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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Welcome Flyndad123

    Rulesets take a long time to build.
    They are generally built by community members in their own time.
    Pushing, poking, prodding generally doesnt make them go faster - words of encouragement do help.

    Umm,... I wouldn't classify my comment as "pushing", "poking", or "prodding". It was actually my attempt to be slightly lighthearted about getting a response from the ORIGINAL message poster of this thread. The fact that the person who originally posted that they were working on a Ruleset for WFRP 4e has not been heard from since that original post back in July (3 months ago) of course begs the question if they are still, or plan to, create one. I thought a little lightheartedness would be better than, "Hey! You still doing this or what?" Because if they aren't it might encourage someone else to potentially start one. Also, this thread might discourage someone from starting one.

    So the question still stands: Is the original poster of this thread working on, or planning to work on, a Ruleset for WFRP 4e. There has been a lot of discussion on the WFRP Discord server about VTT for this new game and unfortunately, while several people have inquired about a Fantasy Grounds Ruleset, the Roll20 folks have completely taken over the conversation with updates and images of what is being created and worked on.

    I am not only trying to support the very latest edition of a game I love, but also support Fantasy Grounds in having a Ruleset for a fairly popular game knowing that Roll20 folks are moving very quickly with theirs.

    I find it somewhat irresponsible to boldly announce the beginning of the creation of a ruleset and then not follow up, at all, for 3 months! I know it takes time to create a ruleset and requires skills that I do not posses, but to go 1/4 of an entire year without ANY updates or even so much as a check in to say "Hi Guys. Progress is slow, but I'm still trying to put this together." borders on rude .. Is it "pushing" to expect maybe at least a once a month "check in" to let those who may be interested in the Ruleset and are following this thread know what is going on? I don't think so. Maybe I'm wrong, who knows?

    So I am sorry if you feel I was antagonizing the Original Poster by my comment, but if they aren't working on this anymore, maybe someone else in the community could begin to take the lead on creating one. (Better yet, Maybe one of the owners of Smiteworks could pick up the phone and simply ASK Cubicle7 or GW if they would be interested in creating some OFFICIAL content for their new game on the Fantasy Grounds VTT)

  2. #22
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flyndad123 View Post
    Umm,... I wouldn't classify my comment as "pushing", "poking", or "prodding". It was actually my attempt to be slightly lighthearted about getting a response from the ORIGINAL message poster of this thread. The fact that the person who originally posted that they were working on a Ruleset for WFRP 4e has not been heard from since that original post back in July (3 months ago) of course begs the question if they are still, or plan to, create one. I thought a little lightheartedness would be better than, "Hey! You still doing this or what?" Because if they aren't it might encourage someone else to potentially start one. Also, this thread might discourage someone from starting one.
    All good.

    So the question still stands: Is the original poster of this thread working on, or planning to work on, a Ruleset for WFRP 4e. There has been a lot of discussion on the WFRP Discord server about VTT for this new game and unfortunately, while several people have inquired about a Fantasy Grounds Ruleset, the Roll20 folks have completely taken over the conversation with updates and images of what is being created and worked on.

    I am not only trying to support the very latest edition of a game I love, but also support Fantasy Grounds in having a Ruleset for a fairly popular game knowing that Roll20 folks are moving very quickly with theirs.
    Roll20 stuff is developed faster - but cannot be programmed to the same depth. The depth takes much longer to code.

    I find it somewhat irresponsible to boldly announce the beginning of the creation of a ruleset and then not follow up, at all, for 3 months! I know it takes time to create a ruleset and requires skills that I do not posses, but to go 1/4 of an entire year without ANY updates or even so much as a check in to say "Hi Guys. Progress is slow, but I'm still trying to put this together." borders on rude .. Is it "pushing" to expect maybe at least a once a month "check in" to let those who may be interested in the Ruleset and are following this thread know what is going on? I don't think so. Maybe I'm wrong, who knows?

    So I am sorry if you feel I was antagonizing the Original Poster by my comment, but if they aren't working on this anymore, maybe someone else in the community could begin to take the lead on creating one. (Better yet, Maybe one of the owners of Smiteworks could pick up the phone and simply ASK Cubicle7 or GW if they would be interested in creating some OFFICIAL content for their new game on the Fantasy Grounds VTT)
    the ruleset is still in progress.
    to put it in context a ruleset often takes a year or longer - sometimes much longer.
    its been summer time where the dev lives - maybe they are outside enjoying the sun - they will post an update when they are ready to.

    SmiteWorks dont have the available resources to take on another ruleset themselves. Their internal resources are fully allocated to other projects.

    Here are a couple of additional screen shots for you.


  3. #23
    If it's going to look that good...I for one can be very patient

    Thanks for using "words" n the Theme vs pictures...I'm old and words are better for me ha ha.

  4. #24

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    By Sigmar's Beard those screenshots look nice!

  5. #25
    Those screenshots look amazing. This is the kind of finesse that won me over from Roll20.

    Since this is not an official Smiteworks project, I gather this is a volunteer effort?

    If so, have you thought about a patreon for this project? I would love to support the effort in a way I could!
    The Eternal One

  6. #26
    Valyar's Avatar
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    Let's not try to have the guy jailed
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  7. #27
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EternalOne View Post
    Since this is not an official Smiteworks project, I gather this is a volunteer effort? ...
    Maybe, some community developed rulesets are purely volunteer efforts and are released via the forums for free. Some require more licensing and SmiteWorks gets involved in the administration of them (usually not development) and they get placed in the FG Store and a price charged (see C&C for a store example).

    I don't think it's been said yet where this one will end up.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  8. #28
    damned's Avatar
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    some clarification may be required here - I am not involved in the project in any way - Im just sharing some info on it

    there is a lot to get through yet before community vs other is decided.

  9. #29
    I have no words...the screenshots told everything...
    Thank you so much and i hope to see more soon
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  10. #30

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