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Thread: Updater Issues

  1. #181
    ScottUlmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddavison View Post
    I'm curious where it is getting C:/Users/Scott Ulmer/Desktop/FantasyGroundsUpdater.exe. Do you see the updater on your desktop or in the D:\Programs\Fantasy Grounds Unity folder?
    Hey sorry for the confusion. That is the error I got when trying to update. What happens is the updater gets deleted, but not the new updater does not exist, so the program hangs for literally ever (not just exaggerating). In real-life I have waiting an hour plus thinking it was slow, but it would never finish because it mechanically can't. After I get this error I can't even even try to update again as the updater.exe is missing. With the updater missing, I can't even uninstall the program the normal way you uninstall a program. I have to use special software (Revo Uninstaller). The reason the links are different in the error vs now is had to uninstall and re-install the program and I wanted to install into a new drive to simply make sure there were no more files/settings that were going to the old folder. So Then "C" was correct, but I had to completely uninstall with Revo to get it so I could re-install, so I could update. The re-install is in "D".

  2. #182
    Quote Originally Posted by ScottUlmer View Post
    Hey Doug,

    So when I go to the properties it seems to be what you said it should be without me having to fix it.

    Target: D:\Programs\Fantasy Grounds Unity\FantasyGrounds.exe

    Start in: D:\Programs\Fantasy Grounds Unity

    I also have tried the C drive and the default path. I actually put it in a special spot, just in case there default path had an issue. In case you are wondering why the error and what I just sent you has a different path, that is because I had to Revo Uninstall and re-install it again.

    I do not have any issues unless the updater needs to be updated. The FG client itself does not cause an issue. I think it is the hand-off between old updater updating itself. When I built a program like that I had to have the exe run a .bat to delete the updater and the rename the new updater to the correct name. Might be worth looking into?
    This is effectively what we are doing.
    There are two parts to the updater, FantasyGroundsUpdater and FGUpdaterEngine.

    FGUpdaterEngine is the main graphical ui that does updates. When FGUpdaterEngine downloads a new updater, it unzips it, and copies the new FantasyGroundsUpdater to the main directory.
    FGUpdaterEngine then hands off to FantasyGroundsUpdater, which copies the new FGUpdaterEngine and passes control back there.


    As for your actual issue:
    If you were to install from latest installer to D:\Programs\Fantasy Grounds Unity, open the updater engine, and check your settings, go to advanced, and check your App Directory path, is this the correct path?

  3. #183
    ScottUlmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redeyesofnight View Post
    This is effectively what we are doing.
    There are two parts to the updater, FantasyGroundsUpdater and FGUpdaterEngine.

    FGUpdaterEngine is the main graphical ui that does updates. When FGUpdaterEngine downloads a new updater, it unzips it, and copies the new FantasyGroundsUpdater to the main directory.
    FGUpdaterEngine then hands off to FantasyGroundsUpdater, which copies the new FGUpdaterEngine and passes control back there.


    As for your actual issue:
    If you were to install from latest installer to D:\Programs\Fantasy Grounds Unity, open the updater engine, and check your settings, go to advanced, and check your App Directory path, is this the correct path?
    I downloaded the installer last week (I have to do every time I have an issue).

    The updater is pointing to the correct folder. One thing that I have changed in the last week is I uninstalled the Steam FG Classic. have not had an issue since, but also have not had to update the updater.exe since then. I still need FG classic as I have one group that plays on that and one group that plays on FGU (just the DM for classic is on vacation for 3 weeks so I thought it would be a good time to remove that variable). FG classic has no issues with updating though.

    If/when this happens again. What could I do to make this easier for you to problem solve? Also if you can let me know BEFORE you update the updater.exe I would appreciate it so I can maybe capture a video for you guys to watch and go over everything.

  4. #184
    I've had no updater issues to this point, but just experienced something odd... I started FGU, and it had the red outline around Check for Updates. I pressed it, it ran through all my content and never found anything to update. Confirmed in the log as best I can, it didn't find anything to download. Ran it again, (this time unprompted) and still no updates. Logs attached.

    FG v.4.0.0 Ultimate (2020-05-20)
    FGUpdater v.4.0.0 (2020-05-15)
    Standard Data Directory Path
    App install directory is on a secondary drive (X:\FantasyGrounds)
    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #185
    Is it still showing the red outline? Please note, there is an update currently pushed.


  6. #186
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    Is it still showing the red outline? Please note, there is an update currently pushed.

