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  1. #201
    Sorry for the delay. Dinner and such called.

    I first tried a brand new Savage Worlds v5.2.8 campaign with NO extensions or modules (except Player Agency of course). Same problems as above.

    Created a brand new 5E Campaign (no other mods/extensions) - worked BEAUTIFULLY.


  2. #202
    damned's Avatar
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    Hi thanks for that tintagel that helps.

    I will look into this with SaWo5 but it might not be real quick as there is a bunch of other things on my plate.
    I generally dont use SaWo so dont usually test stuff there either...
    I will get to it just not right away.

  3. #203
    Thanks for any help you can provide, even if I need to edit some files myself. Should I post this on the SWADE forums?

  4. #204
    Hi, damned & tintagel!

    I'm having the same problem here, man, and I'm a fellow Savage Worlds GM - I never thought of blaming ruleset issues because everything else was working so well, and the players could access Investigator and stuff. Mind you, I'm still just in the first stages of getting my players to use most of the character sheet functionality in FG (I just converted them over during the pandemic, and then had to talk them all into going to Unity), so getting feedback from them has been tricky. The Worldbuilder is a fantastic tool, though, and I'm using it extensively for myself, I just wish I could share the stuff I'd checkboxed with them.

    Really, if I could change anything else, I'd make the field names re-nameable, so that I'm not stuck with an "Alignment" entry for each "Entity" record when not running D&D (I'm currently using it for a cheap joke at the expense of the NPC in question, though, so it's not like I'm not having fun).

    Fingers crossed to get this sorted!

    - Toko

  5. #205
    damned's Avatar
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    Thanks for the confirmation Tokolosh

  6. #206
    Hi, just wanted to firstly say how much I like PlayerAgency (more specifically the WorldBuilder component) and wish this was part of the FGU package... found it by accident and have started using it to fill in my campaign information.

    Everything was working perfectly until the last patch, and since then I have found an odd behaviour in drop down lists that only arises if the PlayerAgency extension is loaded (I have removed all other extensions and verified it was just PA).

    Game System used: Rolemaster Classic (before I raise this in the RMC forum, thought I would check here since it is repeatable with PA loaded and does not happen when PA is not loaded)

    Behaviour: with PA loaded, some drop down fields (and the best/easiest one to test with is the Item customisation fields) are not selectable, and seem to be text entry fields instead.

    This is what happens without PA loaded (no extensions loaded). As you can see, the top field is a drop down that allows selection of which attach table to use.
    FGU (RM) Item issue (no PA ext).JPG

    With PA loaded, that field becomes "text like" - in fact, it seems that every first selection/drop down list in each subsection of the Item panel acts similarly. It affects both entry fields on that line (being Table name and Max Rank/Size). The next fields do not seem affected.
    FGU (RM) Item issue.JPG

    Am absolutely unsure why this happens with only some fields but thought I would check here to see if it is some interaction that PA is causing.

    Thank you

  7. #207

  8. #208
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Hi mikegraf

    Dakadin has alerted me to an issue between this extension and Rolemaster.
    It will be addressed sometime soon...
    You guys are amazing and I cannot overstate how much I appreciate the quick response.

  9. #209
    @damned Wanted to add that apart from the text field and selection issue, seems that with Player Agency ext loaded, Shield DB is not being added in Combat Resolution.

    Would you let Dakadin know this please so he can look into this as well.


  10. #210
    I will look into that mikegraf.

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