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  1. #11
    suggestions Moon? i have been at this since monday.....its frustrating...nothing on my computer has changed so i am unsure why its doing this

  2. #12
    The challenge is that everyone's networking environment is unique.

    You basically need to go to the closest device connecting to the Internet (usually provided by your Internet network provider) and make sure it forwards to the next device in the chain (router, access point, etc.); and then forward that device to the next one; until you reach your computer. You may only have a single "subnet" if you are in a simpler scenario; or you may have multiple "subnets" if you have many devices chained together. Since each device aggregates data in/out, a port forwarding rule is needed for each one to tell the middleman device which internal device it should route that traffic to. (i.e. all routers/modems/etc. are basically traffic cops)

    There is a thread here that several of the more savvy community members have posted their information; and gotten more specific help on their specific network environment.


  3. #13
    Ya i followed that link and posted in there. no fix yet

  4. #14
    meanwhile back to the original post

  5. #15
    I think I saw on Discord that you were able to reboot the router, and get it working again. Let us know.


  6. #16
    I am having the same difficulty with FG Classic. How do I open my port to the machine? Please keep in mind I am not a computer genius, so make it simple.
    Everything was great, we played last Sunday with my campaign and four players, I played in a friend's game on Thursday, but now no one can connect to mine or his campaign. Had to scrap our game tonight.
    Thanks for the help,


  7. #17
    I need to jump in on this, I am having the exact same issue as DragonTail. I updated Fantasy Grounds Classic on my desktop a week ago, I can connect to my friends game and play in it. But I cannot host my own game. My desktop is a Windows 10 Pro machine. I tried manually opening ports, they were already open :/ , and did a ton of digging into other port forwarding options. Even got my IT buddy involved. No solution yet.

    I also just installed Fantasy Grounds Classic on my Laptop, it is also Windows 10 Pro, and I'm encountering the same issue as on my Desktop. I can click the Test Connection button and it'll grey out, time will pass, then red-text "Failed" will appear.

    edit: there was an update for Windows recently, any chance that update messed FG up?

  8. #18
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Welcome to FG badminton.

    Yes windows updates can change things. If you were able to host before then three things to check; first is make sure your network is set to private; second is to refresh your anti virus rule for FG; third is to check that your port forward rule is still set to the correct internal IP address since that can change.

    Incidentally you won’t be able to set port forwarding to multiple devices for the same port. So only your desktop or your laptop can have a rule and you’ll need to change it each time you host with one or the other.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  9. #19
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Caratacus View Post
    I am having the same difficulty with FG Classic. How do I open my port to the machine? Please keep in mind I am not a computer genius, so make it simple.
    Everything was great, we played last Sunday with my campaign and four players, I played in a friend's game on Thursday, but now no one can connect to mine or his campaign. Had to scrap our game tonight.
    Thanks for the help,

    See the post immediately above. Check the same things. If you need to port forward then you’ll need to read the manual for your router to find out how to do that. This site may help
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  10. #20
    My network is private and Bitdefender controls the firewall. FGC has permissions to pass through it using any port so my anti-virus isn't the issue. Even reinstalled it to make sure it wasn't the issue. I removed the port forward rules I created since none of them worked, I never needed to do port forwarding to make FGC work for me before.

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