    If this is in response to my post, no, it cleared after running. But it didn't seem to do anything, none of the entries processed an update. It was just odd.

  7. #187
    We're still making changes to the installer, updater and patch system for FGU as well; though it's not quite as visible as the client changes. It was probably related to something in that process that needed to be reset. Thanks for the note; we'll keep an eye out to see if it's a recurring scenario.


  8. #188
    ScottUlmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScottUlmer View Post
    I downloaded the installer last week (I have to do every time I have an issue).

    The updater is pointing to the correct folder. One thing that I have changed in the last week is I uninstalled the Steam FG Classic. have not had an issue since, but also have not had to update the updater.exe since then. I still need FG classic as I have one group that plays on that and one group that plays on FGU (just the DM for classic is on vacation for 3 weeks so I thought it would be a good time to remove that variable). FG classic has no issues with updating though.

    If/when this happens again. What could I do to make this easier for you to problem solve? Also if you can let me know BEFORE you update the updater.exe I would appreciate it so I can maybe capture a video for you guys to watch and go over everything.
    Part 1 of screen shots.
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  9. #189
    ScottUlmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScottUlmer View Post
    Part 1 of screen shots.
    Part 2.

    So the same issue as it also is, when there is a new updater my files do not copy over. It seems to loose the proper access and then fail to copy the files. If I run the updater out of "D:\Programs\Fantasy Grounds Unity\FantasyGroundsUpdater_NEW\FGUpdaterEngine" it seems to work. I manually copied it to "D:\Programs\Fantasy Grounds Unity\FGUpdaterEngine". The hand-off your updater is doing for some reason keeps getting stuck at this phase.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  10. #190
    Quote Originally Posted by ScottUlmer View Post
    Part 2.

    So the same issue as it also is, when there is a new updater my files do not copy over. It seems to loose the proper access and then fail to copy the files. If I run the updater out of "D:\Programs\Fantasy Grounds Unity\FantasyGroundsUpdater_NEW\FGUpdaterEngine" it seems to work. I manually copied it to "D:\Programs\Fantasy Grounds Unity\FGUpdaterEngine". The hand-off your updater is doing for some reason keeps getting stuck at this phase.
    You've got me pretty stumped here, to be honest.
    The current updater doesn't do anything with permissions when we are updating the updater.
    I'll go through the steps, as at least we can try to pinpoint the step that's failing.

    In FGUpdaterEngine
    1: Download and save
    2: Unzip to FantasyGroundsUpdater_NEW
    3: Delete FantasyGroundsUpdater.exe
    4: Move FantasyGroundsUpdater_NEW/FantasyGroundsUpdater.exe to the main Program Folder
    5: Start the newly copied FantasyGroundsUpdater.exe as a new process
    6: Exit FGUpdaterEngine.exe

    Then In FantasyGroundsUpdater.exe
    1: Delete FGUpdaterEngine Folder
    2: Copy remaining contents of FantasyGroundsUpdater_NEW to main Program Folder
    3: Launch new FGUpdaterEngine.exe
    4: Exit FantasyGroundsUpdater.exe

    At no point now in this process are we setting permissions on the folder or any of the apps, so I'm not sure how this could happen.

    I've got a couple of thoughts. First, I'm wondering if there are permissions left behind on the data folder from an earlier install that could be causing this.
    In this instance, I would Delete the whole Data folder and try installing from latest.
    You might have already done this, but just in case.

    With the latest updater, we also added a number of troubleshooting tools on the settings window we could try.

    There's a tool for "Force Update". This will force the updater and FGU to update even if the system thinks you are on the latest revision.
    This could help us pinpoint the issue without you having to wait for a new updater build.

    There's also a tool called "Clear Settings". This will delete the settings files associated with Fantasy Grounds completely and force your system to show the "New Install" screen in the updater. This will let you choose a folder for Data and check permissions, then prompt you to login again and enter your key again, along with a few permissions checks in the process.

    I'd suggest maybe this process:
    1: On Latest Updater, Use the Clear Settings Tool to reset your settings
    2: Close the updater immediately without going through the setup process again
    3: Delete the Program Folder completely
    4: Reinstall from latest

    This should also prompt the new install process once the updater is loaded.

    As for other ideas:
    It's possible that an antivirus has decided it doesn't like us downloading new files and sticking them in Program Files, so try turning off any antivirus software to see if this is the issue.

    If none of these work, perhaps we can set up a time to troubleshoot on a call if possible. You can email me at [email protected] to set that up if needed.

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