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  1. #1

    Trying to Add Specific Type Target Damage to Weapon...Not Working...Help!

    I want to add additional damage of a specific type to a weapon if the type of creature being attacked is a Fey. I've tried adding it the Properties field on the weapon and I've tried it a couple different ways:

    [IFT: TYPE(Fey); DMG:1d4, cold]
    IFT: TYPE(Fey); DMG:1d4, cold

    The target creature I've been working with is a sprite, which is a Type = Fey

    It doesn't really matter the weapon type but, in this case, I'm trying to add it to a Battle Axe.
    So, I want it to do:
    1d8 S + 1d4 cold if it's a Fey
    1d8 S if it's not a Fey

    Is this even possible? Have I messed up the formatting in some way? Please Help!

  2. #2

  3. #3
    I tried that, both uppercase and lowercase Fey/fey and added it in different spots. These are the uppercase versions. It seems like it should be a really easy thing to do but, still not working.

    Cold Iron 1.jpg

    Cold Iron 2.jpg


  4. #4

  5. #5
    Removing the “cold” so it looked like IFT: TYPE (Fey); DMG: 1d4 or IFT: TYPE (fey); DMG: 1d4, (I tried both) and attacking a sprite didn’t work.

    Leaving the “cold” but changing it to be IFT: TYPE (undead); DMG: 1d4, cold, the damage was ignored because I attacked a zombie. When I removed cold, the extra 1d4 was ignored.

    I couldn't get ATK:1 or DMG: 1d4 to work either.

    When I created an effect (see image below) and applied it to myself it worked fine. Why won't it work when you just add it directly to a weapon though?

    Here's an unrelated but odd thing. I did enough damage to kill a Zombie and it put an Unconscious effect on the dwarf I had attack him.

    Last edited by MenzelG; December 7th, 2020 at 04:26.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by MenzelG View Post
    I want to add additional damage of a specific type to a weapon if the type of creature being attacked is a Fey. I've tried adding it the Properties field on the weapon and I've tried it a couple different ways:

    [IFT: TYPE(Fey); DMG:1d4, cold]
    IFT: TYPE(Fey); DMG:1d4, cold

    The target creature I've been working with is a sprite, which is a Type = Fey

    It doesn't really matter the weapon type but, in this case, I'm trying to add it to a Battle Axe.
    So, I want it to do:
    1d8 S + 1d4 cold if it's a Fey
    1d8 S if it's not a Fey

    Is this even possible? Have I messed up the formatting in some way? Please Help!
    It might seem odd to ask, but what ruleset are you using (they include DCC here)?

    IFT:type(fey);DMG:1d6 cold

    Should work in the 2E ruleset. I just tested using undead and worked fine.

    Last edited by celestian; December 7th, 2020 at 06:54.
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  7. #7
    I'm running 2e. I've gotten it to work as an effect, which is what it looks like you have there but, was is added to the weapon itself or created as a separate power/effect that you turn on whenever you're using the weapon?

  8. #8
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by MenzelG View Post
    I'm running 2e. I've gotten it to work as an effect, which is what it looks like you have there but, was is added to the weapon itself or created as a separate power/effect that you turn on whenever you're using the weapon?
    The character needs to be placed on the combat tracker and have the weapon equipped for the effect to work. I believe that's what Celestain has done in his graphic and that's how the effect should look when the character is on the CT.
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  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by MenzelG View Post
    I'm running 2e. I've gotten it to work as an effect, which is what it looks like you have there but, was is added to the weapon itself or created as a separate power/effect that you turn on whenever you're using the weapon?
    If you have added effects to a weapon and the weapon is equipped and the character is in the CT it should work. The only thing that you need to make sure is set, the "on action" flag in the effect on the weapon. That makes sure that the only time the effect is used is on that weapon, not every single attack/power the character uses.
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
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    Note: Please do not message me directly on this site, post in the forums or ping me in FG's discord.

  10. #10
    For all of the testing that I did, the weapon was equipped and the character was in the CT. When I attempted to create the effect as a part of the weapon itself, I couldn't get it to work...it ignored it. When I created the same effect as a separate power, with the exact same text, and turned it on, it worked fine but, it would essentially be applied for every single attack regardless of the weapon being used. The results look like the screenshots that you attached. I've attached screenshots of everything I have to try and show what I've done.

    Image of the weapon being equipped with NO effect built into the weapon

    Image of the effect created as a power
    Effect as Power.jpg

    Image of the character in the CT and the effect turned on
    Combat Tracker and Effect.jpg

    Damage results. You can see the
    Attack Result.jpg

    You can see the effect is being applied in the Damage Results image.

    Would it be possible to get screen shots of where/how you configured the weapon itself? If I understand what you are saying, you have the effect set up as a part of the weapon and not separate like I have it and I'm doing something wrong. I just need to figure out what it is.

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