Starfinder Playlist
  1. #1

    Looking for Soundboard to use with Unity & 5E

    Hi all,

    Looking for some advice here. Sorry if it's already been asked and answered:

    I have set up things pretty nicely using Voicemeeter Potato for online play. I am pumping everything into Discord and it's working well. The problem I'm having is accessing my one-hit sounds easily. I am using Battlebards Soundboard currently. It's working well for the Ambient sounds but I'm having trouble triggering one-hits (weapons & spells) in a timely manner.

    I watched the Rob and Mattukure (sp?) Youtube video and that setup is what I'm looking for. My understanding is that the DOE extensions are no longer available. Will Rob's 5E sounds fit the bill for what I'm looking for? I can download the Battlebards sounds, I think. I am looking for Soundboards inside of FGU that I can access more easily (even with 3 screens, I am also running out of real estate). Eventually, I'd like to get it so that many of the one-hit sounds will be triggered automatically but for now, I'd just like to have two windows, one for weapons, one for spells, as separate FGU windows.

    Any help is much appreciated!
    Last edited by Davian Goliath; April 24th, 2020 at 21:43.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Thanks for the response, Beemanpat, I’ll check them out more thoroughly!

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