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  1. #411
    Would that maybe be important for a Ranger's "favored enemy" classsification? Or attacks with special effects on constructs?

  2. #412
    Quote Originally Posted by Roach View Post
    Would that maybe be important for a Ranger's "favored enemy" classsification? Or attacks with special effects on constructs?
    It shouldn't be. The thing I was mentioned was the trait of "doesn't need to eat, drink, sleep or breath". The "Construct" creature type itself isn't affected, just that you find the trait I mentioned on a lot of Constructs. You also find it on some Undead.

  3. #413
    Tyranny of Dragons
    Hoard of the Dragon Queen
    Chapter 5

    Encounter E05-04-04 Strong Room
    One of the lizardfolk tokens is in the warehouse instead of the strong room. The door would be locked and they do not have the key.

    Chapter 6
    Encounter E06-01-00 Lizardfolk Encounter
    Of the 9 lizardfolk, one is named Snapjaw. The encounter should be redone with 8 lizardfolk and Snapjaw. The NPC Snapjaw stat block has a missing language: Common (pidgin).

    Table: E06-01-00 Mere of Dead Men Encounters
    Chat can be changed to Enc.

    Castle Naerytar Outside
    Encounter E06-05-04 Huts
    None of the tokens are locked into full squares. Also, since the text says "sit silently in the pools of standing water", I would place at least two tokens in that large pool by the huts.

    Encounter E06-05-05 Moat
    The same thing with these tokens. None are "locked" to their full squares.

    NOTE: you might want to check all tokens on all maps if this is the case. It's almost as if the tokens were placed on the map before the square grid was added.

    Encounter E06-07-01 F Stables
    This is actually two separate encounters since the lizardfolk do not show up until two minutes after the giant lizards become agitated.
    Also, some of the giant lizards are embedded in the castle wall. They should be rearranged so none of them are embedded in the wall and none are overlapping (if possible).
    OPINION: The lizardfolk encounter should happen just outside the stable doors.

    Encounter E06-07-01 G Lower Barracks (Day)
    Again, tokens need to be recentered and not inside any walls.
    Ditto for the Night encounter.
    Also, need to add secondary encounters for when the bullywugs from 2G join the fight. 2 for day and 10 plus Spattergoo for night.

    Encounter E06-07-01 H Forge and Armory
    Tokens need to be recentered and not inside any walls.

    Encounter E06-07-01 I Lizardfolk Ready Room
    Tokens need to be recentered and not inside any walls.

    Encounter E06-07-01 J Lizardfolk Sleeping Room (Night)
    Tokens need to be recentered and not inside any walls.

    Encounter E06-07-01 K Lizardfolk Sleeping Room (Night)
    Tokens need to be recentered and not inside any walls.

    Encounter E06-07-01 N Rectory
    The tokens are completely in the wrong room. They were placed in room 1J.

    Encounter E06-07-01 P Kitchen
    Tokens need to be recentered and not inside any walls.
    SUGGESTION: Relabel the Commoners to Helpers. They are called helpers in the text.

    Encounter E06-07-01 Q Great Hall (Day)
    Tokens need to be recentered and not inside any walls.
    Also, I would place at least half of the cultists and dragonclaws in the western half of the room. 3 cultists and 1 dragonclaw in the southwest corner building chests and boxes, another 3 cultists and 1 dragonclaw counting the loot in the northwest corner and the rest roaming the hall in two groups of 3 cultists and 1 dragonclaw.

    Encounter E06-07-01 Q Great Hall (Night)
    Tokens need to be recentered and not inside any walls.
    Also, the token in the kitchen should be moved to just outside the door that leads to the inner ward (area D).
    P.S. When converting to the FGU, the door should be open. (Drakes can't open doors.)

    Encounter E06-07-01 T Unused Chamber
    Tokens need to be recentered and not inside any walls.
    Lastly, according to the text, there is supposed to be a door between T and S even though the map doesn't show it. I'm mentioning this when converting to FGU.

    Encounter E06-07-01 V West Guest Rooms
    Token need to be recentered and not inside any walls.

