FG Spreadshirt Swag
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  1. #31
    Hmm now that the John Carter Core and Campaign books are out of Beta and in general release by Modiphius. Is this
    MoreCore extension still valid with the released rules? Is new work being down on this extension?

  2. #32
    Hi Chumbly!

    Thank you for your interest. I would have to actually give it a once over to see if there has been any massive changes between what was implemented here.

    I am not currently working on this. Time is at a premium at the moment (story of everyone's life I am sure). I may work on it in the future, but won't make any promises. When I get back to working on extensions I will probably work on my Expanse extension again next.

  3. #33
    Hi Ogedi,

    Did you every get time to confirm that your JC expansion matched up with the final rules release from Modiphius? I have a lot of time at home at the moment due to COVID.

    All the best

  4. #34
    Nerdeye has it on its list of games to release for FG. It's not on the splash page but it's got a listing in the forums. https://nerdeyeindustries.com/

  5. #35
    Thanks for that ProfDogg.

    I have had a look on the Modiphius forums and I have found some more information in the linked threads below. These are in the Conan part of the Modiphius forums.


    Titbit from thread (02/01/20)
    Its also worth noting that both STAR TREK and JOHN CARTER are also nearing completion as well.


    Titbit from that thread (02/04/20)
    The Ruleset has been completed and passed onto Smiteworks for final tests. Don’t know release date as of yet. If you would like to see more screenshots go to our website.
    https://nerdeyeindustries.com/ 14

    So this last comment is saying that the ruleset at least for Conan is with Fantasy Grounds for review. Lets hope COVID does not slow them down reviewing the ruleset.

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