1. #1

    Support for tracking Conviction setting rule on the character sheet

    I've added this to the Idea Informer https://savagefgii.idea.informer.com...dea=conviction

    The conviction setting rule allows the GM to award conviction when a PC experiences great triumph or tragedy. Unlike bennies, they carry over between sessions, but a PC can only ever have one at a time. Players can spend conviction to add 1d6 (which can Ace) to the result of a Trait or damage roll. I'd like a checkbox for conviction, similar to the one in the D&D 5e ruleset to be added to the Traits tab (and mini sheet). I'm not asking for the roll to be automated when conviction is spent, although that would be a bonus. We'd still have to manually adjust the total of the previous roll.

    I realize I can create an extension to add this checkbox myself, but I'd prefer it was incorporated into the SWADE ruleset with the option to turn the functionality on or off as desired via Options.

  2. #2
    I too would like to see this added to the SWADE ruleset.

    In the meantime, check out an extension called "SWHeroPoints".

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Holgaph View Post
    I too would like to see this added to the SWADE ruleset.

    In the meantime, check out an extension called "SWHeroPoints".
    Got a link? When I search the forum for SWHeroPoints, this is the only thread that comes up.

    Nevermind, found it.
    Last edited by mac40k; July 19th, 2019 at 14:25.

  4. #4
    damned's Avatar
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    Hero Points will really only track the points and spend but not do the other stuff.
    I think Hero Points for 5E lets you choose a Dice (designed for Bardic Inspiration iirc) and you might be able to borrow some more code form that one but it would still need to add the exploding and add the dice to the next roll etc.
    It would need more work - best to request it from Ikael and cross your fingers.

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