    First level is done. Second level will be a separate post.
    Last edited by astromath; November 20th, 2019 at 12:04.

  4. #414
    Tyranny of Dragons
    Hoard of the Dragon Queen

    Just saw that the grid for level 1 is slightly misaligned. It is aligned ok in the upper left corner of the map, but out of alignment at the bottom right corner.

    Chapter 6 Level 2

    The square map grid needs to be realigned. See map area 2L to see how much it needs realigning.

    Encounter E06-08-02 A Upper Barbican
    There are 2 tokens are inside the wall and 1 on the outside (i.e. hanging in midair).
    Also, the map doesn't show it, but the text says that the bullywug archers can see down into 1B. I'm mentioning this when converting to FGU.

    E06-08-02 E Rotted Floor
    The text has been rearranged in the Tyranny of Dragons, page 70. I'm adding all of the changed text here. (A line of text is missing in your version anyway.)

    The second level of the northwest tower is in bad shape. There are large holes where the floorboards have completely rotted away or fallen into the muck below, and the floorboards that remain are unlikely to support a human's weight. The beams are still strong, but they are slick with fungus and mold. A successful DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check is needed to cross the level on a beam without slipping and falling into the awfulness of area 1E.

    The stone steps that wind around the outer wall come to a small (approximately 3 feet by 3 feet) stone landing, then continue upward to the third level. Characters are safe from falling as long as they stay on the landing or the steps.

    A trapdoor closes off the top of the stairs at the ceiling. The door also bears a warning but, because the warning was drawn in chalk nearly a century ago, it is all but invisible now. It can be noticed with a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check. After the chalk mark is noticed, anyone who reads Dwarvish can correctly interpret it as a warning that powerful undead reside in the room beyond. Adventurers placed the rune here decades ago after running afoul of the specters in area 3E.

    Across the tower, up against the south wall, is a single, locked trunk. The lock can be opened with a set of thieves' tools and a successful DC 10 Dexterity check. The chest contains 1,825 cp, 54 sp, and a pair of garish gold earrings that would be worth another 10 gp if melted. The chest was left behind when the last tenants of the castle departed, being considered not worth the effort to lug down the stairs.

    I would add a developer's note here saying that the contents weighs ~37½ pounds, not including the chest.

    Story E06-08-02 I, J, K Vacant Rooms
    In Tyranny of Dragons, they last sentence is deleted. Also, the single sentence paragraph is combined with the paragraph below it.
    On the map, the middle pin should be on the west side of the door.

    Story E06-08-02 L Outer Library
    The last sentence is deleted.

    Story and Encounter E06-08-02 N Library
    The tokens are too far east (probably due to the grid misalignment).
    The paragraphs have been restructured in Tyranny of Dragons. See page 72.

    Encounter E06-08-02 V, W Borngray's Sleeping and Dressing Rooms (Night)
    There should be an encounter for the raven (day or night).
    ASIDE: The map creator did not put any windows in these rooms. According to the text the raven squawks loudly enough to be heard outside. But how can that happen if the walls are so thick???

    This ends Level 2. Be sure to check the FG grids match the book grids. I've also been noticing that some of the text has been changed/deleted in the Tyranny of Dragons book. So, be sure to go over the text with a fine tooth comb. I don't think I'm catching everything.

  5. #415
    Tyranny of Dragons
    Hoard of the Dragon Queen
    Chapter 6 Level 3

    Once again, the PG grid is completely misaligned with the book grid.

    Story and Encounter E06-09-03 E Specters' Sanctum
    In Tyranny of Dragons (pages 72-73), the first two paragraphs are combined into one.
    The placement of the tokens are completely on the wrong level. Somehow they got placed in 2E instead of 3E.

    Story E06-09-03 L Rezmir's Office
    The text in Tyranny of Dragons page 73 have been combined or separated. Need to be redone.

    Story E06-09-03 N Rezmir's Sleeping Chamber
    The last paragraph is merged to the end of the previous paragraph. See page 74.

    Story E06-09-03 P Kitchen Storage
    The two en dashes (here-flour and vegetables-to) should be em dashes.

