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  1. #11

    This will give you a complete religious building (not necessarily a "church". It will generate the building, a very detailed clergy, the deity they worship and service frequency, notable patrons, and church rumors.

    What's included (you'll find all of these tables listed inside the Table window category "01 Content Generator 2020"):

    Inside the table "10 - Church Generator" you'll find a handy list of Story templates that generate all kinds of religious buildings.
    • Sometimes the church has nefarious relations with secret societies or brothels! O.o
    • It's easy to get a side quest from the clergy!
    Last edited by JimSocks; March 15th, 2020 at 21:33.

  2. #12

    These will give you a complete guild. It will generate a headquarters building, what this guild might be known for aside from it's main focus, a very detailed guildmaster, several notable members, and guild news and rumors.

    What's included (you'll find all of these tables listed inside the Table window category "01 Content Generator 2020"):

    Inside the table "11 - City Guild Generator" you'll find a handy list of Story templates that generate the following guilds:
    • Adventurers Guild
    • Alchemists Guild
    • Assassins Guild
    • Bankers Guild
    • Fighters Guild
    • Merchants Guild
    • Performers Guild
    • Stonemasons Guild
    • Thieves Guild.
    Last edited by JimSocks; March 15th, 2020 at 21:34.

  3. #13

    Does what you'd think.

    What's included (you'll find all of these tables listed inside the Table window category "01 Content Generator 2020"):

    Inside the table "12 - Secret Society generator" you'll find a template that will give you the society's origins, Secret Symbols and Alignments, a Headquarters, the Society Leader, a 2nd & 3rd in command, a strategist, messenger, and a defector.
    • The naming tables for this have been VASTLY improved!
    • The symbols have improved too!
    • There is a chance they have a shady deal going on with the local brothel or church!
    Last edited by JimSocks; March 15th, 2020 at 21:36.

  4. #14

    This is a series of templates that link to each other.

    THIS IS FOR 5E ONLY and will just be completely removed for the version of the mod that is for all the other systems, as these lean heavily on the tables from the DMG. Honestly, I made these a LONG time ago and completely forgot about them until JUST before release, so maybe in a future release I'll spiffy them up better.

    What's included (you'll find all of these tables listed inside the Table window category "01 Content Generators"):

    Inside the table "13 - Dungeon Generator" you'll find an interesting "procedural" tool to build a dungeon on the fly:
    • Starting area template gets you moving
    • Passage template gives you ways to get places
    • Door template keeps you from seeing what's inside
    • Chamber template makes interesting places to see!
    Last edited by JimSocks; March 15th, 2020 at 21:37.

  5. #15

    Need a quick idea for a fun side quest? I have just the thing!

    What's included (you'll find this listed inside the Table window category "01 Content Generator 2020"):

    A table called "14 - Side Quest Generator" houses a story template that will hand you:
    • A plot overview
    • a plot twist (or as I call it, a "catch")
    • a detailed questgiver description
    • a detailed main villain description
    • a location description for the plot's climax
    • a main type of monster likely to be encountered by the party along the way
    • and even handy-dandy pre-built random encounters of said bad guys! **FOR 5e ONLY**

    This doesn't generate Shakespearian epic tales, and quite often it spits out something hilarious to be honest with you but I think that makes it even better ("quest objective: steal a child before they all die" lol). You have to use a little "creative interpretation" at times to get to where you want to be with it, which is part of the fun of it really. The above example could even work: "A child possessing the magic to cure our plague is being held captive, and must be stolen back before we all die from this terrible affliction!"

    The encounters are built using NPCs from the 5e Monster Manual, so you'll need to have that loaded to make use of them. These will be removed for any versions of this mod not designed for 5e.
    Last edited by JimSocks; March 15th, 2020 at 21:40.

  6. #16

    What's included (you'll find all of these tables listed inside the Table window category "01 Content Generator 2020"):

    Inside the table "15 - Weather Generators" you'll find a robust weather generation template list.
    • The weather can get better or worse in the description, and it will give you a link to a changing weather template!
    • Winter weather too!!!
    Last edited by JimSocks; March 15th, 2020 at 21:41.

