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Thread: Lfp d&d5e

  1. #1

    Lfp d&d5e

    I'm a relatively experienced DM (about 7 years now I think?), but I'm relatively new to Fantasy Grounds (I've run a couple sessions on it already though). My usual group are busy (somehow during this pandemic) so I wanted to branch out a little and find some new people to game with. I prefer to run a more sandbox-like game, and I have several different ideas, but I'd want to probably talk them through with the party before making a final decision. I'll leave some ideas below though so you can get an idea of what things I've thought up.

    In case any of this matters, I'm 19M, have DMed since middle school, and mostly played in person with people I already knew. I also enjoy gaming, anime, theatre, and fantasy, and am studying Computer Science, since that's another of my interests.

    We'll be playing 5th edition on Fantasy Grounds Classic. I have Ultimate, so demo players are welcome to join. We'll probably play on either Saturdays or Sundays weekly depending on what people are available for. I'm looking for probably 4-7 players. My games can end up having quite a bit of homebrew depending on how experimental I feel comfortable getting when running a new campaign, but I don't really use any 3rd party content except maybe MCDM's Strongholds and Followers. My games do typically end up having a focus on combat.

    I'd prefer to play with people who know the rule system well already, since it speeds things up a lot, but I typically end up DMing for mostly new players. I really like it when people engage with the world during and after character creation, and since I love running sandbox-styled games, people who are willing to take initiative and make their own decisions are always great. I've never had too much role-playing in my games, but I'm looking to make a change to that. Frequent attendance is paramount, so only try and join if you're sure you'll be present more than you're absent.

    For some ideas:
    • I've always wanted to run a West Marches game so if a lot of people are interested I'd love to try it out, but that's not really a likely result. I have a hex map that I can use to run one already prepared
    • I have settings I've worked on that are meant for both more dungeon-delving and more political-focused games, since I worldbuild as a hobby whenever my previous players ended up flaking out (which was 75% of the time)
    • One of my ideas takes place in a more modern setting. It's one of the ideas I have that is a bit more out there though.
    • A Megadungeon seems cool too
    • I own several hardcover 5E modules, but not on FG, including PotA, ToA, the 2 with Tiamat, and TftYP EDIT: I also had Out of the Abyss by I forgot about it.

    EDIT: Seems like both the megadungeon and political ideas gain the most traction. How would people feel about a political campaign centered around a megadungeon, where various factions are trying to gain control over the dungeon's resources?
    Last edited by BugbearSpearFighter; July 29th, 2020 at 18:49.

  2. #2
    I'll sign up. I've DM'd and played a couple of one on one sessions, but never had more than one person interested in playing at a time. I've read the Big Three official books cover-to-cover, I just need more playtime to practice while under pressure.

    Strongholds and Followers is probably my favorite 3rd party content aside from a Dark Souls expansion. Homebrew can be a bit difficult to add in fantasy grounds unity. I see that you use classic; I'm not sure if that version is easier or harder to add content to. I highly recommend switching to unity. Unlike classic, It's never crashed on me. It loads faster, runs smoother, and doesn't turn my pc into a mobile heater. Whatever features it's missing from classic, it's being updated regularly so they won't be missed for much longer. I'll still run classic if that's what you prefer, I just had to try.

    I'll be going back to Uni in a month (also for computer science), but I should still be free for a few hours on the weekends.

    In the games I've played/DM'd we would primarily role-play; the only out-of-character stuff that would occur would be narration and checking rules. That said, role-playing has been difficult to do online; without being able to see expressions, gestures, etc. there are a lot of misunderstandings.

    Regarding the ideas:
    • I had to google what a West Marches game is, and exploring the unknown outside of a home base for each session certainly does sound cool. I have the wonderdraft map-maker, so if that does happen I'll probably make a character that can pull of cartography (I do see that you have your own map, but a player-made one introduces such a nice opportunity for... mistakes).
    • Dungeon Delving, political stuff, trying to keep a beholder happy after it contracts a dungeon to me... I enjoy both. I would just like to know in advance, so I know which spells will be more useful. For example, I have a warlock (favorite class) based around forgery tools and charisma skills, but so far it has been combat focused.
    • Depends on how modern you're shooting for. The technology development in Bloodborne could be integrated into DnD easily, trick weapons aside. Anything post steam engine, though, and I think going with a Ravnica technology style would be necessary. If you're thinking something closer to Percy Jackson or Harry Potter-esque where magic is either unperceivable or kept hidden, that would be interesting. I'm still up for it no matter what, it just seems like integrating RPGs and tanks and aircraft would get complicated.
    • I'm rather torn on the megadungeon; I like adventure. My favorite part about being a player is closing my eyes and illustrating the locations that get narrated. Even as a DM I shut my eyes, imagine what the place looks like, and do my best to describe it. If the megadungeon has the diversity and literal depth of the Danmachi dungeon, with more figurative/narrative depth, I'll happily set up a stronghold on a safe floor and start dungeon delving. Actually, that sounds similar to a West March game.
    • The only official campaign I've read is Out of the Abyss because I'm DMing it, and I've played a tiny amount of Curse of Strahd (heavily modified to incorporate a Lovecraft expansion book), so feel free to surprise me with content from anything else! As someone who does own one Fantasy Grounds Campaign, I'll admit the FG modules are very useful for organization and improv. But if you have random tables printed out or bookmarked, or roll the random encounters/loot before the session, then the FG modules aren't necessary for a smooth game. For a more sandbox-style where you make stuff on the fly as players actively push the limits, though, having quick access to the random tables in the DMG would probably be very handy.

