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  1. #31
    JohnD's Avatar
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    Ah very nice.
    "I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind."

    - John Diefenbaker

    RIP Canada, February 21, 2022

  2. #32

    First, thanks for the awesome ruleset!

    I was creating a new character and like how I could drag a class from the PHB. If you go deeper into the class, there is a tab with various levels (up to 20). Is there a way to allow a new character to use this tab? That way, if I needed an NPC to start at a higher level I could just select the correct level and move on.

    Thanks again and thanks for taking feedback/ request!


  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Culdraug View Post

    First, thanks for the awesome ruleset!

    I was creating a new character and like how I could drag a class from the PHB. If you go deeper into the class, there is a tab with various levels (up to 20). Is there a way to allow a new character to use this tab? That way, if I needed an NPC to start at a higher level I could just select the correct level and move on.

    Thanks again and thanks for taking feedback/ request!

    No, the "advancement" levels are applied when you drag/drop based on the level that the character has already. So if the character is level 3 it will get the "level 4" entry. It's not possible to drag level 10 out and drop it on a character.
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  4. #34
    Thanks for the quick reply! Didn't notice before the correct button to drag and drop. This seems easy enough. Just bump up the XP's and then "advance" to the level I need.

    Thanks again!

  5. #35
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Culdraug View Post
    Thanks for the quick reply! Didn't notice before the correct button to drag and drop. This seems easy enough. Just bump up the XP's and then "advance" to the level I need.

    Thanks again!
    The correct way is to keep dragging the class on to the sheet until you have the correct level.
    This will do a lot of the leveling improvements for you.

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    The correct way is to keep dragging the class on to the sheet until you have the correct level.
    This will do a lot of the leveling improvements for you.
    Damned is correct. EXP is irrelevant when it comes to drag/dropping the class and gaining a level. You can drag/drop the class w/o the experience changing at all. If you haven't already done so I'd highly recommend watching the character sheet tutorial I put together in January.
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  7. #37
    I tried loading the Simple Brown and Simple Grey themes. The right side icons come up about the same size as the top right icons. I tried scaling from 70 to 100 but they still come up tiny. The image is at 70.

    It is the same with Grey.

    Dungeon uses labeled buttons instead of image buttons so it doesn't have the problem.


  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post
    I tried loading the Simple Brown and Simple Grey themes. The right side icons come up about the same size as the top right icons. I tried scaling from 70 to 100 but they still come up tiny. The image is at 70.

    It is the same with Grey.

    Dungeon uses labeled buttons instead of image buttons so it doesn't have the problem.

    I'll submit a tweak and see if that can be added. These themes aren't mine so it'll have to go through review by someone else.
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  9. #39
    hawkwind's Avatar
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    Celestain did you add any additional effects or does your rule set parse any additional phrases for character sheets and NPC's compared with the 5e/core base?

  10. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by hawkwind View Post
    Celestain did you add any additional effects or does your rule set parse any additional phrases for character sheets and NPC's compared with the 5e/core base?
          "BSTR", -- base strength
          "BPSTR", -- base percent strength
          "BAC",      -- base AC
          "BRANGEAC", -- base ranged AC (attack is via range)
          "BMELEEAC", -- base melee AC
        -- also added these effect tags
    There is also "DA" which is damage absorb. Example: Protection From Fire;DA:[$DIVINE*12] fire
    Last edited by celestian; April 25th, 2019 at 16:49.
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
    Documentation for AD&D 2E ruleset FGU Reference Module, or Web.
    Custom Maps (I2, S4, T1-4, Barrowmaze,Lost City of Barakus)
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