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  1. #211
    Discord just updated, and the update is required or it wont launch, and it is not in the Manjaro repositories yet... may be out of touch a few days until it gets packaged for Manjaro linux.

  2. #212
    Quote Originally Posted by IrishBouzouki View Post
    Discord just updated, and the update is required or it wont launch, and it is not in the Manjaro repositories yet... may be out of touch a few days until it gets packaged for Manjaro linux.
    Ok no problem

  3. #213
    Hearing the news of Galford being attacked, Nemir, Beli, and Achernar met up in Dale and travelled to Castle Orlmond with Orelon (who was accompanying Nemir) and Astrid (Achernar's sister). There, they learned more of what had occurred and heard another account of seeing a ghostly figure and giant beings among the goblins that were attacking. Nemir's face paled to almost pure white when she heard it, recognising that it was her fault that this ghost was free. Beli mentioned the idea that it could be tied to what they did and she nodded, casting a quick, nervous glance to Orelon. It would be a pain if he found out this was her fault. More importantly, it would be a pain if her father found out - she was in enough trouble as it was - but perhaps it wouldn't be revealed. After all, only she and her companions knew exactly what happened in that tomb almost a year ago. After realising that Galford was now overrun and they couldn't meet their other companions there as Beli's letter to them had asked, they made a plan together to travel along the border of Mirkwood, giving a wide bearth to the trouble at Galford and aiming to intercept the others on their journey over.

    For both halves of the company, the journey was difficult and tiring but they managed to find each other thanks to Beli and Nemir's efforts to scout the paths that Beldan, Leaf Sole, and the new companion, Alaric (who'd joined them after Draigoch resolved to travel to Rohan with Euric's body to give him a proper burial in his home), might be taking. Soon after, they were attacked by goblins but the party made short work of them.

  4. #214
    The company exchanged greetings and caught each other up with what was going on at Galford and who their new companion was. Before long, however, there was a crash as a boulder was thrown into the middle of the lake, breaking the ice over it. Icy wraiths appeared from the lake, soon followed by the snow-troll which had thrown the boulder coming out of the woods. After the company managed to defeat some of the whirling ice winds, a pack of goblins appeared to join the fray. Beli, Leaf Sole, and Nemir took on the snow troll while Alaric, Achenar, and Beldan fought the newly appeared goblins. After many goblins were defeated, the two remaining ran off, and the snow troll was killed with Beli landing the killing blow.

    In the breather afterwards, Nemir sat under a tree with Achernar and sang an old elvish song while he smoked his pipe. Orelon came into sight again and Nemir apologised to him in elvish that he got mixed up in all of this, figuring that it must be a shock after being so used to the safety of the Woodland Realm. He seemed to take it in his stride and dismissed the issue. Beldan discovered a piece of knotted string along the shoreline, near to where one of the icy wind creatures shattered, which seemed to be connected to them, which Orelon suggested was done by someone skilled with magic but neither he nor Beldan could tell exactly what it was. Leaf Sole tended to the wound Alaric recieved in the battle and sang a staunching song that raised his spirits.

    The company began to move to Galford, hoping that once they get there, they could begin to fix the situation. When they got to Galford, Leaf Sole and Nemir made a plan to scout ahead to the seemingly deserted town and see if there was any danger. Orelon argued against Nemir going. He told her that it was rash and the situation was not her business but she managed to persuade him that if the threat wasn't dealt with here, it could come to threaten their home too. Orelon conceded and kept silent but seemed annoyed that she'd made a valid point. As they snuck forward, Leaf Sole tripped and made a loud clatter as a frying pan flew out of his pack and collided with a rock. Nemir flinched at the noise, half-expecting several goblins or another snow troll to appear, alerted by the noise, but tried to carry on as quietly as she could. As they got closer, they heard noises coming from inside Galford's inn and the left side of the hamlet, signaling that the place wasn't so deserted after all.

  5. #215
    Good update, Poppyseed. Thanks!

  6. #216
    The companions retook the inn at Galford and survived wave one of the counter attacks. The remaining goblin groups seemed to be circling and lying in wait for a slip-up in attention, or for the company all to fall asleep. Instead of running out to meet them, the companions set to work fortifying the inn and keeping an eye on the closest ones. As night fell, they skirmished out to meet one of those groups, ensuring that they kept quiet and had the element of surprise. Leaf Sole and Alaric stayed behind to keep up the appearance that the inn was being guarded. At the last moment, the goblins spotted them and sent a volley of stones, hitting Nemir under her left eye and wounding her. It was a quick battle but it still made an impact and tired them. They got back safely but the situation was getting to some of them as they sat in the barricaded inn. Nemir sat quietly and thought of home as Leaf Sole sang a staunching song and tended to her wound.

