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  1. #21
    Doswelk's Avatar
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    Jul 2005
    Surrey, UK
    I ran a game today that started with a chase...
    My players just defeated an army, had a dogfight with aliens, machine-gunned the zombies, stormed the tower, became Legendary and died heroically

    Yours are still on combat round 6

    Get Savage
    Ultimate License Holder.
    First GM to post a game for the original FG Con!

  2. #22
    Can I get some help with the "Attack Ignore" formatting? Plenty of Edges and especially things in Savage Rifts ignore range penalties and a bit of automation on those would be awesome.
    The longsword is 15 gold and the short bow is 30? Wait, that means it costs 5 gold for the materials for a longsword and 10 gold for the materials for a short bow?

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Terhial View Post
    Can I get some help with the "Attack Ignore" formatting? Plenty of Edges and especially things in Savage Rifts ignore range penalties and a bit of automation on those would be awesome.
    I don't know if the ignore keywords have been fully implemented, but as a work around, on the combat tab for the character/NPC you can increase the range brackets of the weapon. E.g. Change 30/60/120 to 120/120/120, that way you'll always be in short range, or 60/60/120, effectively removing medium range.

  4. #24
    I was actually testing out Unity and notice this and I replicated it under FGC. I was using a Drake. I targeted 2 PCs in the combat tracker and did the Fiery Breathe roll (which should be Athletics). It indicated the attack went against the targets Parry. I believe that should just be TN 4 ala shooting or throwing a grenade.

  5. #25
    When I roll in FGC I see:

    I don't believe you should target with the breath weapon since there might be several creatures that have different bonus/penalties and can be evaded completely with an Agility -2 (pg 100). SWADE grenades use Athletics (pg 78) as well and can be evaded too.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  6. #26
    I was wondering if conditional modifiers based on types of damage were supported yet, or if they ever will be? Example: a Ring of Fire Protection would add +4 armor to fire based attacks and +2 to avoidable effects of the same type. Which then begs the follow up question will there be an update to allow for added trapping/damage types that can be leveraged in the conditional code?

    I would have to say that this would be a huge boon. I guess are custom tags used in this ruleset and can they be used in such a way?

  7. #27
    Not sure if this is the appropriate place or not but there are a couple of typo type errors in the new release (not programming ones).

    Snake, Venomous
    Erroneously has a bite damage of Str, when it should be Str+2 (so a flat d4, not d4-2)

    Injury Table
    The numbers are off, they should be Leg: 10-11 and Head: 12 not Leg: 10 and Head: 11-12

    There is a creature in the NPC list "Zombie, Human", where is it from in the physical book? And why is the Intimidation a die type lower than the other zombie template? I think "Zombie, Human" can be safely removed as a duplicate.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Matchstickman View Post

    There is a creature in the NPC list "Zombie, Human", where is it from in the physical book? And why is the Intimidation a die type lower than the other zombie template? I think "Zombie, Human" can be safely removed as a duplicate.
    I believe this was to be used for the base Zombie power, pg 171, "The being has the physical skills it had in life, but its Smarts, Spirit, and related skills are reset to d4."

    So that is why Intimidation is a d4 for that entry, but honestly, if you get a raise or add power points to Zombie the NPC will have varied stats anyway.

  9. #29
    A couple of enhancements requests for the next version

    The first is easy (cuz I did it myself ). Tests and Support are used much more in SWADE than their counterparts were in prior editions. Tests are already there - you just apply Distracted/Vulnerable as chosen by the Tester and Shaken if its a Raise. For Support, I suggest adding it as an Effect. I just put in Support [Trait +1] and Support Raise [Trait +2] for 1 Round. In the combat tracker its nice to see the formal reason for the +1/+2 and the player getting the support does not have to track it (the Supporter can drag/drop it). The reason I suggest it is there are PC builds where Support is used quite a bit (one who does not get in the mix of combat but helps all their comrades) - I have a player who does such in a game I am about to port over from Roll20. This also allows the player to drag them down to his quickbar and dish out as desired (in my game the PC has an edge that allows him to support 2 PCs in some situations, so having separate +1 and +2 might be quicker long term vs editing [Trait +1/2]).

    The second - maybe one can do now but its a step up from where I am at (still a Rookie). The Assassin edge triggers if the target is Vulnerable or is subject to the Drop. I was surprised that was not programmed in (the surprise is due to everything else the ruleset does - so this is a complement). Right now my workaround is to just make a subattack and give it an indicative name with +2 to the damage dice. The conditions there are clear cut - Drop Effect on the PC or @Vulnerable - versus things that are more situational like Sweep.

    Thanks for all the hard work on this ruleset. I am excited to formally switch my game over to FG in a couple of weeks - I would not do so without it!

  10. #30


    Shouldnt the vehicles group viewing in SWADE show Handling instead of Acc?

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