1. #1

    FGU - Stamped Assets No Longer Appearing on Map?

    Hello! Sorry if this has been addressed somewhere else, I spent a while searching but didn't find anything.

    So I'm having this issue where the assets I dragged into the stamp painting tool and placed on the map are no longer visible several sessions later. The painting layer is still there, and if I quickly cycle through the visibility options in the layers panel, the images flash onto the map for just a moment. But none of the visibility options will make them stay visible.

    Furthermore, now whenever I try to place any assets at all with the stamp tool, they show up 'invisible' right away. These can also be briefly shown by quickly toggling on and off the layer visibility, so I can confirm they're being placed in some manner or another.

    I didn't have this problem at first with Unity, and haven't changed any of the file paths or settings since I started painting and stamping maps. I've noticed this is only happening with the assets, and does not affect any lines drawn in paintbrush mode. It happens with both custom assets and purchased ones from the store. Truly bizarre.

    Any help would be appreciated, as I can't even start over from scratch while new stamped-assets are also bugged this way.

  2. #2
    I just pushed a new build that fixed the paint stamp tool application; which seems like it may be related to your issue.

    Can you try running another update, and let me know if you still see the issue?


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    I just pushed a new build that fixed the paint stamp tool application; which seems like it may be related to your issue.

    Can you try running another update, and let me know if you still see the issue?

    Can confirm that all assets have reappeared and stayed there even after switching between two different campaigns. Thank you very much! Glad the tool got fixed, and very glad I didn't have to start all over.

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