I'm still hoping to find anyone at all who would be willing to run a short scenario of Pathfinder via Fantasy Grounds with me and teach me, meanwhile, more about how to do all this. I am free between hours of 6am - 9am PST weekdays and anytime at all on weekends. Software I will want to use is TeamSpeak for voice chat, PCGen for character generation, and Fantasy Grounds as Virtual Playtable. I have played one small and casual session of Pathfinder via RPTools (with lots of GM help) before finding Fantasy Grounds and have played D&D in the past + too many RPGs (NWN, Baldurs Gate, etc) to name/count so I have a little familiarity with systems. I have built a Pathfinder character with PCGen and imported to Fantasy Grounds Character Management. Besides having skimmed thru some Pathfinder guides, this is all I know for now though. Please, anyone, please help me become familiar with the Pathfinder game and Fantasy Grounds? Ultimately, I think I might like to play via the Pathfinder Society. Thanks, I hope someone will reply soon.
I wanted to link/attach the character I generated in PCGen to this thread. I built him (1st lvl Gnomish Rogue) according to Pathfinder Society Core Assumption rules. I wanted to get the character evaluated by the community, and especially those used to Society play - I wonder if he's legal and ready to play game yet.
If I could only know how to link/attach the XML. Attachment 11270 (is this <-- it? hmm? maybe ;P)
I already registered and got my Society # at Paizo, got me the Core Rulebook and Society Guild Guide (currently reading them), everything but having my character build okie-dokied should be completed already or in the works, right? I mainly just need to learn Fantasy Grounds and practice, practice, play Pathfinder.
Because I am newb to all this, I will be very open-minded about lesson/play style. I do prefer more casual environments however, I don't prefer "minmaxers" and things like that (someone just taught me "minmaxer", lol). once again, lastly, thanks and be well.