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  1. #51
    pico's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maugrim8866 View Post
    Thanks for the update Pico.
    I have been going through the Scum and Villainy pdf. Using NPC Engineer and Token Tool to create NPCs.
    I started at the back of the book with Spy and have been working through them. I realize I maybe be duplicating some of your work, but I found it easier to just do it then to find out if you had already.
    I fully intend to share to files when complete.
    That is my update.
    I am keeping track of which ones I've done in the file below. I'll work from the beginning then, and you can see when we meet. There will be some overlap since I decided to complete the ones from the old NPC module first. PM me and we can discuss how to get the .npc files to me. And, thanks for helping!

  2. #52
    pico's Avatar
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    All NPCs from the Scum and Villainy PDF are now included in the PHB module.

    If you see any class features, item effects, or PDF changes that are not in my modules, please let me know.

    I'm considering the bulk of work on this project done now that it contains the PHB and Scum and Villainy PDF content. Expanded/Extended content will not be in my modules. I'd like to encourage others to expand into this area by publishing their own modules.

  3. #53
    Thanks so much for all the work you've put into this module! So pumped to have all of those stat blocks ready for my games!

  4. #54
    Hey, I'm not sure what happened, but I just updated my game and now there aren't any spells showing up at all?

    Edit: I figured it out! Apparently the last update unloaded the modules for whatever reason. I just had to go back into the library and reload the modules.
    Last edited by BlackSoul566; July 20th, 2020 at 22:53.

  5. #55
    pico's Avatar
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    Make sure both the PHB and the Supplement modules are loaded up. That's usually the cause of this issue.

  6. #56
    OP: Can you re-post the latest versions? There seems to be a number of errors I've noticed, but I think I may have older versions of the modules.
    Thanks in advance

  7. #57
    pico's Avatar
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    I updated the first post when the FG Forum says my module is too big to upload, so you must get them from these links:

    Extension download: https://github.com/BeeGrinder/Fantas...ter/extensions
    Module download: https://github.com/BeeGrinder/Fantas...master/modules

  8. #58
    Thanks for your quick reply.

    It seems I do have the latest and greatest.

    Are you still updating the files? If so, would you like me to report errors I find?

    Thanks again.

  9. #59
    Some of the NPC's are not working properly. For example the Trooper, Scout's Hold-out blaster says "Hit: 4 (1d4+2)." So, it won't do damage in the combat tracker. If I copy and edit the statblock, to say "Hit: 4 (1d4+2) energy damage." it works.

    There are some other minor errors on NPC's that use spells. For FG to automate NPC spell attacks, the spell needs to say spell attack instead of tech attack in the spell discription. This is a problem on a number of spells like Choke, where it says "Make a ranged force attack". If you edit it to "Make a ranged spell attack" FG will allow you to roll the NPC's attack from the combat tracker.

    Will you be making further updates or is this something we should just change on our own?

    Thanks for all your work.

  10. #60
    pico's Avatar
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    I'll look into this mostcallmetim. I'll try to get to any bugs in a timely manner. But, I am not currently playing this, so it's difficult for me to find much myself.

    Jonnygadfly, I'll look into anything you find. You can post the issue here, or on the github issues area (link in the first post).

    Also, I'd love to hear about FGU vs. FGC issues. I've done a little testing in FGU and it seems to be working fine, but I can only try so much without actual play.
    Last edited by pico; September 17th, 2020 at 01:28.

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