1. #1

    LFG 1 Player LF Weeknight Game Mon Tue Wed or Thur Central Timezone pref Pathfinder

    FG License: Paid
    Time Zone: Central
    Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Looking for weekly or bi-weekly, on a weekday afternoon Mon - Thu.
    Term: Up for anything. It's been a while since I've played with a good group, I look forward to playing in a long campaign.
    Voice: I have TeamSpeak and Skype, if there's something else being used I'm sure I could get that as well.

    Game System Preferred: Pathfinder
    Fantasy Grounds Experience: Have full license and played around with it years ago when trying to salvage a displaced group.
    Character Type Preferred:I really enjoy playing a character that compliments the needs of the group. Rogues and Clerics are fun though.
    About me: I've been gaming since shortly before 3e was released, DMing mostly. Time has seemed to pull my hobby from my reach though and
    I'm hoping I can get it back with the help of FG and a good group. I haven't played in close to six year, until I've recently purchased the pathfinder
    book and ran a small game here and there. From what I can tell, it's gonna be like riding a bike getting back into pathfinder and I look forward to it.

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    Welcome punkorange - do make sure you come and check out https://www.fg-con.com/events - lots of sessions in all time slots and new players are very welcome.

    We have loads of Pathfinder Society sessions running and a bunch of 5e and some really cool Savage Worlds and Cthulhu games and so much more. Im running Trail of Cthulhu and Dungeon Worlds too which are both fun.

    All games are free to play, most require no experience (the pathfinder ones probably do require some experience and the higher level ones certainly do) - you just need fantasy grounds, teamspeak 3 client and a headset and mike. Feel free to invite a friend too!

    Let me know if you have ANY questions.

  3. #3
    damned's Avatar
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    Sorry - I missed that you were looking for a weeknight.
    If you can make a session during FG Con it will also help you meet other active players and GMs who may be running regular stuff during the week.

  4. #4
    Heya PunkOrange
    Hope you are well I am new to Pathfinder and Fantasy Grounds. I have only the free version of FG but I'm interested in learning better how to use all this software and play Pathfinder too. Would you be willing to tutor me a bit? I am open-minded and free most of the time. Unfortunately, besides very part time self-employment, I have no job neither so nothing is getting in my way from meeting you online anytime that's good for you. I have TeamSpeak, Free Version of FG. Can I connect with you?

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