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  1. #101
    Not sure if this is a bug or user error, but while the magus arcana are mentioned in the content numerous times (such as "the following magus arcana supplement the staff magus archetype", etc...), they don't appear in the "Special Abilities" section of the module for drag and drop to character sheets. I checked most of the content int the library, but haven't read through all of the text yet to see if they are listed in the original text. Perhaps my expectations of them being available for drag and drop are incorrect? I assumed they had to be part of this splat book, because it introduces the Magus class and because both d20pfsrd and pcgen list the source book for those class "talents" as being the UM splat book.

  2. #102

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    Mississippi, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by nickabbey View Post
    Not sure if this is a bug or user error, but while the magus arcana are mentioned in the content numerous times (such as "the following magus arcana supplement the staff magus archetype", etc...), they don't appear in the "Special Abilities" section of the module for drag and drop to character sheets. I checked most of the content int the library, but haven't read through all of the text yet to see if they are listed in the original text. Perhaps my expectations of them being available for drag and drop are incorrect? I assumed they had to be part of this splat book, because it introduces the Magus class and because both d20pfsrd and pcgen list the source book for those class "talents" as being the UM splat book.
    Thanks for reporting this bug, we are looking into this.

  3. #103

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    Quote Originally Posted by lokiare1 View Post
    Thanks for reporting this bug, we are looking into this.
    The Magus Archetypes can be found under Special Abilities under the section titled: "Archetype: Magus". See image below. They can also be found within the reference manual under "Chapter 1: Spellcasters->Magus" If you just want to read them.

    Screenshot 2017-09-28 15.15.36.png

  4. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by lokiare1 View Post
    The Magus Archetypes can be found under Special Abilities under the section titled: "Archetype: Magus". See image below. They can also be found within the reference manual under "Chapter 1: Spellcasters->Magus" If you just want to read them.

    Screenshot 2017-09-28 15.15.36.png
    Sorry if I have been unclear here, but the issue is not with the Archetypes for the Magus Class. Similar to the way that rogues and ninjas have talents that they can select every few levels, the Magus class has "Magus Arcana" which are more or less the same as a talent from those other classes, but for whatever (confusing) reason, they call them "Magus Arcana". A full list can be found at the d20pfsrd: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/bas.../magus-arcana/ Examples such as "Accurate Strike (Ex)" "Arcane Cloak (Su)" "Spell Shield (Su)", etc are accredited to the Ultimate Magic Splat Book, but do not appear anywhere in the content of the FG UM Mod. My prior example referring to Archetypes was an example of another reason why I expected these "Magus Arcana" to be available in this module. It had nothing to do with the actual archetypes themselves, as they are clearly available in the "Special Abilities" but was just another reason why I thought the "Magus Arcana" should be a separate list in the "Special Abilities" section - because the text for archetypes specifically call out the fact that some "Magus Arcana" abilities compliment some archetypes better than others. Apologies if this is still not clear, please let me know if I can do anything further to clarify.

  5. #105

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    Quote Originally Posted by nickabbey View Post
    Sorry if I have been unclear here, but the issue is not with the Archetypes for the Magus Class. Similar to the way that rogues and ninjas have talents that they can select every few levels, the Magus class has "Magus Arcana" which are more or less the same as a talent from those other classes, but for whatever (confusing) reason, they call them "Magus Arcana". A full list can be found at the d20pfsrd: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/bas.../magus-arcana/ Examples such as "Accurate Strike (Ex)" "Arcane Cloak (Su)" "Spell Shield (Su)", etc are accredited to the Ultimate Magic Splat Book, but do not appear anywhere in the content of the FG UM Mod. My prior example referring to Archetypes was an example of another reason why I expected these "Magus Arcana" to be available in this module. It had nothing to do with the actual archetypes themselves, as they are clearly available in the "Special Abilities" but was just another reason why I thought the "Magus Arcana" should be a separate list in the "Special Abilities" section - because the text for archetypes specifically call out the fact that some "Magus Arcana" abilities compliment some archetypes better than others. Apologies if this is still not clear, please let me know if I can do anything further to clarify.
    I apologize for misunderstanding. We've added an update in the TEST channel. If you could change your settings on the loading screen to TEST and then do an update and tell me if we've solved your problem and fixed the bug, then we would appreciate it.

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by lokiare1 View Post
    I apologize for misunderstanding. We've added an update in the TEST channel. If you could change your settings on the loading screen to TEST and then do an update and tell me if we've solved your problem and fixed the bug, then we would appreciate it.
    Yeah, they're there in the test system. and so far as I can tell, they look great.
    Thanks so much for the fast turnaround.

