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  1. #1

    New Computer and Moving FGII Data

    Hi everyone,

    I have been running a campaign in FG now for about two months. I have created quite a bit of content in my campaign, especially "Personality" files for complex NPCs, complete with their skills, feats, class abilities, possessions, stories, and combat stats. Everything.

    However, I have just purchased a new computer. (It is on its way via FedEx as we speak!) I am wondering if there is a relatively easy method for transferring my FG data to my new computer. I would like to avoid having to start from scratch and to rewrite it.

    I searched the forums for threads on this matter, but could find none. So, if there is a thread that covers this, feel free to simply post a link to that entry.

    I should also add that I am not, by any means, a computer expert--or anything close. I am proficient with the basic functions of Windows, at best. So, I am most likely being dense in regard to how to best handle this matter.


    An additional word:

    This is my first post, and I am relatively new to FG. (I love it!) Since discovering DnD, I have lived in various areas in the eastern United States (South Carolina, New York State, and Washington, DC), where I met and ran for many a great player in physical tabletop DnD games; however, when I had to move, I was forced to leave each of those games (and the great players in them) behind.

    You can imagine how happy I was to discover FGII! Now I've brought together five of my very best players (who are also good friends of mine), and we're having a blast!

    Thanks very much to the developers of Fantasy Grounds II for making online tabletop gaming a reality--without turning it into a video game!

    --Chris Altman

  2. #2
    Spyke's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Yorkshire, UK
    You should be able to simply copy your campaign folder from your old computer to your new one.

    Install Fantasy Grounds 2 on the new machine (you'll need your registration key). Then Update it to the latest version.

    On the old machine open your Fantasy Grounds application folder (you'll find a link to it in your Start Menu in the Fantasy Grounds section). In the campaigns folder you'll find a folder with your campaign name. You can either copy this or the entire folder with all the campaigns onto something that can be transferred to your new machine: for example, a CD or a USB drive. If the worst comes to the worst, zip the files up using something like WinZip and email them to yourself...

    Then copy your campaign into the campaigns folder in the Fantasy Grounds application folder on your new machine (or replace it completely if you copied the whole campaigns folder from your old machine). You should be good to go.

    The only thing you might need to watch out for: if you originally created your campaign using the d20 ruleset which came with Fantasy Grounds before this year, you'll need to also download that from here and install it before you can open your campaign.

    I guess you should also delete Fantasy Grounds from your old machine once you're happy everything's working to conform to the licence.

    Free GURPS tools for Fantasy Grounds at

  3. #3


    Thanks, Spyke! Those directions are easy and make perfect sense.


  4. #4
    Does this include all of the content I purchased? Does this work if I am moving from a Mac to a PC?

  5. #5
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by TRICOLORTUBE View Post
    Does this include all of the content I purchased? Does this work if I am moving from a Mac to a PC?
    Content you have purchased is handled differently. When you re-install FG on your new computer all of your content will be re-downloaded so you won't need to worry about that. If, however, you have purchased any modules or tokens or images etc not from either Steam or from Smiteworks you'll want to copy that over.

    I can't imagine that copying the campaign directory from your FG data on a mac to a PC should present any problems but I don't know for sure what steps you might have to go through to do so.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by TRICOLORTUBE View Post
    Does this include all of the content I purchased? Does this work if I am moving from a Mac to a PC?
    As spyke said...
    I just got a new laptop and just copied my entire FG directory to a USB then on to the newly installed FG directory. This way I got all my extensions and dmsguild purchases. It didn't take long. I can't loose my Rob2e stuff ha ha.

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