5E Character Create Playlist
  1. #1

    Roll inside Power that is not an Attack, Heal, Etc.

    Is there a way to roll dice inside of a power without them being an attack or heal or other?

  2. #2
    Can you give example?

  3. #3
    DeflectMissiles-R(hit by rwatk) reduce dmg by d10+DMod+MnkLv. If reduce to 0 + can hold in free hand, catch, 1 ki to make rwatk w/ it in same reaction (atk w/ prof)

    I would like to roll the d10+DMod+MnkLv

    I could inflict it as an effect on the attacker, but if I do that it does not do criticals correctly (it doubles the d10)
    I could make it a heal, but it would have to be limited by the actual damage done
    So, looking to just roll it automatically when the power is clicked, then we can apply to hp's as appropriate.

    There may be other uses I'll think of in the future.

    Is it possible to just roll?

  4. #4
    damned's Avatar
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    Can you do this as a Modifier - you would have to update Modifier each time the Monk levels up...

  5. #5
    I have my monk's deflect set up as Temp HP, if I get hit by a missile weapon, before the DM rolls damage, I hit my ability it gives me the Temp HP, the DM rolls damage from the missile. If I have Temp HP left over I grab/deflect the missile. If the missile does more than the Temp HP I take the excess damage as I should. --- When there are Temp HP left over, just erase them after the attack is resolved.

  6. #6
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    You can set up an effect and in the description/conditions/modifiers box enter DMG: -1d10 [-DEX], [-LVL] Set the Target to targets and Expend to On next action. Then when you are hit drag the effect onto the attacker before damage is rolled. This will reduce the damage precisely. One thing to note however is that even if you roll more than the damage the Monk will always lose 1 hit point which you'll have to adjust in the Combat Tracker. You can then set up further effects for the throwing back of the missile and the damage caused should it hit.

    I think I have just repeated myself

  7. #7
    Only problem I ran into with inflicting it as an effect on the attacker was if he rolls a crit, it subtracts 2d10 (but should only subtract 1d10).

    But back to my original question, is it possible to just roll dice and not have it be an attack, effect, heal, or damage?

  8. #8
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by arksorn View Post
    But back to my original question, is it possible to just roll dice and not have it be an attack, effect, heal, or damage?
    Yes, just pick up whatever dice you want to roll from the row of dice at the bottom of the screen and roll them in the chat window. If you use the dice from the character sheet or combat tracker then they will always be whatever they have been set up to be i.e. an attack, damage, heal etc.

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