5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    FG Unity: Headless Client

    From what I understand about the Unity version, there is going to be a kind of server thing. But my question is, will this be a server runable by the GM or is it going to be like a subscription based thing only?

    I would love to be able to set up a headless server and still be able to DM from my normal pc.

  2. #2
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    Welcome to the FG forums.

    The "server" you've heard about in FGU is really just a pass-through server that allows people with port forwarding difficulties to still GM - brokering communications through the FGU server to/from the GM and players. This will be available to all users I believe. I haven't heard any plans for a headless server.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  3. #3
    Okay, shame, because my players kinda want 24/7 access to the server but running my pc all the time is not going to be a good answer to that. but running a headless server would be awesome!

  4. #4
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by jkru2133 View Post
    but running a headless server would be awesome!
    Yes it would. But that's a huge undertaking requiring a major architectural change.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  5. #5
    Have you considered something like ObsidianPortal or Realm Works to make player appropriate info available to your players 24/7? My personal preference is Realm Works because it helps me organize my world data.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    I have my old MacBook Pro running all the time with my FG campaign up. Players can connect whenever they want. I use Jump to remotely control the old computer from wherever I am, and I can also log in with demo if I want to test or do something during my frequent travel.
    It doesn’t take a very sexy computer to run FG. Consider buying an old computer and make it your up all the time server. It will be cheaper than a headless server pretty rapidly.

  7. #7
    Put your PC on a UPS, and just run it all the time with max performance power settings so that drive doesn't go to sleep and cause FG to timeout connections (or whatever causes idle Hosts to disconnect sometimes).
    aka Laendra

    (Discord: Laendra#9660)
    Ultimate license (FGC/FGU)
    Current Timezone : Central (CDT) (GMT -5)
    OP: 3317036507 / 2369539

    My opinions are my own and represent no entity other than myself

    Extension Support Discord: https://discord.gg/gKgC7nGpZK

    Extensions = risk to your gaming experience. If you haven't tested out the extensions in your campaign before your gaming session, turn them off. If you don't backup your campaigns regularly, you're doing it wrong.

  8. #8
    A headless server would be great, but until there is one, I migrate back and forth. My HTPC just doesn't have the power to run FG smoothly while playing. The rendering of text is an issue on Intel graphics. Hopefully this will change with Unity. So my players have two shortcuts for running FG. One to connect with my main PC while playing, and one with a different port number for the HTPC for character maintenance and checking out story details.

    I use this script for migrating:
    robocopy "\\the-other-pc\campaign name" "D:\games\FantasyGroundsData\campaigns\campaign name" /MIR /Z /W:5 /NP > D:\log\FG_migration.log 2>&1
    type D:\log\FG_migration.log
    I shared the campaign folder locally on the network for this.
    Last edited by Milmoor; September 14th, 2019 at 08:53.

  9. #9
    In my game we just use discord to share info between sessions, there's a general channel, a game channel and a character chat channel. In character chat its as you'd probably think...everyone talks as if they are playing their characters during a session. its like extended play beyond the sessions. As the DM I read it all of course and sometimes will chime in as an NPC. I don't really understand the need for leaving FG open 24/7 --- I mean don't you need the GM to add to the interactions and from there don't you need sleep some times...but hey to each their own - you do you.

    I also share files through discord outside of sessions -- some are just fun ramblings of some NPC, it may have ZERO impact on the story but its fun.....of course I could embed information very relevant to the story too. And of course discord is 24/7 access it when you want. Considering some of my players are 2 and 3 hours behind me timezone wise....its the solution that works for us anyway.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by jkru2133 View Post
    Okay, shame, because my players kinda want 24/7 access to the server but running my pc all the time is not going to be a good answer to that. but running a headless server would be awesome!
    I had the same issue, and my (imperfect admittedly) solution was to spool up a Windows virtual machine on my Proxmox server, running nothing but FG. Then I RDP in using either Windows Remote Desktop or Remmina (on my *nix boxes).

    It's imperfect for a couple reasons, not least being that when I remote in for a new session (or the RDP session disconnects for any reason) FG immediately stops responding and requires relaunch. I'm sure there's some sort of configuration change I need to make to fix that, though.

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