1. #1

    Looking for DM to run a campaign for new players (5E)(PAID)


    My friends and I are looking for an experienced DM to run a campaign for us. We are all pretty new and not very good at RPing but are wanting a DM that is patient and willing to guide us through in a fun and constructive way. Our friend was supposed to DM for us, but was unable to at the last minute do to his work load. We are a group of 5. We are willing to pay and would be mainly doing our sessions on Sundays evenings. We are Central Time zone of USA.

    Thanks ya'll!


  2. #2
    computertrucker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Destin, Florida (Paradise) Central Time Zone
    I could very well be available for this. I’ll send you a PM. I’ve been running games on FG since 2010, and know several systems, including 5e and others.

    Sending PM now.

  3. #3
    Hello StephSpirit, I am easily available to run a session for you and your friends during Sundays. I have also had lots of practice and experience running games for new players with over 1,300 hours of 5e experience as a DM. I also have access to systems live Syranscape, meaning I can play sound effects and music to better improve the experience, and I have the Ultimate License so you & your friends will only need the Demo versions. If you are interested, we can meet up on discord and discuss what kind of experience you want in your D&D 5e game.

    Zane Crane

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