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Thread: Dice features

  1. #61
    damned's Avatar
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    Welcome Naroe!
    Nice job - can you post your extension here too?
    Also in case you didnt know - in the interim you can type your roll like
    /roll 1d100
    in the chat window and instead of hitting enter you can drag it to a slot on your hotbar and then you can use that to quickly make your roll.

  2. #62

  3. #63
    DO WANT THIS (exploding dice, open-ended dice) FEATURE/CAPABILITY!!!!
    I use this dice mechanic in many different home brew game rules that I have put together over the years.
    My players love the idea that there may be more that can happen if they are particularly lucky on their dice rolls.
    I know you FG devs are busy bees these days, but this is IMHO a must have feature that would add even more depth to an excellent product.

  4. #64
    damned's Avatar
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    Go here: https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/ search dice and vote away.
    It is an important feature. It is coming but at this stage not until FG4 or whatever it will be called arrives.

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Go here: https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/ search dice and vote away.
    It is an important feature. It is coming but at this stage not until FG4 or whatever it will be called arrives.
    Awesome... Thanks for the update.
    VOTED and NOTED!!

  6. #66
    Ok, these are both "fringy" dice mechanics I suppose, but how would you represent the following:
    roll 2d10, compound on doubles, auto-fail on double 1's. E.g. 5+7 = 12; 6+6, 5+7 = 24, 6+6, 4+4, 1+1 = Fail (This is the old Mayfair DC Heroes mechanic.)

    roll Xd10, choose sets. E.g. 8d10 => 8,3,5,3,7,9,8,3 => 2 8's or 3 3's. (The One Roll Engine mechanic behind Godlike, Wild Talents, and Reign.)

    Also, is there any provision for triggering on *exactly* (and only) a target number (e.g. 1d100e=66, or 4d6r=2?)? Likewise for "matching" dice, like ORE's wiggle dice?

  7. #67
    damned's Avatar
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    sorry. - Go here: https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/ search dice and vote away.
    It is an important feature. It is coming but at this stage not until FG4 or whatever it will be called arrives.

  8. #68
    For your specific examples.
    * The compound/fail on doubles will not be built in, but could be coded using Lua extension or custom game system ruleset.
    * There will be sets for keep/drop, but not set selection after the roll (which requires an interface to be built into the ruleset). Again, this could be coded using a Lua extension or custom game system ruleset.
    * Based on the current implementation, the new built-in dice system will be able to trigger explode/reroll on greater than, less than or equal to a value.

    The timing on the next major release is undefined at this point, due to the large number of changes as well as moving to another tech platform. We'll give more updates once we have a better idea of a timeline. We're deep into prototyping all the various systems to find the right libraries, as well as porting the existing code as a starting point.


  9. #69
    First of all I want to thank the community here for being welcoming and forthcoming, and I apologize for my occasional outbursts of nerdrage.
    Seeing this thread and reading the post made my heart jump because this is precisely what I am hoping to see in Fantasy Grounds.
    I have at long last been able to try out the software with a group of people, and I think it worked brilliantly with D&D 5e.
    Still think it was a hassle to have to install other software (TeamSpeak, Skype) to be able to use FG properly, and hope that along with the dice mentioned herein, we will see FG have its own integrated video and audio channels.
    It could (should?) even have nice RPG-ish frames for extra mood, you know, like many of the classic video RPGs that have gargoyles or ornate stonework around character portraits, only FG could have it around the players' beautiful faces (for those who wish to play with video) - perhaps have a box with both a character picture and your webcam stream inside.
    Anyway, I'm already digressing, I just wanted to say thank you to the developers for all the good stuff you are doing, and thank you to perhaps your most valuable assets, the people on these boards.
    there are a lot of wishes on the wishlist- - but can you tell us what you know definitely will be part of the next iteration of Fantasy Grounds, and if there is an ETA in place by now?

  10. #70
    Just wondering since I started reading this thread and loved the stuff described early on but seems it's not build into current FG Classic... Is there an extension for this?

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