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  1. #241
    Quote Originally Posted by Valyar View Post
    Can you reduce the UI scaling and see if this helps?
    It did not help for me, unfortunately.

  2. #242
    GregRex's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Yeah I went min/max on it to see if I could click around it.

  3. #243
    Quote Originally Posted by GregRex View Post
    Attachment 41327

    Just following up with the PC import bug. The green '+' symbols are covered with icons. I would like to load my saved module's pregens into a new campaign instead of cleaning up the same one-shot repeatedly.
    Just to let you know that I've pushed a fix to this today.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MadBeardMan to see what I'm up to!

  4. #244
    Quote Originally Posted by MadBeardMan View Post
    Just to let you know that I've pushed a fix to this today.

    Just wanted to say this did, indeed, fix it for me. Thanks for the work!

  5. #245
    Quote Originally Posted by pralix1138 View Post
    Just wanted to say this did, indeed, fix it for me. Thanks for the work!
    Awesome, thanks for letting me know. I didn't find the time to look at the Character Sheet being made bigger but I will find some time over Xmas.

    If anyone knows any 'scripting' issues then please let me know, I know the Content Developer is super busy with Covid and freelance work at the moment but I'll see if I can solve some of them.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MadBeardMan to see what I'm up to!

  6. #246
    I did a fairly extensive read-through of the VTM reference manual and found a few issues. These messages have a character limit, so I've uploaded a full list as a text file on this comment. I tried to structure things so they're as straight forward as possible, as well as offered some ideas for tweaks where possible.

    I know the list may look daunting with its size, but keep in mind that the VTM5e book is over 400 pages long, and most of these issues are little things that were missed. Relative to the scale of the book, there's not a lot here.

    Overall, I'm very impressed with what the team has achieved here. It's a good ruleset, and I've been planning a chronicle to run with friends in it.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  7. #247
    Currently I am trying to get the tables working however the unique dice rolling system has messed up the results.

    Basically because the result of the dice (e.g. 1d10) gets rounded to either being a 1 for a success or a 0 for a failure the tables no longer work. If I have a table with 100 results that are called by a d100 then I'll only ever call the results for field 1 or field 0.

    Is it possible to limit the rounding to d10s. That would at least mean that d100s would give the correct result for the tables.

    Additionally I believe as mentioned in a different thread the "+" symbols are not working if you want to roll from an SPC directly. If you click the SPC button, and select the SPC from that menu the table that pops up does not have clickable +s. I have however been able to call the same table from other locations and it does then seem to function correctly.

  8. #248
    Quote Originally Posted by Ockin View Post
    Currently I am trying to get the tables working however the unique dice rolling system has messed up the results.

    Basically because the result of the dice (e.g. 1d10) gets rounded to either being a 1 for a success or a 0 for a failure the tables no longer work. If I have a table with 100 results that are called by a d100 then I'll only ever call the results for field 1 or field 0.

    Is it possible to limit the rounding to d10s. That would at least mean that d100s would give the correct result for the tables.

    Additionally I believe as mentioned in a different thread the "+" symbols are not working if you want to roll from an SPC directly. If you click the SPC button, and select the SPC from that menu the table that pops up does not have clickable +s. I have however been able to call the same table from other locations and it does then seem to function correctly.
    After rolling on the table you should see the results of the roll appear in the chatbox, these results will change based on the actual number you rolled. The picture of the dice in chat, does not affect the result of the roll. If you make a custom table that does not use a d10, then the actual number rolled will appear in the chatbox, instead of success or failure. Note: A d100 roll is executed using two 10 sided dice, so will still show with success and failure markings on the dice.

    SPC's need to be copied before they can be actually used for play in game. The starting SPCs that show up are READ ONLY. Once copied, the copies work just like the character sheets.

  9. #249
    Thanks for the reply. I'm still getting to grips with this.

    I think the issue I was having with the dice rolling was that I was pressing the tick (ok), rather than the image of the dice (roll). I went on the assumption that the tick did exactly the same as the roll button just without showing the animation. I'm not actually sure what the "ok" tick is actually meant to do (sorry if it should be obvious).

    I now see what you mean with the SPCs. Again it's me being a newb, I do now see it says this on the help file. I think I was thrown off by the fact that if you drag the token from the top right corner of the SPC templates it opens a blank character sheet. I wasn't sure if those blank character sheets were meant to be filled in with the stats of the SPC I dragged it from; basically creating copy of that template.

    It might be worth relabeling the group they're in from "X" to "template X" to avoid confusion. Although I should have read the help files more carefully I can imagine this being a common area of confusion with new users.

  10. #250
    Never worry about asking questions. That's the whole purpose of us being here.

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