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  1. #101
    Quote Originally Posted by leozelig View Post
    I posted a blog entry about my experience with running funnels in FG.
    Thanks, I'll check that out.

  2. #102
    leozelig's Avatar
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    I have attached the user guide for the DCC RPG ruleset. I will link this in post #1 as well.
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  3. #103
    Quote Originally Posted by leozelig View Post
    I posted a blog entry about my experience with running funnels in FG. I used the party sheet to reference luck scores - it’s also useful for looking at occupations. I used one initiative per player (using the best init bonus from their batch of zeroes), and each player used the same token for all of their PCs for my own sanity. You don’t need to assign init to every PC in the combat tracker, just one PC per player. That’s just what worked for me.
    I ran my first session on FG last night, and it was also my first time running DCC, and I had quite a few people in the session. There was bound to be some rough patches. My players rolled with it admirably. Rather than one portrait per player, I went with unique portraits with a set of color coded tokens I made up, and I threw everyone in the combat tracker thinking that would make handling targeting and roll resolution easier. In practice, it was a bit of a hot mess trying to manage all of that, so with the next session I'm definitely going to try the things you suggest in your blog entry: 1 portrait and token per player, and only adding to the combat tracker the character with the highest initiative per player. I think this means, though, that any tokens on the map are just representational and not linked and you handle all the rolling manually like you would in a face-to-face game? I suppose you could put the one combat tracker token on the map, but for funnels that would only work if each player's mob stayed together. How do you handle effects when going this route? Best I can tell, effects can only be applied to and seen from the combat tracker.

    My goal, really, is to run more theater-of-the-mind style combat. I'm still grappling with how to manage this with online play, and admittedly I've only run theater-of-the-mind with PbtA games where combat is a lot more fluid and loose. Those games, when done online, went without a VTT, and just relied on video chat, with 1 character per player and a group "character keeper" in a shared google drive. Running trad RPGs with a VTT begs for some kind of graphical representation, even if it's completely abstract. If anyone has insight on this, or can point to good sources of info, I'd appreciate it.

    One technical snafu I had was that players were able to manipulate other players' tokens. I didn't think this was supposed to happen. I assume I set something up wrong.
    Last edited by Tuirgin; December 30th, 2019 at 19:54.

  4. #104
    One thing my group noticed last night is that when rolling a Luck check from the character sheet, FG handles it in the normal check-against-DC way; i.e. a d20 is rolled and has the luck modifier applied to it and the gm is left to determine if it's a success. If I understand it correctly, in DCC a Luck check is actually 1d20 evaluated against LUCK+modifier, where d20<=LUCK+mods is a success. If this is, in fact, the way it's handled, it seems it could be automatically resolved since it's a roll against a known value (LUCK+modifier) rather than a Judge-determined DC. Is this something that's even technically feasible on the dev side?

  5. #105
    Congrats on your first game! I'm still experimenting with how to run large numbers of PCs. I've been using FG for nearly 5 years now and have a large monitor so handling a large number on characters on the combat tracker feels fairly easy to me. I'm sure things will change over time for you but just try experimenting and you'll find what works for you now. Sometimes I find targeting for my players with less FG experience helps things flow more smoothly; and I've dropped everyone on a blank map just because map targeting is easier for some people than combat tracker targeting.

    For Tokens: "Players can move their own and Allied (Friendly) tokens on the map. You can lock Token movement and this will stop them moving other tokens, (though you still create a 'movement request' line to be drawn, it's just easier to correct this) - and then you will have to approve each move." EDIT: Also, there is an extension written that prevents moving other friendly tokens that a player doesn't own and also manages issues with token stacking. I'm not sure if it works with the DCC ruleset though. I think it's called the Generic Token Swapper - Critically Awesome Essentials

    Luck: I've only been playing DCC for a short time but it is my understanding that Luck can be used either as a roll to hit a DC# or a value to be rolled under on a d20 to accomplish some Lucky action or avoid some unlucky occurrence. So I just adjudicate it as I choose to use it in the instance. I'm not sure if there is a clear cut distinction between when to use one method or the other. EDIT: perhaps I read this elsewhere but the rulebook uses the phrase "usually resolved by" in reference to rolling under the value of your Luck on a d20.
    Last edited by Tabarkus; December 31st, 2019 at 12:23.