  7. #17

    What's included (you'll find all of these tables listed inside the Table window category "01 Content Generator 2020"):

    Inside the table "16 - Travel Generators" you'll find templates that make travel great again!
    • Desert Travel
    • Forest Travel
    • Mountain Travel
    • Plains Travel
    • Non-Specific Terrain Travel

    These describe the day's weather, the days travel route, and any interesting events and combat encounters that may happen during day or night travel.
    • There are also level-tailored battle tables filled with terrain-specific baddies.
    • Many other generator links are in these for quick reference. You never know what you'll come across on the road!
    • At the bottom are general travel considerations* for each terrain type.

    *These general travel considerations have been adapted under the Open Game Licence, which requires that I include the following Copyright Notice:
    Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
    Last edited by JimSocks; March 15th, 2020 at 21:45.

  8. #18

    What's included (you'll find all of these tables listed inside the Table window category "01 Content Generator 2020"):

    Inside the table "17 - NPC Generators" table you'll find the following three NPC Generators:


    Oh man, get ready for the awesomesauce! This generator gives you EVERYTHING
    and the kitchen sink!
    • What are they like?
    • What's their secret?
    • What's in their pocket?
    • What do they want- better yet, what do they fear!?
    • What is their background?
    • How do they react when the PCs talk to them?
    • What rumors do they know?
    • What is their motivation in life right now?
    • What locations are they likely to mention?
    • "Can I have a NPC template to populate?" Why YES you CAN!

    Detailed NPC generator:

    For NPCs that only have small walk-on roles. Swiftly generates an NPC with:
    • A class
    • background
    • personality traits
    • flaws
    • bonds
    • etc.

    It's very handy for NPCs that might end up in a little deeper role-play.

    Casual NPC Generator:

    For NPCs that are basically background extras.
    • Quickly gives some NPC overview details.
    • It outputs to story and ends up a bit disjointed, but it's easy enough to quickly follow.

    These generators use background and other data from the 5e PHB. This means for versions of this mod that are designed to run on other game systems, I'll have to remove those references. Hopefully it's a small price to pay for being able to use this on multiple platforms.
    Last edited by JimSocks; March 15th, 2020 at 21:52.

  9. #19
    Final Notes:

    A. I designed the Merchant and Tavern Generators with the plan to use it alongside Dulux-Oz's "DOE: Locations" extension. It's a shame those extensions are kaput, but maybe someone can ressurect the idea. The generators stand on their own without that functionality, but man they sure worked great alongside those extensions. In that way I could generate a store or tavern, NPC Shopkeeper or NPC Barkeep that is deep and interesting, and a full inventory or menu which could be dropped into the extension for shopping by my PCs. It was glorious... oh well.

    B. I went to great pains to make the NPC names gender and race-appropriate, but this also meant I couldn't link the names anywhere else in the template (link referencing child and grandchild tables only works one way, and it's the wrong direction for this purpose). If this ever changes, I will re-visit to make the Shopkeeper/Barkeep names appear in some of the Shop/Tavern Names (like "Greg's Supply"), as well as make the shopkeeper/barkeep names more prominent in the template result, as it is only in one easy-to-miss line right now out of necessity. If you like my work, stop on by the following three links and give them a vote! I could do so much more with the functionality they describe:

    Vote HERE

    and HERE

    and HERE too!

    C. I know there is a LOT of information spit out for the main NPCs for each generator, but I really like it like that. I can take what I like and leave what I don't, and swiftly flesh out a deep, believable, or sometimes funny shopkeeper/barkeep/etc even on-the-fly. Sometimes I just use the top brief description, sometimes I toss in the additional deeper details, and I always keep the "wants" and "fears" in my head in case the PCs trigger something!

    D. This completely replaces my previous extension entitled "Content Generator 2020" (this one's file adds a "5e" or "Any Ruleset" tag on the end.) Trash that one- as I have improved greatly upon many, many tables and templates in this version. There's gotta be like, 1,000 more entries across hundreds of new tables. I am totally wagging that number, but seriously this represents a mountain of work.

    E. If you encounter errors, let me know! I can incorporate fixes into a future release. I am NOT the best speller or typist... so bear with me on spelling/grammatical errors...

    F. The licence for this work is: CC-BY-NC-ND. That means share it all you like, but only in it's entirety, not for commercial use/monetary gain, and give proper credit for it.

  10. #20

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