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  1. #1

    What do you think of my new Megadungeon idea?

    Hey all,

    Working on an idea for a megadungeon that I want to write. I'll probably write it for 5e and 1e/BECMI and have it take a group from 1st level all the way to somewhere between 11th and 13th. Writing the set up to get the party to the dungeon, so let me know what you think. Now, I'm a big boy; if you hate it and say so, I'm not going to run crying to my mommy and never log on to the internet again. The only thing I ask is that if you hate my idea please tell me a) Why you hate it and b)How you might change it (though a is more important to me than b). I appreciate it. Thanks.

    The adventuring party arrives in the town of Grendal to find the town in complete disarray. It seems that the town has just been raided by the Orcs of the Closed Fist. With a little asking around, they discover the general direction the Orcs came from. They also find out that this is not the first time they’ve been raided by these same Orcs. When they take off after the Orcs they find them at an old abandoned castle that lays in ruins.

    If they’re able to clear the castle, they will find in the dungeon (assuming they go there) a door to a sub-dungeon. When they get there, they will find a strange symbol and some strange writing. If they are able to translate this writing, it will say something along the lines of “ABANDON HOPE, ALL YE WHO ENTER THE LOST TOMB OF ATAXUS. LET WHAT LIES BURIED STAY THAT WAY” They realize that this is the Lost Tomb of Ataxus. Adventurers have been looking for this for centuries. There are rumors of a few groups going in, but not of any of them returning. And so it begins . . .

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    A couple of thoughts come to mind. None of these you have to answer, but they are things I would suggest you think about, if you haven't already.

    First, what is the ecology of this mega dungeon? I ask this because, if it is huge, and has hundred of creatures living within, how has it remained mostly isolated from it's surroundings? Is it self-contained? Are the entrance/exits controlled so their is little exchange with the surrounding communities? (I assume yes, otherwise the locals would already know about it.) Perhaps there are some entrance/exits, but they are via portals or planar travel so their is little exchange with the locals. Now, if the dungeon is undead, traps, oozes, plants and bugs, then little interaction could be expected by any means so the above wouldn't need to apply.

    With the above considerations, how do the orcs play into this? Are they a group trading with the dungeon denizens? Or have they simple camped at its front door?

    Next, can the party come and go freely from the dungeon? If not, how are they going to resupply?

    Also, does it connect to the underground realms?

    If applicable, once they (re-)break the seal, are the denizens going to emerge if they don't kill them all?

    Does the dungeon pose a current threat to the world? Does it once they break the seal/awaken the guardians? Why haven't previous adventurers triggered this?

    Finally, back to ecology. Is there a rhyme and reason to why certain creatures are in certain places? Is it just a huge map of disconnected rooms and encounters? Or are their various water and food sources that get fought over? Are their several power groups within either at peace or war with one-another?

    Hope that helps.

    Oh, and the warning should not use the word "Lost", because the tomb wasn't lost when that was inscribed

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  3. #3
    See, that's exactly the kind of feedback that I need. Thank you! This will be my first attempt at a Megadungeon.

  4. #4
    If you haven't already, I would highly recommend you read through the "Let's Build an Angry Megadungeon" series of articles at The Angry GM. (as well as every other article there!)

  5. #5

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    Don't forget to put in a few "Rat on a Stick" franchises...

  6. #6
    I figured the 4th Level of the Dungeon will be the Food Court with a "Rat on a Stick", "McZombies", "Burger Ghast" and a Sonic.

  7. #7
    Phystus's Avatar
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    LE makes some great points.

    One other thing. You wrote "When they take off after the Orcs..." as though it's a sure thing. Now most parties will do just that, since they'll know an adventure hook when they see one. But some might consider alternatives, like using the chaos as cover to pull off a heist in town, or trying to run some sort of con game on the residents. Some might hang back, figuring that a band of orcs big enough to do that to a town will TPK a small group of 1st-level characters.

    For that matter, how exactly are you going to plausibly explain why the orcs could cause so much trouble for a town without being much too strong for a 1st level party?

    Just some food for thought...


  8. #8
    Hadn't thought of that. I need to make sure that the party isn't scared from the get go. At least, it will be a pretty short gaming day if I don't, lol.

  9. #9
    Phystus's Avatar
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    I actually had that happen once, back in 1st Edition days. There was a tower keep occupied by goblins. Underneath was the inevitable dungeon that was supposed to be the adventure. There were four guards at the top. I figured the party would use a sleep spell to take care of the guards, the thief would throw a grappling hook, climb the rope, and help everyone else up, and the assault would begin. But no, the party decided to shoot arrows at the gobs but kept missing (the gobs had cover, after all), and eventually ran out of arrows. When they returned from the village with more arrows, I just couldn't resist, and the goblins (who were quite alert at this point) started doing the French Castle Guard bit from Monty Python & the Holy Grail. "So, you have come to be taunted a second time!"

    The party turned around and left. Shortest campaign I ever ran.

  10. #10
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    First level I like to start with Goblins and Kobolds. Nobody's afraid of them

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    Community Contributions: Gemstones, 5E Quick Ref Decal, Adventure Module Creation, Dungeon Trinkets, Balance Disturbed, Dungeon Room Descriptions
    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

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