  6. #106
    Thanks! There were some moments where I was seriously struggling to stay on top of a lot of things and felt like I was floundering. However, all 7 of my players want to continue playing. I was hoping for at least a few after having months of struggling to find anyone to play something other than the behemoth everyone knows. One of the 7 can't make the same day as the rest of the party going forward, so guess who's getting a new campaign going... To struggle as much as I did and then have every single person want more is really encouraging.

    For this first session, I dropped people into the game with pregens and minimal discussion of the UI and just went for it. I tried to talk them through things as they came up, and I had a few people figure some things out that they were able to share. I targeted for people until they figured out how to do it, themselves. It worked. But for the 2nd campaign that's getting started, I'm going to keep it to a smaller party and do a Session 0 and walk everyone through rolling DCC characters and basic use of the UI.

    Tokens: Ah! Okay... I missed that about being able to manipulate allied tokens. Right now I'm leaning towards not using player-manipulated tokens at all. Even if you start without a grid enabled and are just using tokens to indicate loose and relative positioning, the instinct seems to be to go into grid-combat mode. So I may use tokens and maps when needed to clarify a complex situation, but have players stick to verbal descriptions of where they move and what they do. Honestly, I'm debating how much of FG's automation I want to employ. DCC's mechanics are simple enough that there's really no need to rely on the baked in UI super-powers.

    Luck: Hrm... I've never heard of Luck being tested against a DC. I'd only ever heard of it being used as a roll-under check. But I haven't dived into the numerous zines for DCC, either. At any rate, it's easy enough to just have the players roll a d20 resolve it manually.

  7. #107
    JohnD's Avatar
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    I have no DCC experience but just wanted to say I picked up the ruleset yesterday... am looking forward to seeing what it is like. May pick up a printed version if the NSFLGS has a copy.
    "I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind."

    - John Diefenbaker

    RIP Canada, February 21, 2022

  8. #108
    After picking up the ruleset I made a bunch of portraits and tokens from the original artwork. I contacted Goodman Games to see if and under what conditions they were okay with distributing them. I was thinking perhaps they could be included with the ruleset or something. They told me to go ahead and post them to the Goodman Games forums, and if permissible, to Fantasy Grounds, as well. I posted a thread with the info about them over here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...its-and-Tokens

    Bottom line is that there's a set of just under 180 matching portraits and tokens which are derived directly from the original artwork.

  9. #109

    Static Tables (Library link) vs Roll Tables (Reference Manual & Campaign Data)

    Here's an interesting thing I found.

    1. Access Library > Modules > Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game and click Load, then close Data Module Activation
    2. From the Library, select the core rules manual to list the contents in the Library's bottom right panel, then click on the Tables link
    3. Select Table 1-3: Occupation: what appears is a static text-only table—no links.
    4. Click the Tables button from the Campaign Data sidebar, then locate and open Table 1-3: Occupation: what appears is a roll table which includes columns of linked items and a call on the equipment table to generate the L0's random equipment.

    The roll-table version of the list can also be accessed from the "Reference Manual".

    It appears that all of the tables listed at step 3 are static. This confused me at first. Apparently when I first tried creating characters with the FG DCC ruleset I accessed the static version of the occupations table and ended up going and creating my own roll tables to help generate characters faster.

    I wondered what the reason was for having two different sets of the same table, so I loaded up the "5E Sample Campaign" and checked out the entries in the Library to see if the Table list from the library provided static tables, too. I was thinking that maybe it was just an FG thing which escapes me as a new user. Those tables, however, were roll-tables with active links. So now I'm wondering if this is a minor bug, or if maybe there's a reason for it.

    A brief instruction on creating new characters for DCC wouldn't be a bad thing. Is the Wiki the appropriate place for that? If so, all of the "Store" rulesets are locked, and DCC isn't listed among them. I don't mind helping out providing documentation of what I learn as I go, but I also don't want to just jump in and make a mess due to having so little experience with FG and the community here.

  10. #110
    Possible bug/missing info:

    - monstrous manual, 3 entries for blue dragon (hatchling, juvenile, old) but all three list the same THACO (7).
    - Monstrous manual, entry for zombie, monster missing damage per attack (4-16 per hardcopy of monstrous manual).

    (also, I'm new here; if this isn't the place for this sort of thing someone please drop me a note!)
    Last edited by jeffreyac; January 3rd, 2020 at 21:36.

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