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  1. #31
    I have just uploaded again. (same download link as in previous post)

    The Ruleset is working in Fantasy Grounds Unity now!

    There are two issues:

    1) /diegen command is not working with abbreviations:
    For example, if I try

    /diegen 2dp

    instead of the full name:

    /diegen 2dProficiency

    the die roller does not work

    2) When displaying genesys die result, there is some strange text before displaying the dice

    I will fix these later, my focus is finishing the ruleset, but it is nice to see it works in FU Unity!
    Last edited by johniba; January 24th, 2020 at 06:46.

  2. #32
    Nice Looking forward to seeing the final product.

  3. #33
    Awesome work, I run Genesys Shadow of the beanstalk, fallout, terrinoth and Naruto games. So I am definitely looking forward to this.
    Sessions Running
    All currently on hold with the world going crazy. Doing random one shots.

    Youtube Channel

  4. #34
    I poked around in Unity, rolling the dice by clicking the check on the dice pool will roll them normally, but click and dragging the dice to the chat window and releasing will either result in nothing happening or Unity displaying what appears to be the roll total, if the dice were normal numbered dice. Attempting to create a new NPC listing also brings up a forest of warning messages, though it looks incomplete so you may just've not gotten to that section yet.

    That bit aside, everything seems to be working fine, great job!

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Valatar View Post
    I poked around in Unity, rolling the dice by clicking the check on the dice pool will roll them normally, but click and dragging the dice to the chat window and releasing will either result in nothing happening or Unity displaying what appears to be the roll total, if the dice were normal numbered dice. Attempting to create a new NPC listing also brings up a forest of warning messages, though it looks incomplete so you may just've not gotten to that section yet.

    That bit aside, everything seems to be working fine, great job!

    Those issues with the dice and the npc window also happen in classic.
    I need to redo npc and item windows completely.
    I am currently working on finishing the character sheet, and later, i will finish those item and npc sheeta and look at the dice issue!

  6. #36
    I just found the talents tab. Although It is invisible when activated you can still click on it. I sqweeed with excitement when I saw it. I had completely forgot that this could be a thing now.

    Edit: Also are the dice symbols implemented yet? I don't mean to be impatient, just looking forward to doing some Talent Data Entry.

    Edit: Right now I am using the Author Extention to see If I can add the Genesys Core Rulebook to a module. Exciting Stuff.
    Last edited by sevrick; January 26th, 2020 at 21:28.

  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by sevrick View Post
    I just found the talents tab. Although It is invisible when activated you can still click on it. I sqweeed with excitement when I saw it. I had completely forgot that this could be a thing now.

    Edit: Also are the dice symbols implemented yet? I don't mean to be impatient, just looking forward to doing some Talent Data Entry.

    Edit: Right now I am using the Author Extention to see If I can add the Genesys Core Rulebook to a module. Exciting Stuff.


    i am still changing dice symbols. It is a painful process, since the dice icons are so low resolution.
    On the modules: YES, we will have separate databases for Talents, Abilities (for example racial abilities) and I also want to implement a database for item properties.

    I will ask you to hold on for a few days though, as I may have to do small changes in the database structure, and at this point i dont know if this will affect data you might enter.... but it is my priority rigth now to i will have it done in the next days!

    For the Talent database, we will have fields like:

    Tier (1-5)
    Ranked - y/n
    Notes: field where the description will go to...
    Summary (a small summary of the benefit, if it adds dice to situaition etca... i want this field to show in a column beside the name of the talent, in the character sheet

    Setting: this will be a special text field were we will input what setting this talent applies to, separated by comma
    For example:

    Core, Terrinoth, Weird War

    For selecting the setting, I am still on the fence. I dont know if I should make it an option in the options window (the GM would select the setting and this would apply to all charater sheets
    OR.... if it would be something in the sheet itself, for example, a field near the character name. In this second case, it would allow for things like having one character for terrinoth, another for core... in the same game.
    I dont see many people using this, but in the future, if we implement an extension for star wars to use the ruleset, it would make life easier for those playing star wars to select Edge of empire, Age of rebelion....

    Right now i am also changing the Character sheet.
    Talents will show up in the first tab, together with Abilities
    I will then remove the current Abilities tab

    In the Combat tab, I will have a similar list showing critical damage, conditions...
    Last edited by johniba; January 27th, 2020 at 01:06.

  8. #38
    No worries I can wait. About the selection of settings, When I play Star Wars I usually don't say "Ok guys this is going to be an Age or Rebellion game" I just have them make characters and that is that. Wheather it's Edge, Age, or Force I don't think it has too much of a baring on the Mechanics. Maybe rather than doing that all you would need is something that lets you add Obligation, Duty, Or Morality. Since those are the only real thing that defines what setting the characters careers is from.

    My vote would be your 1st option. It's not like you would have a Realms of Terinoth Character and Android Character in the Same universe, so there would be no real need to do it on an individual character. Also you could give people some tips for adding their own settings to it.

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by sevrick View Post
    No worries I can wait. About the selection of settings, When I play Star Wars I usually don't say "Ok guys this is going to be an Age or Rebellion game" I just have them make characters and that is that. Wheather it's Edge, Age, or Force I don't think it has too much of a baring on the Mechanics. Maybe rather than doing that all you would need is something that lets you add Obligation, Duty, Or Morality. Since those are the only real thing that defines what setting the characters careers is from.

    My vote would be your 1st option. It's not like you would have a Realms of Terinoth Character and Android Character in the Same universe, so there would be no real need to do it on an individual character. Also you could give people some tips for adding their own settings to it.

    Ah thanks for that input, it is invaluable!
    Ok i will go with that option

    The main thing is it will affect what skills will show up in the skills list, and maybe a few things like for example in terrinoth, the player will se a space to enter his heroic ability

    If you are interested in this, you should look at the following file inside the .pak:


    This is where i am structuring info like settings, and skills

    I think doing it right, i will be able to allow a player to easly create a very simple extension, where he could overwrite this, and add his own settings, with skills
    And if he has any special windows with new info (like terrinoth has heroic ablities), he will have to customize the character sheet infortunatelly

    But for settings, there is this section in that file:

    skilldata = {
    ["Alchemy"] = {
    characteristic = "IN",
    description = "" , category = "General"
    ["Astrocartography"] = {
    characteristic = "IN",
    description = "" , category = "General"
    ["Athletics"] = {
    characteristic = "BR",
    description = "" , category = "General"
    ["Computers"] = {
    characteristic = "IN",
    description = "" , category = "General"

    So that is where skills will go
    As soon as I enable that option to choose setting, it will make use of the info above in the category column
    In that column for example, we will have some skills listing:

    General, Terrinoth, Android...

    That way, the skills tab in the character sheet will be able to filter and show appropriate skills for the setting

    When i am done with this first version, i want to document this stuff, and possibly make a guide so that people will be able to create their own settings like you said

  10. #40
    Somthing to keep in mind is might be a good idea when coding the npc Character sheets have a place for Power levels introduced in the Expaned Players Guide.

    Edit: I know I am getting ahead of myself but it would be cool to have a vehicles tab for a database like there is for talents. Possible have vehicle tab in the character sheet that when a vehicle is dragged on to the sheet it copys the stats. I dont even know if that is possible. I know that's not a priority right now but just sprouting ideas.
    Last edited by sevrick; January 27th, 2020 at 18:19.

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