    Night fell and there was the sound of horns and jabbering. Peeking outside, Nemir could see the faint light and hear far-off voices - a gathering of goblins far away. From what she'd read in old lore, Nemir figured it was some kind of goblin celebration/ceremony/ritual. She heard a new sound, like a croak or cry wailing into the night. The goblins cheered, there was a scream of a person, then all was quiet. After another hour, she heard walking in the grass to the north, to the west. Perhaps this was building up to something bigger than they could handle on their own. In the middle of the night, Nemir continued to listen as sentries seemed to return to where the goblins from the skirmish had been, watching the inn and trapping them. They were surrounded from all sides. It suddenly became very, very cold and a chill began to descend upon them, reaching into the company's hearts. It was a rough, sleepless night for most.

  7. #217

  8. #218
    Here's a shot of the action from Poppyseed's post #216 here. I have a significant backlog of screen shots from this campaign, which has steadily continued, and I hope to catch up on posts eventually.

    After the inn (The Lantern) was cleared out of the peculiar pale, crudely-equipped goblins, the Companions are greeted by multiple groups of scavengers and hunters, who at first stare, then begin to encircle and rush the gate...

    Attached Images Attached Images

    Running: The One Ring and GUMSHOE--Esoterrorists (on hold); intermittently Fiasco and DramaSystem/Hillfolk
    Want to play: Pendragon, City of Mist, Dresden Files RPG, Orpheus, Changeling, Apocalpse World and more PbtA, Bluebeards Bride, Shadows of Esteren; anything by Bully Pulpit Games

  9. #219
    In the morning, the companions made breakfast and patrolled the wall of the inn. To the south-east, Achernar saw an old woman in a cage with goblins around her, and there were goblins surrounding the inn. Deciding that they had to rescue the woman, the companions made a plan. They couldn't hold the inn forever, and couldn't clear out all of the goblins on their own. They needed reinforcements if they hoped to take back Galford properly. With goblins on all sides, leaving the inn with fewer people would probably mean it would get overrun and there were no good options so they decided to go all-out and run to the cages before carrying on towards the barricade that King Bard had talked about setting up between Castle Orlmond and Strandburg.

    Achernar and Nemir got to work making ten fire-arrows each while the rest of the group dismantled the barricades they'd set up around the inn. They gathered the horses, telling Astrid and Orelon about the plan and formation and got ready to move. With a burst of inspiration, they got the idea to set the wagon they'd previously been using as a barricade on fire and push it down the hill so that the group of goblins below would panic and scatter. It was a spectacular success. The companions rushed close behind it, taking advantage of the panic to gain ground unopposed, and Nemir and Achernar worked together to dissuade any other groups of goblins with their flaming arrows.

    They reached the cages and the companions fought off the goblins while Astrid freed the woman from her cage. They encountered a strange creature that screeched and slithered out of the hole it was lying in when Beldan dropped a torch onto it. Nemir and Achernar shot fire arrows at it. The arrow Achernar shot sank into its gullet and it gave a loud shriek before it died. The remaining goblins seemed to stop and wail at its death, giving them the opportunity to get the woman properly out of the cage and run. Beldan and Alaric recognised the creature they'd killed as a hatchling wyrm.

    They made it back to Castle Orlmond without further incident, where they could rest and recover.

  10. #220
    The companions returned to camp, a crowd gathered to welcome the old woman they'd rescued - Dalla - and listen to the tale that the companions had about their time up north in Galford. Nemir, Achernar and Beli saw fear in the eyes of refugees and nervous whispers among themselves. Achernar and Nemir gave an inspiring speech to give them hope - that although this was a tragedy, Galford would be retaken and they would recover from this. Seeing the hope her speech gave to the crowd, she gained the confidence that she had improved in strengthening the effect of her words.

    Beli talked to a man who seemed like he knew a lot about goblins and hunted them. He was quite closed off but Beli talked quite a bit to him about what they'd faced up there and after their conversation was over, the man left, seemingly heading north. Beli returned to where the companions had gathered to sit and rest and talked about him, voicing his impression that the man had lost a lot.

