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  1. #41
    But do you mean per session? The OP states "per session".

  2. #42
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Any session. If money is "required" to be exchanged before play, then that pretty much sounds like "paid game" to me. The frequency and amount of payment doesn't change whether or not it is a paid game, it just means whether or not people will think that it is a fairly assessed.

  3. #43
    Thanks for the clarification. You might want to update the OP to clearly define "paid game".

  4. #44
    ddavison's Avatar
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    The OP is correctly worded as-is. The per session was an example of how a paid game might be, not a definition. Are you asking to be paid by players? That pretty much defines it right there.

  5. #45

  6. #46
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    In spoofers game players are asked to contribute towards the cost of the next adventure, one time, on joining the group.
    I understand. That is a paid game. An inexpensive paid game, but still a paid game. If it is a request for funds to help out but not a hard requirement before joining, then you could probably skirt the "paid game" label if that is the concern.

  7. #47
    Sounds like the difference is pretty simple:

    1) Paid = Everyone is required to pay to play.
    2) Unpaid = Donations are accepted but not mandatory.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post
    Sounds like the difference is pretty simple:

    1) Paid = Everyone is required to pay to play.
    2) Unpaid = Donations are accepted but not mandatory.
    As long as we are spitballing... if I may make an amendment...

    1) Paid Game: Any game where anyone is required to pay anything to play.
    2) Unpaid Game: Any game that is not a paid game.

    Comment on 1): Anyone instead of everyone because I shouldn't be able to skirt the rule by inviting a friend along and not charging her. Also, shouldn't be able to skirt the rule by having one person pay the cost for the group.

    Comment on 2): Having created the universe of games I want the rule to apply to, I can simply exclude the rest of the universe from the rule. The definition of unpaid games is, strictly speaking, unnecessary. The rule and who (in this case, what) it applies to is all that is needed. A game where donations are accepted but not required (and payment is not required) is an example of an unpaid game. A game where neither payment nor donations are accepted would also be an example.

    If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them, and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself. -- Confucius

  9. #49
    Thank you all for the clarifications.
    I will make sure to follow these rules when recruiting for a paid game.


  10. #50
    I prefer to play "paid games" because money tends to make people more willing to show up and be responsible. I have had more positive gaming experience then free games. I don't charge when I DM but I am considering it because how often players just leave.

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