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  1. #1
    damned's Avatar
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    MoreCore Character Sheets

    Upload your MoreCore Character Sheets here along with a little instruction on how you use them in your game system.
    You can also upload a basic Rolls and any other modules providing they dont contain copyright material.

    The aim of this is to help people use other game systems more quickly.
    If you improve (even if its improved only in your mind) someone elses work please upload that too. Different people will have different approaches and by sharing ideas we can improve on each others efforts.

  2. #2
    Here is my sheet for FantasyCraft.


    The main tab has all the skill checks, saves, ability scores, etc. I have spots in the Notes section on the last tab for interests, Legend, Lifestyle, etc. You want to use the Abilities tab for all your feats and class abilities (sorry you'll need to make these libraries yourself).

    As for rolls. We have 2 crucial rolls, one of which will be in the next version of MoreCore. The first is for Action Dice. The roll for that is /explode 1d# Action Dice. With this, when you roll your action dice, it will auto explode. The second roll is going to be available in the next version of MoreCore, for threats. That roll is /crit 1d#+#c#. So an example of that would be /crit 1d20+3c18. Hence now it will indicate a threat on a range of 18 to 20.

    You'll find the spells under a flip frame on the MoreCore tab. On the Attacks frame, click that little box in the corner, that will flip it to the Spells frame.

    Disclaimer: You may notice some terms on those images that may seem strange for FantasyCraft. Those are setting based terms and are not on the sheet I'm sharing here. If you have questions let me know. I have asked for permission to share the modules, but was denied. Sorry guys. I tried.
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    Last edited by damned; July 7th, 2018 at 14:06.

  3. #3
    damned's Avatar
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    Attached is a variation on Shadelons character sheet.
    This one also uses the /crit roll (which wont be available until MoreCore 1.45 but you could possibly weasel a copy from me if you really needed it.
    This roll will declare a Critical Failure on a natural 1 and the Critical Success is defined by the c# value /crit #d20+#c# eg /crit 1d20c20 or /crit 1d20+2c19
    It also accepts modifiers.
    In this version you would click the Attribute and then the Skill Roll so that the Attribute bonus is added to the Roll.

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  4. #4
    I want to note the Psionics thing is from a FantasyCraft community rules extension, available on the craftygames Forum. It's not really complete and you would have to contact the guy who wrote it for the latest version of it. You can search for it there. I don't include it on my sheet because of this.

  5. #5
    Here is a screenshot of the SotDL character sheet.
    Human lvl 0 1 of.JPG

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    Last edited by damned; July 9th, 2018 at 04:37.
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  6. #6
    With the Witcher RPG out, I have been working on getting a character sheet for my game.

    Ill keep updating this as I find better layouts.

    Right now for the skills, I have two main type of lists in the sheet, one list that has all the skills listed, and I broke up the skills by their attribute. Meant for the preference for who likes which.

    I am working with damned right now in making the rolls in the Witcher to be done for the Crit/Fumble system.

    Once it is released, the die command will be /Witcher 1d10+

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    Last edited by Hurske; August 16th, 2018 at 15:56.
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  7. #7

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    Probably a stupid question, or just a display of my ignorance, but how do I import this character sheet into MoreCore?

  8. #8
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wbweather View Post
    Probably a stupid question, or just a display of my ignorance, but how do I import this character sheet into MoreCore?
    From the character management screen, select Import (blue arrow). A little bit more info on the wiki;

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  9. #9

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    Thank you!

  10. #10
    damned's Avatar
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    All Flesh Must Be Eaten character sheet.
    Ahoggya started some work on the dice mechanic for this and Ive made it do the exploding bits and pieces.
    Stupid explodes where on a 10 you roll again and add result-5 (but negatives become positive) and on a 1 you roll again and subtract result-5 (but negatives become positive)...

    To use this sheet you will need MoreCore 1.46 released real soon now...
    You click a number of modifiers from attributes, skills, qualities, difficulties, penalties and then the skill roll.
    There are some additional notes in the notes flip-frame.

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