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  1. #1

    Dungeons & Dragons basic 1980

    anybody want to try and get a game going using old basic rules from 1980 .
    the red basic book

    I am totally new to Fantasy Grounds


  2. #2
    Ah, the joys of BECMI.
    Back when men were men and could choose from 4 classes and dwarves were fighters limited to 12th level.

    I think the biggest problem you'll run into is that as far as I know the BECMI rules haven't been set up in fantasy grounds.
    You'll be doing everything by hand.

  3. #3
    Tick tack toe and checkers can be fun to for awhile but soon grow old do to their limited options. There was a reason the game evolved. beyond basic to advanced and took off.

  4. #4
    Okay, so I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that Blackwolf isn't interested in joining a BECMI game.
    And he probably wants you to go away before he taunts you a second time.

    However, I would point out that BECMI didn't evolve into AD&D. It was developed alongside it. AD&D came about because Gygax wanted a game with all the rules for use in tournaments. BECMI was intended as a more casual game.

    I liked BECMI. It had a style that I don't really think the AD&D ever really captured.

  5. #5
    I see your point blackwolf.
    but I liked the concept of basic. a more stripped down bare bones version.
    would like to try and get a game going on here

    new to fantasy ground myself

  6. #6
    I started on BECMI and have found memories of it. Were you planning on DMing or looking to join as a player?

  7. #7
    looking to join a future game
    new to online gaming

  8. #8
    SirGraystone's Avatar
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    I would look at the Castles & Crusades ruleset, which is very similar to AD&D 1st edition

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by RespawningPleaseWait View Post
    Okay, so I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that Blackwolf isn't interested in joining a BECMI game.
    Ha ha ha ha

  10. #10
    I would gladly pay for a BECMI or B/X rules set.

    AD&D isn't "Big Boy D&D", it's a different game with different sensibilities. There's a solid community of folks who play B/X, BECMI, and their spiritual brethren like Swords & Wizardry, Basic Fantasy, B/X Essentials, BX RPG, etc. An OSR rules set would definitely sell. We even have an OSR con that happens every year in Dallas.
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