5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #41
    Any of those look good to me, I haven't played, run, or read any of them!

  2. #42
    That makes sense about the treasure, being that it was a "convention module". I definitely wasn't expecting a lot of treasure after a funnel, but a few gold coins at minimum so that my character could at least get a real weapon for level 1 seems reasonable.

    I just read the adventure (now that I've played it), and to answer your question about running Featherstone...I would have played up his entitled noble attitude (as being Featherstone the 9th, and power hungry for becoming the "legitimate" king). His whole deal is that he's been gathering intelligence on the temple and scheming for years. So I probably would have had him attack us in the first area of the cave when we first got there (if we didn't give him the spear upon his demand of it). Getting the spear is his main motivation, and I think he'd be pretty confident about his ability to get it from "a bunch of mutated pilgrims" Could also be a cool combat with Gorflagratior reaching into the cave to grab a random PC/NPC too...forcing the battle further into the cave.
    (That said, I'm kinda glad we have him as an ally instead, haha)

    And yes, I'm in for playing again! I haven't read any of those adventures. I'd be most interested in the holiday-themed one. I became a fan of Michael Curtis after running his 5e module Glitterdoom. He's a great writer! But I'm also interested in Shadow of the Beakman.
    Last edited by GossamerChains; December 10th, 2020 at 07:04.

  3. #43
    leozelig's Avatar
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    Oh man, now I need to run this again, that’s a great idea for the cave entrance

    I was worried his party would TPK you, but Gor’s hand is the perfect device for balancing out the playing field.

  4. #44
    leozelig's Avatar
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    I think we should run The Old God's Return. Are people around Sunday, December 20 at 7 PM EST(UTC-5)? I will message everyone and post a new recruiting thread...

  5. #45
    RunningWolf's Avatar
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    Definitely a blast and looking forward to next time

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