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  1. #1

    Rolemaster Companion I

    Really nice to finally have almost a core part of Rolemaster added FG! The professions where much missed. I was a bit disappointed that the Breaking "150" optional rule was not implemented. Will they be added in the future?

  2. #2
    Yes, I am hoping to add that in the future but I have to consider a few other things to implement it since the current way the Table Resolver works won't really allow that. Modifying the Table Resolver is a recipe for disaster if I am not really careful but I have made a few changes successfully like the changing of fumble ranges.

    A couple other things that I would like to do with the Table Resolver is adding automatically handling of critical modifiers (type I and II) that reduce the critical or the large/super large criticals so they are the default. I would also like to handle the immunity to stun and bleeding. Once I get those figure out the options to break 150 should definitely be doable. I will likely need plenty of testers when I get to that point since I would want to make sure the Table Resolver is solid before pushing it to be released.
    Last edited by Dakadin; December 17th, 2020 at 21:41.

  3. #3
    Oh, that would be a priority. Keep up the good work!

  4. #4
    I just wanted to drop by to thank the creator of the Rolemaster Companion 1 module, which I just bought - so, thank you very much! Are there any plans to eventually create the other companions? I can't even begin to imagine how time consuming it must be to implement each and every option to a Fantasy Grounds module!

  5. #5
    Yeah, it was quite a bit of work but it is something that I wanted to do for quite awhile. I just needed to get the CoreRPG conversion completed first.

    As far as other companions, unfortunately, I can only do what is in DriveThruRPG. I talked to ICE about it during a convention last summer and that was the official word. So what I am trying to provide is ways where GMs can add the races, professions, skills, and spell lists from the companions. I still have to redo the skills and spell lists but the races and professions should be working pretty good now.

    I might be able to implement some of the optional rules that are more mechanical in the companions though so feel free to let me know what you would like to see.

  6. #6
    I think the other Rolemaster Companions are a minor priority. There are some useful professions but most are overpowered and the new rules are a mess. I think it would be better to fix what has already been published such as a working Creatures & Treasures, automatic level bonuses, easier to make your own professions etc

  7. #7
    Thank you Dakadin! Once again!
    Great job! Hope you have the strength to continue doing things for RM. It must be hard and exhausting job to fix and do this system. But we users, we are gratefull to you!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redimor View Post
    Thank you Dakadin! Once again!
    Great job! Hope you have the strength to continue doing things for RM. It must be hard and exhausting job to fix and do this system. But we users, we are gratefull to you!
    Absolutely we most definitely are.
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    - John Diefenbaker

    RIP Canada, February 21, 2022

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Caracalla View Post
    I think the other Rolemaster Companions are a minor priority. There are some useful professions but most are overpowered and the new rules are a mess. I think it would be better to fix what has already been published such as a working Creatures & Treasures, automatic level bonuses, easier to make your own professions etc
    Is there an issue with Creatures & Treasures? I added the rollable tables and items which took me a solid month of work.

    I do have to finish up the Other tab on NPCs though. I should be able to handle the random level and constitution rolls with adjustments to the hits that are needed. I also want to add a way to roll against the number encountered and have it create an encounter from that. This should tie it great with the rollable tables in C&T so that the GM can get a ready encounter with just a handle of clicks.

    I also just added how to make your own professions. The only thing it is missing is the level bonuses but I won't add that until I can redo the skills which will include the ability to track the level bonuses. The issue is RMC Character Law has quite a few different options for level bonuses and each of those options can be mixed and matched. There is less of an issue implementing these than there is to figure out how to show them with the professions.

  10. #10
    Thanks guys! I do appreciate it!

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