Fantasy Grounds Merchandise

Thread: Visiting Utopia

  1. #1

    Visiting Utopia

    Tonight I killed one of my player's characters, she was instantly True Resurrected by the Sihedron, then a player was sent to the Utopia. He saw the following "You are in the middle of clean streets, there are signs everywhere “Welcome to Aktun”. The streets are laid out in a combination of concentric circles crossed by spoke-like avenues radiating out. You are standing near an amphitheater, what do you do?"

    I had dragon PCs fight NPCs, and overall it was a great night, fun for all!

    Here is a screen shot Untitled.jpg and Untitled2.jpg.
    Last edited by dellanx; December 8th, 2019 at 10:38.

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  2. #2
    very nice, sounds funny

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelrugem View Post
    very nice, sounds funny
    The king of Korvosa met Abadar in Akhtun, and they had a chat. Fate willed it!

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  4. #4
    This is a summary of this incredible session, thank you Smiteworks/FG for making this possible:

    Session 48:

    In Xin’s palace down below in the water. It is sometime on the 11th to the 21th of Gozran 4709. Venarius went west and south through an illusionary wall, and found another room. He saw millions of brass gears and sprockets cover this chamber's floor in a layer several inches deep. Glass globes-broken and otherwise-contain even more gears, while brassmounted lenses, crystal tables, and gilded benches lie toppled and cracked throughout the room. Several small clockwork automatons futility attempt to put the room in order, the automatons stopped, and attacked Veshurae as she entered the room. Both of them realized they were clockwork golems, and communicated it to the rest of the group. These things were immune to magic.

    Veshurae got out of the room by using time stop, before the golems killed her, with blood everywhere in the water she was upset at Venarius, and said “I hope he the golems hang by your tail”. She got back to where Lelani and the other women were in the armory. Between both of them, the group’s plan quickly changed as Alexander was engaged by another golem. Meanwhile, Venariuses invisibility was hampered by the water, his shape was like an air bubble in the lit water. While the king fought with his old scimitar and Venarius was busy with two golems.

    Lelani and Yovan in dragon form, with Aulthunn and Veshurae teleported to the bottom of the room. And the two white dragon formed females started to attack the other golems. The caster did not target the golems with spells, things were made harder by the difficulty of travel in water that really hampered Alexander’s style, but the rogue and fighter, and cleric and wizard were starting to make headway, when Veshurae summoned a Angel, Movanic Deva. Together they defeated the golems, but it took a long time.

    Then Vanarius looked at the flamma horacalcum and the group saw: The nymp Aammcyj asks Xin not to go, he rejects her, leave he says I have not time for you now. I curse you says she, and runs her self through with a glorious sword.

    Next you see Xin, amid the overbearing heat of forges burning with whitehot fire, Xin wipes grime from his brow, his robes pulled back to expose a sinewy frame smeared with soot. Eldritch words of creation flow from his mouth and take on physical form as glowing runes, which float gently down to settle on seven shards of metal held aloft by seven young apprentices.

    These seven apprentices move closer, mouthing their own words of power, each exchanging glances of jealousy and resentment. Xin staggers, grimacing with pain, as power flows from the emperor like ectoplasmic fire and enters the seven shards as they are brought closer together. With each step, more power is drawn from the weakening emperor, seemingly to the delight of his apprentices, who draw ever closer to assemble the pieces. With a final step, the seven shards join in a blinding flash, a pulse of arcane fire that throws back the apprentices and scatters the anvils and skymetal molds used in the Sihedron's forging. The figures fade, and the room returns to normal.

    It all made sense to them, Xin chose power over love, how sad and deluded he was, the very thing he sought was corrupted in the apprentices that would become the Runelords, and eventual destruction of Thassilon. Lelani healed the group.

    Venarius moved east, he was not invisible, there was another illusionary wall. As he moved through it he saw: The incomplete brass bones of dozens of clockwork soldiers litter this floor, below the massive chassis of an eel-like clockwork creature suspended from the ceiling by arcs of magical force. Everywhere are strange metal contraptions illuminated by the pulsating blue glow of glyph-inscribed walls. Eerie shadows dance on the wall as crabs clamber over the incomplete clockworks, and the beady eyes of eels peer from between the wreckage of this assembly line.

