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Thread: TopSecret SI

  1. #1

    TopSecret SI

    Updated it for the changes made FGU. Im only testing in FGU now but I left most of the stuff necessary for FG.

    Extension has the charactersheet and the dice, mod has the rolls and a pregen.
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    Last edited by Pharo; July 26th, 2022 at 02:01.

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    Please can you provide more info - please detail exactly which rolls you are referring to and please provide as much detail as possible on how the mechanic works

  3. #3
    Attribute check - you have to roll under your attribute. The game admin determines by what the challenge is if its going to be a full, half, or quarter. Modifiers are applied after to the number you need to roll under so they are 'not' halfed or quartered. "/tsprimary 1d100x(p1)" works fine for that but I have to create 3 entries with p1 being full on one, half on one, and quarter on another. +/- modifiers work appropriately too.

    Skill check - again you roll under and the check is done against an specific attribute, again at full, half, or quarter, with modifiers applied after. A skill can be leveled up so you can gain a bonus for higher skills. "/tstertiary 1d100<(a)+(p3) has been working perfectly for that" but again I have to create 3 entries and bind "a" to the full, half, quarter stat. I've been putting the skill level bonus in p3 and my list of +/- modifiers works fine.

    Image might help
    Last edited by Pharo; December 5th, 2020 at 20:40.

  4. #4
    damned's Avatar
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    What if I were to code a check for Ctrl or Alt keys being pressed?
    If Ctrl was being pressed then it would roll against half and if Alt was pressed it would roll against quarter?

    Can you confirm the math?
    Exactly what number should be halved/quartered?

  5. #5
    That would work.

    Quarter and half checks are always rounded up. So if a stat is 33, half is 33/2=16.5 round up to 17, quarter is 33/4=8.25 round up to 9.
    You could also just do half of the half if its easier on the tooling then trying to round up .25. 17/2 = 8.5 round up to 9

    In the case of "/tsprimary 1d100x(p1)", "p1" is going to get halfed and quartered.
    In the case of "/tstertiary 1d100<(a)+(p3)", "a" is what gets halfed and quartered.

    Also, one small tremendously helpful favor if I could ask. If your going to be doing a new roll like tstertiary, can you put the sum value in p3 instead of p2? It lines up on the character sheet so much better because i can do "Level Modifier Stat" with my boxes

    Last edited by Pharo; December 5th, 2020 at 17:21.

  6. #6
    damned's Avatar
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    hmmm changing the values means i have to redo my modules/charsheets and my time is limited...
    if i change the roll will you update my modules/charsheets for me and save me some effort...?

  7. #7
    Absolutely, I can handle that. Im still learning how FG scripts / codes things but im getting the hang of it.

    Im kind of a newbie to the code. I was assuming it would be changed in scripts/parameter_manager.lua where p2 is declared.

    Am I in the wrong place? Thats basically what I did as a temporary measure, just added a version of parameter_manager.lua to my extention.
    Last edited by Pharo; December 6th, 2020 at 03:28.

  8. #8
    damned's Avatar
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    Im not 100% sure what you are trying to do but the correct way to fix this is to change the rolls to use p3 instead of p2 and vice versa... i think...
    and that would be done in the specific rolls this pertains to rather than changing it in MoreCore and affecting every other game out there

  9. #9
    No I wouldn't expect to change anything to the base set of code, that would just mess everyone else up.

    I probably just mis-understood what you where asking me to do. Im not very fluent on FG coding or the morecore ruleset, yet. I don't know what you meant by modules/charsheets. Im looking at the rulesets\MoreCore.pak and I can't find the reference.

    I thought we where talking about the request to change the sum value from p2 to p3. I was only asking for that 'if' you planned to write a new roll. I figured it would only be feesible if it was a brand new roll otherwise it would mess up whatever anyone else was doing. I thought writing a new roll is just a matter of copying the existing files and tweaking new version of them but now I see its alot more than that.

    No worries.
    Last edited by Pharo; December 6th, 2020 at 18:32.

  10. #10
    Not alot of free time but made some progress. Got stuck on making a larger Portrait but found some old threads with clues. Working a bit more this weekend on it. Lost track where some of the page configuration is in morecore and some is still in core. Figuring that out.


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