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Thread: 5E Enhancer

  1. #211
    Quote Originally Posted by ScriedRaven View Post
    Jack, unfortunately this extension isn't compatible with CAE

    Batman, in the current build of 5e Enhancer there isn't a toolbar for clearing saves. From what I can go back and see it doesn't seem like it ever had it. The current way to clear saves is to type /dsave into the chat window.
    Bummer. Hopefully one or the other of the extension authors can find a fix. I'd love to have both working together.

    As for using /dsave, I just bind the command to F3 - it makes it so much easier to use.

  2. #212
    Quote Originally Posted by jackkerouac View Post
    Bummer. Hopefully one or the other of the extension authors can find a fix. I'd love to have both working together.
    That's why I've started making 5e Enhancer more modular (the files of which Stymir has kindly put into the github). I'm still working on getting flanking and wounds working together, so at this point it'll be a choice between those two (or use Kents flanking, which has its own issues).

  3. #213
    Quote Originally Posted by ScriedRaven View Post
    That's why I've started making 5e Enhancer more modular (the files of which Stymir has kindly put into the github). I'm still working on getting flanking and wounds working together, so at this point it'll be a choice between those two (or use Kents flanking, which has its own issues).
    That's awesome. Here are the results of my (admittedly basic) testing: the only one that conflicts is Content Share. You can run all the others either individually or in any combination and they work with CAE, DM Tools.
    Last edited by jackkerouac; June 6th, 2020 at 23:23.

  4. #214
    I'd figured it was either that or the window resizer, but since Combat Enhancer was so bad about conflicting with everything, I thought I'd go ahead and split everything apart. At this point everything has its own sub-module.

  5. #215
    Quote Originally Posted by ScriedRaven View Post
    I'd figured it was either that or the window resizer, but since Combat Enhancer was so bad about conflicting with everything, I thought I'd go ahead and split everything apart. At this point everything has its own sub-module.
    Hang on, hang on a second... Your separation of Styrmir's CE makes it somehow compatible with DiabloBob's CAE/DM Tools for FGU?!

  6. #216
    As with all things in Unity, I'm hesitant to say yes, but at present they seem to not conflict anywhere outside of Content Share.

  7. #217
    Quote Originally Posted by ScriedRaven View Post
    As with all things in Unity, I'm hesitant to say yes, but at present they seem to not conflict anywhere outside of Content Share.
    Content Share as the DM sharing content with the players? I'm kind of lost here, I'm sorry, ScriedRaven...

  8. #218
    Content Chat Poster Here's the older version from before Stymir merged it with 5e Enhancer, I don't use it so I'd forgotten the exact name. It's a nice extension, but it conflicted with something else that I liked more so I stopped using it (this was back before DM tools was released so I don't remember what it was).

  9. #219
    • Content Share: allows you and your players to right click on spells, character feats, features and traits and post the descriptive text directly to the chat text by selecting the new 'Post Text in Chat' menu option at the bottom.
    • Faction Underlays: 'Reach underlay' and 'Faction/space underlay' made as toggle switches in the menu items. Re-add tokens to update. Active actor on CT token underlay made as toggle switches in the menu items. Clears all other underlays than the current actor.
    • Flanking and Range: Automatic range finding from ranged attack. Toggable in menu. Disadvantage for medium to max range added automatically, sharpshooter feat negates this. Message output to chat. Options to detect flanking tokens
    • Height: Add height widget to a token (DM only).
    • Remove Actor: Delete tokens from map and CT with single mouse click. Alt + left mouse-click on token on map, deletes the token from the map. Alt + Ctrl + left mouse-click on token on map, deletes the token from the map and from the CT.
    • Remove Effect: When an effect is dropped on a target in the CT or on a CT linked token on the map. If that target already has that effect, then it is removed from the target instead.
    • Saves: Adds overlay to token after making a saving throw. /dsave to clear
    • Skip Actor: Skip actors that haven’t rolled initiative
    • Window Resizer: New menu options in your settings, under '5E Enhancer, Window Resizing'. Set as default window sizes on activation. But you can enable larger windows for any or all windows from the window menu.
    • Wounds: Blood splatters on token when taking damage. Blood pools on tokens on death. Add X or skull or no graphics onto token on death. Horizontal health bars, Select health for tokens to be displayed as bars, or to be displayed as larger dots

    All sub-extensions can be used together, or you can pick and choose which ones you want to use. Previous conflicts between sub-extensions have been fixed.D

  10. #220
    This is a very large extension as far as non-ruleset extensions go. So it's not surprising that it does conflict with some other extensions out here.
    While it is coded in such as way to leave as small a footprint as possible, when it does so many things, it's impossible to avoid conflicts all together.

    The reason it conflicts, is because in order to make certain things work, overriding of certain core functions is needed. That's just the way the code base works, we build on top of two other base rulesets, and to enhance some things we need to interject code into those rulesets directly.
    When other extensions are written to accomplish their tasks, they may need to override the same functions to do so, aka. conflict. Unavoidable in many cases.

    It would be different if we were all contributing to the ruleset code, as things could be written in unison for functionality.

    It does not surprise me that the content share portion conflicts with some, as for it to work it needs to override a number of frames. Any extension wanting to do the same will not work together.

    This extension is pretty much written for the way I like to run my games, adding or improving functionality I've found lacking or missing in the official ruleset code bases.
    And I've been sharing all that work (weeks of combined work hours at this point) with the community as I figured a number of you might the want for the same. Preferences will vary of course, as much as we are all different.

    So when ScriedRaven contacted me and told me he'd split my extension into these sub modules, for his personal use, from the original code I thought it might be something that some of you might prefer. And for those of you who use other extensions that you find crucial that are indeed using similar parts of the core code to materialize, being able to pick and choose more I'm sure would be useful. Which is why I decided to share that contribution and upload along side the main extensions for all of you.

    This extensions code has been designed from the start to be as cleanly separated as possible, where each functionality has its own code file as much as possible. This way it is more maintainable and has this option of splitting out parts more clearly available.

    The reason the actual main extension is in one file rather than many (modular) is for maintenance and development purposes. I've kept adding functionality, and fine tuned code already in place since I started this project October of last year.
    It already takes a lot of time, much as the one before it did. But if I would have kept these all as separate little extensions I doubt I'd written much of this functionality to begin with, and these now modular things would never have existed in the first place. On top of that keeping up with error or bug reports among different locations, documentation, pushing individual extension updates etc., would be tremendously time costly if they had been worked separately due to the regular updates I've pushed.
    In short, it all adds up.

    But this way, you get the best of both worlds.
    Extension writer, FGU Backer, Ultimate License holder.

    5E Enhancer (development and support on hold for now)

    Combat Enhancer 5E Classic (no longer officially supported, community support only)

    ps. Do not send PM's for support for the extensions I write, I will not not be able to respond there. Use the relevant forum threads instead so the community can benefit from the replies, thank you.

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