    Venarius was encountered by three leviathans and a fourth that had a face of Xin. These things hit like trucks, and he recognized the Xin possessed creature, as it was flinging spells at him. Steam was everywhere as the creatures unleashed their breath weapons. Right outside the illusionary wall Veshurae hasted the group and Alexander moved through the illusionary wall. Aulthunn realy could not help much, her spells were of a different nature and could not help the group and she was out of magic missiles. Alexander moved to Vanariuses side, and fought the leviathans. Lelani and Yavan could not use their breath weapons because Venarius and Alexander the King of Korvosa were just ahead.

    Then Yovan summoned dire sharks, they distracted one of the creatures for a while till the Xin possessed leviathan destroyed them with spells. The possessed creature was an extra pain in the rear for the group and Venarius dimensioned door to it, as it was summoning some elder water elementals. His attack failed to break its concentration, and the elementals attacked. Veshurae was hit and stunned by a leviathan, and the next round that creature coup-de-graced her. Right as he did that, Venarius sent the Sihedron to her, and after she died the Sihedron cast True Resurrection on her. One second she was dead and a second later, she was back as if nothing had happened.


    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  5. #5
    Then Xin possessed creature cast prismatic spray at Venarius, Alexander, and Veshurae. Venarius managed to allude most of the harmful effects of his two rays. While Veshurae did not seeme to be badly affected by her ray, Alexander got hit by his ray and even with the Sihedron in hand he disappeared and gated to an alternate plane of existence. He also cought the one surviving water elemental with one of the rays, the elemenatal went doubly insane and attacked Xin possessed leviathan.

    Only Alexander saw this: he was in the middle of clean streets, there are signs everywhere “Welcome to Aktun”. The streets are laid out in a combination of concentric circles crossed by spoke-like avenues radiating out. You are standing near an amphitheater. How the hell did I end up there?, he thought.

    Actually let me rephrase, Alexander thought realizing he got sent somewhere. I must be someplace called Aktun? The place looked very orderly, and a fuss ball spherical creature moved toward him, and said something in a language he did not know. Alexander had no idea what it was. A little while later another creature joins it. Alexander realized that he was speaking to a servant of Abadar in the plane of utopia in the city of Aktun/Axis.

    The hawk faced creature was an Apkallu, it questioned the King of Korvosa and on instructions from its liege it tok the King to see Abadar. Alexander thought back to the days when he became friends with the current high priest of Abadar in Korvosa, Ishani Datri, things were so different back then when they both were defying Queen Ileosa. Alexander is awed by the creature, the creature explains telepathically how Alexander can become a whirling cloud of glowing glyphs and symbols. Alexander begins to fly after Apkallu, as it sasy to him in his mind says "Fly this way".

    They fly to the First Vault at the center of Aktun is Abadar’s personal palace, a sprawling structure of amphitheaters, factories, guildhalls, monuments, treasuries, and more. They pass entrance without hindrance, through four our access points in its encircling walls. Alexander witnessed deep within the First Vault lie repository of the perfect version of every type of creature and object, the “treasury” of the god of wealth was awe inspiring. He realized that access to this treasury was controlled by Abadar himself.

    Alexander feels in awe of this being. Abadar speaks, you have come to live here? Don't you like the task of ruling Korvosa? Before Alexander answers, Abadar says: “Never mind, I gather you’re not here by choice?”

    Correct, Wealthy Father, I came here accidentally. I was on a mission to enhance the stability of my kingdom. Then Alexander manages to actually ask Abadar for his indulgence to be returned home so I can continue his work.

    “Ah, I see” says Abadar, “I need good administrators here, it disappointing to me that you can't stay here for long”, but I suppose Korvosa needs a king. Normally I charge for this, but since you are the King of Korvosa and you saved Ishani Datri's life very well. Do you have any questions for me before I return you from whence you came?

