    Pirates of Drinax Campaign Box-set
    Drinaxian Companion (if you buy this, DO NOT buy the other smaller Pirates of Drinax: titled PDF's, as all of them the Patron/Sector Info/Harrier Details) are all part of this book as well.

    If I wanted to expand the Pirates Campaign even more, I'd look at the Shadows of Sindal book as it's got 3 more adventures (the 3rd is a cracker if you ask me), and they're written to tie in with the PoD campaign.

    Now for the moment, the two Core books are in FG, and Pirates of Drinax is probably 2 months away (it's complete this side but has to go through testing/checks etc). Drinax Companion is hot on the heels of that (probably 6 weeks later) and then Shadows of Sindal is after that.

    So depends when you want to start playing, though I love books and read them aside using FG to run them.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MadBeardMan to see what I'm up to!

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by MadBeardMan View Post
    If I was coming into this without any knowledge and wanted to run that campaign i'd make sure I had:

    Core Rulebook (2020 update version)
    High Guard
    Pirates of Drinax Campaign Box-set
    Drinaxian Companion (if you buy this, DO NOT buy the other smaller Pirates of Drinax: titled PDF's, as all of them the Patron/Sector Info/Harrier Details) are all part of this book as well.

    If I wanted to expand the Pirates Campaign even more, I'd look at the Shadows of Sindal book as it's got 3 more adventures (the 3rd is a cracker if you ask me), and they're written to tie in with the PoD campaign.

    Now for the moment, the two Core books are in FG, and Pirates of Drinax is probably 2 months away (it's complete this side but has to go through testing/checks etc). Drinax Companion is hot on the heels of that (probably 6 weeks later) and then Shadows of Sindal is after that.

    So depends when you want to start playing, though I love books and read them aside using FG to run them.

    Not to pile on the books but I would also recommend Central Supply Catalog for all campaigns cause players like stuff!

  8. #18
    Hi Folks,

    8pm here. Been putting some finishing touches and that's it. Had to email Mongoose as the Bug-Salvage class isn't in 2E/Mongoose Traveller, so it's now a Vulture-Class.

    So what now? I need to export all the adventures again, make sure all works in FGU and then package up, should be with Smiteworks this time tomorrow.

    The Drixanian Companion is then the conversion focus, after a massive ruleset update which is coming along, though due to reasons I've got to spend some time on VTM as that needs some love.

    I'd suggest to you, if you can wait, I'd wait for both PoD and the Companion as it's worth it.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MadBeardMan to see what I'm up to!

  9. #19
    And drum-roll..... it's gone over to Fantasy Grounds!

    Yep - so now just a bit of testing and then should be ready for you all.

    For your money you'll get:

    14 Modules:

    Campaign Reference Manual (includes the 10 adventures, plus details on how it all fits together)
    Trojan Reach Reference Manual (includes stuff about Aslans, Drinax and other bits around the Campaign)
    Ships of the Reach (includes all Aslan/Imperial ships in/around the Trojan Reach)

    10 Adventure Modules - including all tokens, npc's, images, encounters/battles/spacebattles etc

    Large Image of the Trojan Reach sector (largest I'm allowed to provide)

    And not to forget all the various support files, hundreds of tokens for NPC's, Animals, Robots/Androids, Ships and Vehicles. All the new gear, vehicles and spacecraft, plus just lots of information

    Enjoy all the hard work by Mongoose and then by myself and the small team here trying to squeeze it into FG's format.

    MBM & the Team
    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MadBeardMan to see what I'm up to!

  10. #20
    I have been looking forward for this! Can't wait to introduce my party to the Trojan Reach!
    Thank you so much!

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