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    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    MoreCore: Just noticed I broke something big. Not sure when

    I have git entries for all my changes, so I will backtrack. However, I was planning on other work tonight and if anyone can point me in direction of where to look, you might be able to save me a lot of time.

    Basically, just created a simple module of rolls and started testing arranging in the new Sheet layout when noticed that I could not DELETE rolls (CLIs in CASs) I already added. This is doable in MoreCore and CoreRPG normally via rightclick. But no delete option now pops up.

    I went back to vanilla MoreCore and see that clicking in an empty box creates a stub entry for that particular list box.Agan, this no longer happens in mine.

    If I was to guess, I'd say I broke it somewhere when I literally copied MoreCore's record_char_more to record_char_more_modded_morecoe.xml and early on made some changes in place then created my own record_char_more.xml to work with the copied file. I am in the middle of undoing a log of that, now that have better understanding - but in case I do not stumble across the answer - posting here.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    Yeah, I haven't been able to do anything - a new work project JUST got nuts.

    I am sure I can backtrace to where I broke it - if don't "see" it (likely) then simply by going back in my git until the problem goes away then seeing which commit did it for the culprit. I was concentrating on changing the appearance and layouts that I must have removed some "hook" for double-click and right-click. I'll first look at the window handler in More or Core to look for rightclick/dblclick code - then see how I bypassed it inadvertently (is my guess)

    But it will be a couple days, hopefully over the weekend since during week I will likely be working past normal hours to make a 3 month deadline we were given yesterday which is going to be monitored closely by Development head and likely our CEO. Sucks, without my commute I have had extra time to work on personal stuff these last several weeks.

    EDIT: Aw heck... so now financial news outlets have published an announcement a few hours ago from my firm on the project. Ah well, deadline is even more real. This is the equivalent of Columbus burning the boats. (if he did that - don't recall - someone did in history - whatever, you get my frazzled point. NO SLEEP 'TIL BROOKLN!
    Last edited by Varsuuk; August 7th, 2020 at 19:08.

  4. #4
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    Oddly, although it is really late and I might not be noticing something obvious. I received 2 errors on missing vertical anchors.
    Thing is, both had been setup with: merge="delete"

    			<string_useredit name="pc_label_four">
    				<anchored to="combatframe" position="insidetopleft" offset="10,94" />
    				<tooltip textres="label_editable" />
    			<frame_char_switch_attacks name="attackframe">
    				<anchored position="insidetopleft" offset="15,0">
    					<right anchor="center" offset="70" />
    					<!--<right parent="combatframe" anchor="left" offset="0" />-->
    					<!--<left anchor="left" offset="15" />-->
    					<bottom anchor="top" offset="215" />

    The original update, I used the initial "controls" supplied (string_useredit, frame_char_switch_attacks) but they reported errors like:

    Ruleset Error: window: No vertical anchor defined for control (pc_label_four) in windowclass (charsheet_more)
    Ruleset Error: window: No vertical anchor defined for control (frame_char_switch_attacks) in windowclass (charsheet_more)

    Until I changed the control types to "generic_control" in ADDITION to merge="delete"
    			<generic_control name="pc_label_four" merge="delete" />
    			<generic_control name="attackframe" merge="delete" />


  5. #5
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    Above I posted, even though in the end I got what I wanted (pooled the controls), because I had thought simply
    			<string_useredit name="pc_label_four" merge="delete" />
    			<frame_char_switch_attacks name="attackframe" merge="delete" />
    should've worked...

  6. #6
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varsuuk View Post
    Above I posted, even though in the end I got what I wanted (pooled the controls), because I had thought simply
    			<string_useredit name="pc_label_four" merge="delete" />
    			<frame_char_switch_attacks name="attackframe" merge="delete" />
    should've worked...
    I only ever use the quoted code that you said didnt work...

  7. #7
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    Yup, when I did that - I got the error I showed specifically in first post.

    My THEORY is the custom control (string_useredit, frame_char_switch_attacks) have something in them that is because they have something in them that gets processed EVEN when deleting? Makes no sense. But I guess doesn't matter as long as I can just redefine it as a generic control and use delete there and no problems.

    OK - I put Debug.console() on EVERY onDoubleClick() (before realizing it adds the first roll on a single click...sigh) and then every onClick() and onClickRelease()

    I trigger the click and release when ROLL on the newly added roll but not when I click in a blank window (which causes the creation of the entry)

    THING the HIT me... MAYBE I somehow clicked some "reasonly" option on those windows ("Attributes," "moves", "powers", "feats" etc) base "class"? I am so far wit's end wasted 3 hours so far on this. On and off.

    -Clicking in any of the "boxes"/lists I recapped above does nothing. No new entry created (and was still clear so should create initial one)
    -If I DRAG an entry from the modules thing (which might be setup wrong RO/GM/etc?) to one of those boxes, it gets added but I cannot RIGHTCLICK it to delete it - that's how noticed both these issues.

  8. #8
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    Rolled back in git to first "version" and still the same issue.
    Grrrr... will look at first changes then - was hoping was a middle one since those tend to be smaller changes...

    EDIT: HOPE sneaks in! As I said, my first "versioned" testing release had the problem. But not the first "commit" - so will keep rolling forward until it breaks then check it out. Might figure this out yet.
    Last edited by Varsuuk; August 9th, 2020 at 04:33.

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    Thanks Damned- that was a good idea, I HAVE had invisible elements get me in past. This time though, I knew it was not it as I broke even other pages. That's when I realized which areas to look.

    One thing that bothered me, when I was adding Attributes, was the sort method, so I changed that.

    This was the original list_text from CoreRPG:
    	<template name="list_text">
    			<child mergerule="resetandadd"></child>
    			<allowcreate />
    			<allowdelete />
    			<sortby mergerule="replace"><control>name</control></sortby>
    			<script file="common/scripts/list_text.lua" />
    But I wanted to change the sort. Not looking at the prior one too closely, I VERY early on (3rd commit) changed the sorting.
    I had tried just changing<sortby> but that did not allow for complex if/else type sorting (to my knowledge) and switched to an embedded script.

    	<template name="list_text" merge="join">
    			<script name="alt_sort_order">
    				function onSortCompare(w1, w2)
    					local node1AltSortOrder = DB.getValue(w1.getDatabaseNode(), "alt_sort_order")
    					local node2AltSortOrder = DB.getValue(w2.getDatabaseNode(), "alt_sort_order")
    					if node1AltSortOrder ~= nil and node2AltSortOrder ~= nil then
    						return node1AltSortOrder > node2AltSortOrder
    						return DB.getValue(w1.getDatabaseNode(), "name") > DB.getValue(w2.getDatabaseNode(), "name")
    This of course BLOWS AWAY the <script> thing.

    Unless there is a way to "add script code in xml or lua to prior lua file" ... I guess my only fix is to copy the script from CoreRPG to my extension and add the one-sort code to that and use THAT version of the script.

    I wish there was a "merge into existing script" attribute

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