    Alexander thinks, “Any at all” says Abadar, “I am a god you know” as he chuckles. Yes, Wealthy Father. Korvosa is being kept in darkness against the natural order and I'm trying to put things right. What do I need to do to accomplish that?

    Abadar says “Do? Do? Do what comes Naturally, Rule of course. Why you follow that flighty Saranrae, however she does support me against Asmodeous. So that is well and good”.

    Alexander answers “Well I'm a bit confused. I rule but unnatural night persists in Korvosa”. Abadar replies “ah that Yes we know about that, caused by Sorshen and supported by an Exiled Duke od Hell Lorthact, I am told”. Alexander says “Yes exactly, but how to thwart them we can’t seem to find them”.

    Abadar nods and says “Alas I can't help you find them, Lorthact exists out of time you know and is impossible to find even for a god. Alexander nods and says “I have to find them? Seek them out? If Lorthact is impossible to find, could you tell me how to find Sorshen”?

    Abadar thinks “She seems to be the most powerful wizard in Galorian right now. And she does not wish to be found. I have a divine feeling, that something will change. You heard the expression loose lips sink ships”? “Yes, Wealthy Father” says King Alexander.

    Abadar says “ I have a feeling, perhaps a dissatisfied servant in their ranks will come one of these days. With that union someone is bound to be unsatisfied. If a defector you find, it may help lead the way. Although, he chuckles, it will be a Hell of a road there” “Thank you Wealthy Father. I will be watchful”! Says Alexander.


    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  6. #6
    Then Abadar says “One more question then off with you, you have things to do”. Alexander asks “I don't suppose you could tell me why they are doing this”? Abadar shrugs and says “Shrug who rule, to live, to be happy as they perceive happiness to be”? Then the god says “I thought you would ask me about your wife, dutiful Alexander with a chuckle. I guess if you don't wish to know I will send you back. Ready”?

    Alexander says “If I can beg your indulgence, what do I need to know about my wife that I don't already? Have you, you know, with her "aham" regularly”? Abadar asks. Alexander says bashfully “Uh, yes”.

    Abadar thinks and says “Alas I think something happened to her, when she was sacrificed to bring Runelord Sorshen back. Abadar answers “The Curse of the Crimson throne mayhap be real, but in this case the two women, Yovan and Sorshen are now joined”. As Alexander listens Abadar pronounces that “When she is whole will she be able to carry a child, not until then”.

    Then Alexander asks “So, in the course of stopping Sorshen, we will get what we personally want”? Abadar says “Yes, smiles and asks are you ready”? Alexander bows, and says respectfully “That is very helpful, yes, thank you”!

    “Pooof” Alexander gets out “Wealthyyyyyy Fathhhhher” as things become hazy and he is back with the group [To be Continued…..].

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  7. #7
    Thanks for sharing

    Today and on Sunday I also finished now my the first chapter of my very first campaign (three years old now)

    Now, I am exhausted, 13 hours of game in total for both days...
    Last edited by Kelrugem; December 11th, 2019 at 00:51.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelrugem View Post
    Thanks for sharing

    Today and on Sunday I also finished now my the first chapter of my very first campaign (three years old now)

    Now, I am exhausted, 13 hours of game in total for both days...
    Wow wish I could do that, the most I can devout now a days is 4-5 hours per week. The only cancellation is that with luck this will be a long running campaign. I think we started this one around end of October 2018. What I really enjoyed is the great attendance so far, and I have been enjoying using the Rewards and Roll Play as building blocks of the campaign. Funny enough I was asking these questions in 1989, and just now this campaign is answering them. Like what could happen when one use "Prismatic Spray", and the roll playing opportunities come with it. Granted it could have gone very different.
    Last edited by dellanx; December 11th, 2019 at 10:56.

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Fleurpink View Post
    I'm late but thank you for your sharing
    Thanks Fleurpink! I am so thankful to have FG as a platform, that makes for realistic play in Pathfinder possible. Campaign just finished the 70th session, they fought a battle with over 40 NPCs in Holvirgang Castle's main Keep. Now after things are wrapped up thee they will be heading to Hell's city of Dis at the invitation of Queen Eiseth. Good Times!

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

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