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Thread: MGT2 Todo List

  1. #71
    Hi Chap,

    If you think something is missing that's in MGT2's Traveller then mention it as a new thread and I'll look at what's involved.

    Same goes with World data etc.

    Now I'm only working on official Mongoose Products and the focus is to get Core books out with a mix of source books/adventure supplements. Books take a lot of time to convert and to add the rules as automation. The focus was for the v1.0.x to work in general, v1.1.X to add rules for Central Supply, v1.2.X for High Guard and then v1.3.X for Traveller Companion. I don't focus just on these, I've recently updated the Worlds Data to include extra fields for berthing cost/fuel type etc. NPC's are also being tweaked almost every update, the aim long term is for an NPC to be as fleshed out as a PC, that's a way off at the moment.

    Now I don't use RPGSuite so I can't comment on what the data looks like exported, but if someone wants to write a parser to import PC's then I can possibly help with it.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MadBeardMan to see what I'm up to!

  2. #72
    RPGsuite also doesn't follow the generation rules. I wrote them (several times) and they finally decided to answer me basically saying that they don't cap stats, or skill ratings, or anything like that incase someone has a house rule for it. I told them that they should follow the core rules and have an option to allow them to be ignored but they didn't seem to care. So I just gave up on it.

  3. #73
    Howdy MBM,

    I already have the json layout/format used by rpgsuite and I was looking through the json exported by fantasygrounds. I was in the middle of doing a conversion map from one to the other when I found many elements that did not have a place to hold the data.
    When I found the limitations, I figured I would look into lua and see what it would take to update the character sheet as I want to use it with FGU. I currently own every Traveller product produced by Fantasygrounds. I also own a pdf copy of every MGT1/2 book (as well as owning all the CD's of the earlier Traveller releases). I can extract the text/images from the pdf's BUT would only do so if the material is going into a properly licensed product.
    I have the api's to pull all the data from the traveller map, which can be combined with the data from behind the claw and the mgt1 sector books. Each world could have a list of the available skills for a homeworld as well as the text from explanator. 90% or more of this could be generated from scripts.

    In other words, I need the tool, I have a game coming up and I have the skills and information required. I can provide you with material for you to do the work, but it sounds like your plate is full.
    If you want xml generated/populated, great. If you need images manipulated, great. I am an absolute beginner with lua and the Fantasy Grounds interface, but I have over 30 years of programming experience in multiple languages, so I can learn.
    So, I am a resource who wants to get a product that works for his upcoming games. (so I am motivated).

    Best regards


  4. #74
    Hi Dalton,

    Sorry I didn't reply yesterday, was busy with my family and my Xbone console!

    First, if you want to update the character sheet, you'll need to learn how to create an extension. Inside you'll override the XML for the charsheet, that part is quite easy. What's not so easy, is that the scripts that use the characters are in the ruleset functions.

    I agree about the TravellerMap scripts, what you need to be careful off (at times) is that Mongoose Worlds are different from the TravellerMap, not that much though these days as I think Mongoose use it. So I might create a Nodejs app to pull the data into a new text, because I use a parser app that uses text files to create the mods, and I need to add the parser to allow worlds to be added into a mod.

    I've also been coding for crumbs, just over 30 years myself, been doing FG stuff for about 5 years and still learning!

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MadBeardMan to see what I'm up to!

  5. #75
    Travellermaps uses the T5 trade codes while MGT2 uses... well the MGT2. They are different by 2 codes (for trading, there are a ton of extras in T5 that aren't used in trading). MGT2 has two extra trade codes so they are just different enough. The travellermaps site also includes information that doesn't have equivalent components in MGT2.

    For some reason MGT2 seems built around super simple so they don't even have rules to support in-system worlds generation. The MGT1 system works fine for this but sadly is out of bounds for MGT2 development on FG because it is from 1E.

    As for developing a character sheet extension it would be difficult with the ruleset locked and encrypted to make something functional. For instance it would be cool to be able to add CHA but could use on skills or setup an override so would just be a number on the sheet with no effect on FG automation.

  6. #76
    I built an app to pull the data down for Spinward Marches from TravellerMap, not impressed that they don't support JSON for World Data.