    This prompted me to look up some other things as well, I'll be posting a follow up for them.

  7. #107
    My experience with the missing content for UM got me thinking about other things that seem like they should be drag and drop but might be missing.
    I took a look at the Advanced player guide, the core rulebook, and UC (I also own all of the published bestiaries but I didn't go through them on my little bug hunt)

    One thing I noticed is that the APG is missing drag and drop items for alternate racial traits.
    The reference book for the APG contains sections for racial favored class options as well as alternate racial traits.
    However, the "special abilities" section of the APG mod contains only the favored class options and doesn't contain the alternate racial traits
    Examples are the dwarven "ancient emnity" which replaces dwarven hatred, and the halflings "underfoot" which replaces halfling luck.
    These should be available for drag and drop in to the racial traits section of the abilities tab, imo.

    Taking that a step further, I became interested in how to effectively use those racial favored class selections.
    This led to me finding another issue.
    I'm not sure if this is a design decision based on ruleset functionality or a bug, but I'll give you an example of what I found.

    Racial favored class bonuses from the APG are not available for selection when the race is selected and a favored class level is added.
    I expected them to be there automatically for any content that I own but they're not.
    I also tried adding one from the "special abilities" section of the APG before adding the favored class, but they're still not available for selection that way.
    I only see +1 HP or +1 skill point as available selections for favored class bonus in either case.

    For both examples, ONLY core rules mod, APG mod are enabled in libraries
    EX 1) "The way I think it should work"
    create new character
    open races badge, drag "elf" (using core rules module as data source) to "race" line of PC sheet main tab. Racial traits populate as expected.
    open classes badge, drag "ranger" (using core rules module as data source) to "class" line of PC sheet main tab.
    Favored class selection pops up, I select ranger
    Favored class bonus selection pops up, I see only +1 hp, +1 skill point.

    EX 2) "The way I thought it might work"
    create new pc
    open races badge, drag "elf" (using core rules module as data source) to "race" line of PC sheet main tab. Racial traits populate as expected.
    open "special abilities" from APG mod, drag "Elf Ranger Favored Class Option" in to "class abilities" section of pc sheet abilities tab.
    open classes badge, drag "ranger" (using core rules module as data source) to "class" line of PC sheet main tab.
    Favored class selection pops up, I select ranger
    Favored class bonus selection pops up, I see only +1 hp, +1 skill point.

    While I don't expect the actual racial bonus to be applied, as I know that the ruleset doesn't support this level of automation, I would expect to see the alternate trait available for selection.
    I also feel that as new splat books are released that provide additional options for a given class, they should all be available for selection in this list as well. All the racial favored class bonuses from all the splat books that I own should be available on that list every time I drag a favored class to my sheet for a new level. IE) If the next book released were advanced race guide, and I created a tiefling magus, I should see "+1/4 arcane pool" available for selection. Last, I think that the selection made should be tracked in the "class abilities" section, too. The existing functionality that adds a (x2), (x3), etc.. should remain. This helps keep track of which bonuses were selected and how many times.

    I realize that some of these things are not bugs but more like wishlist items or design decisions and I understand if some of these things are not feasible or just not planned. One thing I do think that should be available, however, is some clarity on what we as consumers should expect when we purchase these modules. SmiteWorks has said that FG was never been an app for in game character creation, and I respect that. However, some of the things I'm outlining here seem like reasonable expectations from a user perspective. I find a lot of value in the work SmiteWorks puts in to these modules, and I don't regret my purchases at all - but it would be helpful for me and others to know exactly what we can expect to be automated vs what we should expect to do for ourselves.


  8. #108

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    I will add my name to NickAbbey's thoughts about how things SHOULD work. It is hard to avoid getting the sense that, after all the time when 5e wasn't supported and licensed, that PF doesn't get the same level of automation as the equivalent products under 5e. While I understand PF is a much more complex pool due to the array of products, when official content is added, we should get the same level of automation on that content as the 5e material.

  9. #109

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    [Not a bug, but I'm not sure where else to post store questions like this]
    Also, now that all the modules for Kingmaker are released, when can we expect the single download? While I try to support PF new products at (or near) release, I am not purchasing adventure paths until the single download is available.

  10. #110

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    I'll agree, though it also wouldn't surprise me that once WotC starts adding more character options, each with their own mechanics, that the 5E automation scripts start being unable to handle the new fiddly bits. At the end of the day, SmiteWorks puts their effort into where the money goes, which sadly has been 5E primarily. If Paizo DLC sells like hotcakes then PFRPG will get more attention (although I suspect most of the attention is getting Starfinder out the door in one shape or another) that it rightfully deserves.

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