5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Friday D&D 3.5 9PM-1AM PST(GMT-8)

    I lost a player and I am looking for a replacement or two. There are currently four players and myself in the group. I prefer a minimum of five players. I have been DM'ing and playing off and on since the mid '70s. I am looking for a mature player who can commit to playing regularly.

    We are playing D&D 3.5 core rules only. The campaign is set in the original Judge's Guild World. No knowledge of the setting is required. All characters must be good. The party level is close to 7th and you should be comfortable playing this level. The new character would start with xp and equipment similar to the rest of the group.

    The current party PC’s are a Fighter, Rogue, Ranger and Wizard. There are two NPCs in the party a cleric and monk. I will drop a least one or both of these when the new player PC(s) are added.

    I use voice so you will also need a working mic and headphones or a headset in addition to Fantasy Grounds.

    If you are interested reply here and I’ll send you further information.

  2. #2
    Do you have daylight savings time in California? I think you mean 9PM-1AM PDT which is (GMT-7). I had to learn this the hard way when all my players showed up an hour late. They were actually on time and I was an hour early.
    Check here to find out:

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Ganadai
    Do you have daylight savings time in California? I think you mean 9PM-1AM PDT which is (GMT-7).
    You caught me. I am actually on PDT. I tend to use the windows clock to give out the time zone differentials. I usually iron out this type of thing before I play. In general I expect to get people near my time zone, though occasionally you'll get someone not on a day shift.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganadai
    I had to learn this the hard way when all my players showed up an hour late. They were actually on time and I was an hour early.
    Better them late than you.

  4. #4
    I am on AZ time zone and am genraly avalible after 6pm. I have ben playing for abought 10 years. Moved to AZ abought 4 years ago and have been unable to find fellow RPG'ers. I have not yet purchaced FG as I just found it tonight and was doing a little research. any advice/comments would be greatfull.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    One of my other players is in AZ.

    If you have not already downloaded the FG demo, do so. The demo will run two instances so you can run a host and guest on the same computer and look at the differences. It will be easiest on you if you are in a resolution greater than 1024x768 when you do this because FG will then window and you don't have to worry about Alt Tabbing.

    If you have not already had much of chance to read the information on the home page it might help to do so. I am assuming at this point you realize that Fantasy Grounds is a virtual tabletop not a game. The makers choose to try to simulate things around a table in a face to face game. This has the advantage of making it fairly simple to figure out, but doesn't always use the computer to make the online game run as smooth and easy as it could.

    Let's see, FG is a windows only app. Read the message boards to get a feel for things. Ask questions, the people here are friendly. If you think you might run a game in the future - buy the full not the lite version because there is no upgrade from lite to full.

    As far as my D&D game goes it's in a very wilderness like setting. 80% of the world's creatures died 1500 years ago. It's a gently Norse flavored setting after Ragnarok. I play very consistantly, on the current campaign I've only had to cancel once (to attend my brother's wedding). I expect to run about 50 of the 52 weeks in a year depending on where major holidays fall.

    Let me know if you have any questions. If you do decide to get FG I'll send you all the details of the campaign. I have a private Yahoo Group where I keep most player information online.

  6. #6
    I think im guna go ahead and get it. I would like the opertunity to meet your group if you think Ill fit the roll. If so.... What kind of ctr is needed to round out the group. I usualy prefer a rouge or bard but am pretty versatal. Do you have any alingment restrictions, I seem to default to neutral evil. will you require a ctr back groud.

  7. #7
    Are ya still needin players?

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Schtick, the party currently has a fighter, rogue, wizard, ranger as PCs. They currently have two NPCs in the party a cleric and monk. I will drop at least the monk and maybe both NPCs when you bring in your character. You should avoid doubling up on a class that already has a PC. A cleric would be good, if you don't like them a bard or some other support class. Characters have to be good and stay that way.

    I am running a black and white world with very little grey. In the limited time I have to run these days, running evil characters bores me. Besides, the bad guys are already winning on my world and don't need any help. I do require a character background thought the most important part why your character driven to be an adventurer and how much of your immediate family is still alive. Based on you class/race and preference of a growing up in a village or “city” I’ll assign you a hometown in the region. You don’t need to write a book on your background, a few concise paragraphs are fine. You need to read the Valon campaign background first then and come up with something. I’ll look over the character’s background and make any suggestions needed to make if fit better in the world and send it back you decide on any need changes. It’s an iterative process where we’ll keep going back and worth until you have a character you are happy with that fits into the campaign world and region.

    Trheel, the group is currently leaning against 6 players. Mostly because they are concerned about the pace of the game and there may be some technical concerns about our voice setup. However if you want to sit in tomorrow we can see how it goes. If things work well I think you joining will be fine.

    Schtick and Trheel, I’m running tomorrow and that is not enough time to setup your characters and get your background done. Also the party is still in the somewhat middle of nowhere and not in a good place to introduce characters, though last week they made an unexpected early return towards the coast and I might be able to introduce new characters the session after tomorrow.

    What I would like to do is have both of you do is sit in tomorrow and run the NPCs to get a look at the group and game. Conveniently, I happen to have two of them available.

    I need you e-mail addresses where I can send you an invite to my Yahoo Group, Heroes Bright. When you join you will be sent three documents automatically: Online Details, Valon Campaign Background and House Rules. Look over the Campaign Background and skim the House Rules. Also read which Online Details says how to actually setup a character’s stats, etc. You can PM me you e-mail or post it here.
    Last edited by Griogre; July 20th, 2006 at 20:49.

  9. #9
    I might be interested, I been playing long enough to know some the in and outs.. well.. good 80%. hehe. Im normaly 100 percent on time, rarely do i miss a day and sense im on Est time.. i'll be out of work and home just before ya start.. so it would work well

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by VarnFury
    I might be interested, I been playing long enough to know some the in and outs.. well.. good 80%. hehe. Im normaly 100 percent on time, rarely do i miss a day and sense im on Est time.. i'll be out of work and home just before ya start.. so it would work well
    Hi VarnFury, thanks for the interest. I only have a couple of slots for players and feel it's fair to offer them to the people who responded first. Still I haven't heard anything from either of them yet - so you might have a good chance of getting in.

    If I haven't heard from them by game time in a few hours I'm going to assume they aren't interested and PM you.

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