    Story and Encounter E06-09-03 R Cultists' Sleeping Chamber
    The second paragraph is merged to the end of the first.
    Token placement should be in 3R, not 2R (where they are presently).

    Story E06-09-03 T Cultists' Study
    The paragraphs are merged into one.

    Story and Encounter E06-09-03 U Observatory
    There are several places where there are merging of paragraphs.
    Tokens should be in 3U, not 2U (where they are presently).

    Thus ends level 3.

  6. #416
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    I'm suspecting that the problems on the Castle Naerytar map may be caused by the fact that WotC published a new map some time ago. I rather suspect that it wasn't the same dimensions as the previous one which is throwing everything out. There's no way the module was released with tokens all over the place like that so something has changed since it was released.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  7. #417
    Tyranny of Dragons
    Hoard of the Dragon Queen
    Chapter 6 Dungeon Level

    Story E06-10-01 Entry Cavern
    The second paragraph of one sentence is merged to be the first sentence of the third paragraph. The sentence that starts "The water flooding..." is the start of a new paragraph. See page 75.

    Story E06-10-03 Mud Room
    The first two paragraphs are merged into one. See page 75.

    Encounter E06-10-04 Centipede Lair
    The tokens should start next to the western wall (see text).

    Story and Encounter E06-10-06 Frog Lake
    The paragraphs need some rewriting. See pages 75-76.
    All of the tokens should be on the "island".

    Encounter E06-10-08 Tadpole Hatchery
    The text says the bullywugs attempt to hide in Area 6. So the tokens should be placed at the start of the tunnel, not the middle.

    Story E06-10-11 Frog Shrine
    The first two paragraphs are merged into one.

    Story E06-10-12 Pharblex's Sanctum
    The first two paragraphs are merged into one.
    Need to create a treasure parcel for the two spellbooks. Add to the description in the spellbook Items that the DM chooses the spells.

    Story E06-10-13 To the Graypeak Mountains
    Where it says "see episode 7" it now reads "see chapter 7"

    That's it for the Dungeon level as well as chapter 6 itself.

  8. #418
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Thanks astromath - all added to the list.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  9. #419
    Tyranny of Dragons
    Hoard of the Dragon Queen
    Chapter 7

    The map grid needs some minor adjusting. The grid that covers the Kennel will never align. My suggestion is to put the Kennel and the Stables on their own individual maps. Same suggestion for the Basement.

    Story E07-02-00 General Features
    The first two paragraphs are merged into one. The paragraph that starts with Light also includes the last paragraph. See page 78.

    Story E07-03-00 Important Nonplayer Characters
    The first paragraph should not be split.
    Subheading Rezmir
    The second and third paragraphs should be merged and "episode 8" should be "chapter 8".
    Subheading Trespin the Troll
    Both paragraphs are merged.

    Story E07-05-01 Portal Stones
    Missing first paragraph:
    "This location is not shown on the map."
    The next paragraph is text to be read out loud.
    Some other paragraphs need to be merged. See page 80.

    Story E07-05-02 Hunting Kennel
    The paragraph that starts "When the door opens,..." belongs to the paragraph above it.
    The first two boxed text should be one paragraph. The next pair of boxed text should also be one paragraph.
    Part of the boxed text that starts "The creature just inside..." should not be boxed. Move the sentence that starts "The four-armed troll..." to outside of the boxed text.
    The paragraph that starts "Trespin wears a mossy..." is missing. However, it is found under the Trespin's traits. Just copy and past.

    Outside the Lodge is done. Will do the lodge's first floor as a separate post.

  10. #420
    Rising from the Last War

    The cover art for the modules is the old art before they changed it.

    "Glamerweave Clothes, Vestments" and "Glamerweave Clothes, Costume"are missing from the Magic Items list in the DM Module. The Shiftweave Clothes are also missing Vestments and Costumes.

    Follow up question: The various Spells of the Mark for various races aren't under the spells Section in the Players version of the module but are found in the races themselves. Is that intentional to keep them separate from the Artificer list + Gust spell specifically mentioned?
    Last edited by Paperclipkiller; November 21st, 2019 at 00:43.

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