    District 268
    Asteltine 0931 B7A7402-A Fl Ni 210 Na K7 V M3 V
    Inchin 0938 D42035A-A De He Lo Po 823 Na F0 V
    Singer 0940 D553774-6 Po 901 Na M2 V M2 V
    567-908 1031 E532000-0 Ba Po (Shrieker 010 Na G5 V M9 V
    Avastan 1037 C433520-A Ni Po 724 Na M3 V
    Kuai Qing 1040 C503758-A Ic Na Va Pi 320 Na K3 V
    Faldor 1131 E5936A7-5 Ni (Otarri) 520 Na M2 V
    Bowman 1132 D000300-9 S As Lo Va 831 Cs M0 V
    Squallia 1133 C438679-9 Ni 320 Na F0 V
    Tarsus 1138 B584620-A Ag Ni Ri 202 Cs K9 V
    Walston 1232 C544338-8 S Lo Varg7 302 Cs M2 V
    Flexos 1233 E5A1422-8 Fl He Ni 610 Na M1 V M2 V
    Collace 1237 B628943-D S Hi In 101 Cs F1 V M3 V
    Pavabid 1238 C6678D8-6 Ga Ri Pa Ph Pz A 701 Na K7 V
    Datrillian 1331 E427633-8 Ni 801 Na M1 V
    Nirton 1332 X500000-0 Ba Va Fo R 011 Na M0 V
    Judice 1337 E9B2000-0 Ba Fl He RsT 021 Cs M3 V
    Trexalon 1339 B561851-C Ri Ph 923 Na K8 V
    Motmos 1340 B68468B-5 N Ag Ni Ri 710 Cs M2 V M2 V
    Noctocol 1433 E7A5747-8 Fl 602 Na F5 V M2 V
    Tarkine 1434 C566662-7 S Ag Ni Ri Da O:1 A 310 Cs M0 V M2 V
    Dallia 1435 B885883-9 Ga Ri Pa Ph 610 Cs F2 V
    Talos 1436 E433532-9 Ni Po 820 Na F9 V M1 V
    Dawnworld 1531 E885000-0 Ba Ga 025 Na F8 V M2 V
    Elixabeth 1532 B426467-8 N Ni O:1435 201 Cs M1 V M5 V
    Forine 1533 D3129B8-A Hi Ic In Na 610 Na G9 V
    Mertactor 1537 B562732-B S Ri 110 Im G1 V
    Talchek 1631 C7B1442-8 Fl He Ni Da A 601 Cs K8 V M5 V
    Milagro 1632 E31178A-7 Ic Na Pi 920 Na M2 V
    Pagaton 1634 C769873-4 Ri Ph 913 Na F0 V
    Binges 1635 A500231-A Lo Va 720 Na M0 V
    Mille Falcs 1637 B9A2469-C A Fl He Ni Mr 301 Im M2 V
    Here's the crude code (NodeJS v12).

    const request = require('request');
    request('https://travellermap.com/api/metadata?sector=Spinward%20Marches', async (err, res, body) => {
      let json = JSON.parse(body);
      json.Subsectors.forEach(async subsector => {
        await fetchWorldData(subsector.Name);
    async function fetchWorldData(sector)
      const options = {
        url: `https://travellermap.com/data/Spinward%20Marches/${sector}/sec?header=0&metadata=0`,
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {
            'Accept': 'application/json',
            'Accept-Charset': 'utf-8'
      await request(options, (err, res, body) => {
        let json = JSON.parse(body);
        const text = json.split('\r\n').filter(x => x);
        text.forEach(world => {
          // convert this
    I'll now get it to convert that to MGT2E format and write the text file for my parser.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MadBeardMan to see what I'm up to!

  7. #77
    So cool - nice job!!

  8. #78
    The second survey data would provide more information like allegiances and such. Plus you can read the data by column location. It's not really part of MGT2 but PBG would be nice to have in the world system.


  9. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post
    The second survey data would provide more information like allegiances and such. Plus you can read the data by column location. It's not really part of MGT2 but PBG would be nice to have in the world system.

    My scripts are complete. Took a massive 5 seconds for Spinward Marches to have all the Worlds Data plus the reference manual data, 5 seconds later everything for Deneb. 10,000 lines of data.

    MGT doesn't use the full PBG, it uses just the 'Gas Giants', also MGT doesn't use all the Trade Codes, nor the Allegiances.

    Anyway it's built what I needed for Behind the Claw, means I could build World Data for any Sector/Subsector but would need checking.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MadBeardMan to see what I'm up to!

  10. #80
    Pirates of Drinax uses allegiances in the system data, fortunately you already have the space for it in the system structure. Pirates is why I incorporated it into my system modules.

    Also not sure what you mean by not using trade codes? The entire speculative trade system is based on the trade codes.
    Last edited by esmdev; June 9th, 2020 at 21:58.

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