    Nemir got her injury tended to a bit more, although it had already mostly healed over the time they'd spent travelling. Nemir was left with a small scar under her left eye where the stone had hit. She looked at it with a small mirror that she'd tucked into her bag and forgotten about and curiously ran her finger along it. She didn't mind it half as much as she'd thought she would - it showed she had been brave, that she'd faced her foes and survived or, at least, that was how she thought Beli might view it and that gave her some comfort - but it was still strange to see.

    Nemir and Beli went to tell Valli, the former innkeeper of Galford, that they had been in Galford and break the news that they didn't find anyone other than Dalla up there. He sobbed and the three did their best to comfort him. Nemir stood up Leaf Sole sang an old woodman song in hopes of soothing him. It helped and Valli thanked Beli for what they's tried to do up there. Beli reassured him they would take it back.

    Over the down time when the companions were resting and recovering, Nemir spent her time around Castle Orlmond and the refugee camps, journalling her experiences and discussing lore with Orelon. She often sat with him, softly singing ancient elvish songs as she made her notes. She tried her best to be useful and ease the worries of the refugees by helping out whenever she could and her efforts brought a lot of comfort to her. Orelon had some wisdom to share with her on easing the weight on her soul and talked about the elves that went to the Grey Havens. Nemir began to appreciate sitting in his company and he also seemed to begin to appreciate the responsibility she was showing to the refugees.

    News of events reached the ears of the companions individually as Beldan and Beli went back to Erebor, Achernar went back to Laketown, Alaric spent his time in Dale, and Nemir and Leaf Sole stayed around the refugee camps and Castle Orlmond.

    In Dale, recruiting went out and with an emphasis on getting people from all around to come to the east bank and build up farms there. From hearing everything going on and his own intuition, Alaric pieced together that King Bard was worried that they wouldn't be able to produce enough food both for his own growing people and for the ever-growing multitude beneath the Lonely Mountain. He does not want to fail his ally, King Dain, or for Dale to lessen in importance to him. In Dale, some of the new nobility have conducted themselves with arrogance and have demanded at Esgaroth.

    Beli and Beldan learned that Dain's Court handed down a decision to improve Girion's Stair. The winter raids of northern farmlands have tipped the balance. Dwarven engineers set out immediately, with stone masons and craftsmen of all kind to follow. However, tempers within the mountain are flaring. A dwarf miner collapsed a tunnel to block out another mining team from finding a new vein of gold ore and Bofur had to lead a special rescue. One dwarf was killed. A debate erupted in the taverns after Dain sentenced the dwarf for his rashness and greed, with many defending the dwarf's right to protect his prospect. Words erupted into fists and hurled flagons.

    Meanwhile, in Laketown, Ketil the Boatman Guildmaster and leader of the fledgling Navy visited Achernar and mentioned that he asked to travel personally to the court of Thranduil to extend the timber treaty: he anticipates the need for much more timber. The elven diplomat was persuaded to support him in this to check the influence of the Dwarves of Erebor on the Woodland Realm's staunchest ally. For the first time, in Esgaroth, some young men took it upon themselves to dive in the waters of Old Laketown, its charred timbers sticking above the waters of the Long Lake like blackened bones, seeking treasures lost there despite the taboo centred around it.

    On her many wanderings, the elven sentinels near the border of Mirkwood gave Nemir news from home. Thranduil was erecting tree-top sentinel posts along the northwest border of his realm, and he's sending out some scouts to walk the paths of the narrows and probe what can be learned in the foothills of the Withered Heath after hearing the news about the winter attack. Although Nemir was glad to hear it, her first thought was of the tomb. What would happen if they found it? Nemir could only hope they wouldn't deduce it all. After all, the only ones who could say what really happened were her company and they didn't want to admit it either. During their time around Castle Orlmond, Orelon also got a letter that he shared with Nemir. It said that in the Woodland Realm, the Elf Lords were becoming increasingly critical of the Dwarves and now the Beornings. "Their hearts are filled with gold lust and their heads with pride. And the Men, with bloodlust! Entanglements with these folk will snare us in their follies and deepen our woes." Nemir muttered an "Oh no..." under her breath as she read it. Was it foolish to wish they could get along? To wish that her people wouldn't make deals with the Viglundings and then turn their judgement upon the Beornings? Nemir let her hand with the letter fall onto her lap and ran her hand through her hair with a sigh. Bloodlust indeed. And where was their judgement for capturing a band of travellers and holding them as political hostages? No, of course that was her fault, not theirs. She folded the letter up and gave it back to Orelon, thanking him and trying to restrain the frustration from coming out in her voice, before going to wander away from camp and think.
    Last edited by Poppyseed; December 6th, 2020 at 12:32.

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