FG License: Free
Time Zone: Eastern US (EST)
Availability/Frequency: Anytime on Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday is good. Sometimes available Saturday nights. I'd prefer to have weekly sessions.
Term: Long term
Voice: Discord preferred. But open to download whatever.

Game System Preferred: 5E
Game System Experience: Very little. I've played two sessions so far. I've listened to podcasts though.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: The two sessions I have played have been on Fantasy Grounds. I've learned the basics at least.

Character Type Preferred: I'm open to playing any type of character. I'd like to get some experience before deciding on a preferred type. In my current game, I have a half-elf monk. She has been kicking *** so far. I created another character as a back up that is a human rouge. I'm actually pretty excited to play as him.
About me: Uhm... Hi. I'm new to D&D. I prefer to be called Cyll. I'm pretty shy at first when getting to know a new group of people, but I warm up quickly and it's hard to get me to shut up. Prepare for shenanigans. I started listening to "Not Another D&D Podcast" a few months ago. I caught up to the latest episode about a month ago and started "Critical Role". Listening to these podcasts made me really want to play, so here I am.