    Edit: 22M until I can afford to transition, so don't be surprised if my voice starts changing after a while. I also enjoy gaming (ex: soulsborne, civilization, pillars of eternity, war for the overworld), anime (ex: FMA, BNHA, castlevania, Log Horizon), and fantasy (ex: LotR, Inheritance cycle, HP, PJO, Kingkiller Chronicles)
    Last edited by Thaxes; July 28th, 2020 at 04:04.

  3. #3
    I'd be interested. I started playing back in 1977. Yes that puts me in my late 50's. I love roleplaying and my favorite characters are bards/rogues. But I've also enjoyed playing an undead hunting paladin.

  4. #4
    If your still looking i'm looking for a game to play in. I've been stuck forever Dm'ing (love it btw) and feel like I need to branch out. I can play whatever role but I try to limit myself off from intellectual characters (i'll prob end up a wizard anyway). Pm me if your interested.

    Regarding ideas:

    I would love a nice political game. Mega dungeons are amazing and as long as a group is set up I tend to commit to what I start.

  5. #5
    I'm not seeing a time of play listed, what day and time were you looking to run the game?

  6. #6
    Yeah, I've been thinking of switching to Unity, but when I got the game I wasn't quite sure whether I wanted to get it immediately because I wasn't sure how much had been implemented there already. For now I'll probably stick with classic though. The modern setting I had was in the information age. Essentially, divination magic drove the industrial revolution. And the megadungeon would definitely be a pretty diverse place.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Thaxes View Post
    I'll sign up. I've DM'd and played a couple of one on one sessions, but never had more than one person interested in playing at a time. I've read the Big Three official books cover-to-cover, I just need more playtime to practice while under pressure.

    Strongholds and Followers is probably my favorite 3rd party content aside from a Dark Souls expansion. Homebrew can be a bit difficult to add in fantasy grounds unity. I see that you use classic; I'm not sure if that version is easier or harder to add content to. I highly recommend switching to unity. Unlike classic, It's never crashed on me. It loads faster, runs smoother, and doesn't turn my pc into a mobile heater. Whatever features it's missing from classic, it's being updated regularly so they won't be missed for much longer. I'll still run classic if that's what you prefer, I just had to try.

    I'll be going back to Uni in a month (also for computer science), but I should still be free for a few hours on the weekends.

    In the games I've played/DM'd we would primarily role-play; the only out-of-character stuff that would occur would be narration and checking rules. That said, role-playing has been difficult to do online; without being able to see expressions, gestures, etc. there are a lot of misunderstandings.

    Regarding the ideas:
    • I had to google what a West Marches game is, and exploring the unknown outside of a home base for each session certainly does sound cool. I have the wonderdraft map-maker, so if that does happen I'll probably make a character that can pull of cartography (I do see that you have your own map, but a player-made one introduces such a nice opportunity for... mistakes).
    • Dungeon Delving, political stuff, trying to keep a beholder happy after it contracts a dungeon to me... I enjoy both. I would just like to know in advance, so I know which spells will be more useful. For example, I have a warlock (favorite class) based around forgery tools and charisma skills, but so far it has been combat focused.
    • Depends on how modern you're shooting for. The technology development in Bloodborne could be integrated into DnD easily, trick weapons aside. Anything post steam engine, though, and I think going with a Ravnica technology style would be necessary. If you're thinking something closer to Percy Jackson or Harry Potter-esque where magic is either unperceivable or kept hidden, that would be interesting. I'm still up for it no matter what, it just seems like integrating RPGs and tanks and aircraft would get complicated.
    • I'm rather torn on the megadungeon; I like adventure. My favorite part about being a player is closing my eyes and illustrating the locations that get narrated. Even as a DM I shut my eyes, imagine what the place looks like, and do my best to describe it. If the megadungeon has the diversity and literal depth of the Danmachi dungeon, with more figurative/narrative depth, I'll happily set up a stronghold on a safe floor and start dungeon delving. Actually, that sounds similar to a West March game.
    • The only official campaign I've read is Out of the Abyss because I'm DMing it, and I've played a tiny amount of Curse of Strahd (heavily modified to incorporate a Lovecraft expansion book), so feel free to surprise me with content from anything else! As someone who does own one Fantasy Grounds Campaign, I'll admit the FG modules are very useful for organization and improv. But if you have random tables printed out or bookmarked, or roll the random encounters/loot before the session, then the FG modules aren't necessary for a smooth game. For a more sandbox-style where you make stuff on the fly as players actively push the limits, though, having quick access to the random tables in the DMG would probably be very handy.

    Edit: 22M until I can afford to transition, so don't be surprised if my voice starts changing after a while. I also enjoy gaming (ex: soulsborne, civilization, pillars of eternity, war for the overworld), anime (ex: FMA, BNHA, castlevania, Log Horizon), and fantasy (ex: LotR, Inheritance cycle, HP, PJO, Kingkiller Chronicles)
    Yeah, I've been thinking of switching to Unity, but when I got the game I wasn't quite sure whether I wanted to get it immediately because I wasn't sure how much had been implemented there already. For now I'll probably stick with classic though. The modern setting I had was in the information age. Essentially, divination magic drove the industrial revolution. And the megadungeon would definitely be a pretty diverse place.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Mentle View Post
    I'm not seeing a time of play listed, what day and time were you looking to run the game?
    either Saturday or Sunday, I wanted to check to see which time was more widely available. The starting time would probably be between 2:00-5:00 EST on either day.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Beautiful British Columbia
    I would be interested in playing 5e on FGC or FGU, I own both. Been playing TTRPGs since AD&D (I am mid 40s). I am playing/DMing on Saturdays, so could only do Sundays and your time slot is fine for me. Played and DMed plenty of 5e.

  10. #10
    Now that there are a fair few people interested, I'm ready to get down to figuring out schedules and getting started if everyone else is.
    Last edited by Thaxes; August 2nd, 2020 at 06:42.

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